Protesters converged on the Alaska Capitol and other capitols around the country to express their disapproval of President Donald Trump and his Department of Government Efficiency, run by his appointee Elon Musk.
The crowd appeared to be about 250.
They converged on the State-owned building because no one is at the Federal Building in Juneau, due to it being a federal holiday.

Although most of the raucous crowd of federal employees stayed outside the state Capitol, a few came inside to the press office to make sure the mainstream media appropriately covered their grievances.
The crowd was larger than the usual protests at the Capitol, in part because of it being a federal holiday, when federal workers in non-essential positions have the day off. Many of them brought their dogs. But unlike other protests, few children were at this one, even though schools were closed due to Presidents Day. Juneau, which is largely a government town, is facing a population crash because the current generation is not having children. By 2050, the state estimates the population, now at about 31,500, will be down to 27,000, what it was in 1990.

See photos from around other capitals in the United States at this USAToday link.
Getting a leftist uninformed crowd together in Juneau should be easy.
Just follow the blue and pink hair and the pride and trans flags
Hapless Democrats on display. Welcome to the world of layoffs, rifs, and terminations ……losers. More = less.
About as dumb as they come. Time to move the capital to the road system and let this hell hole return to its origin, which might be a nice little town in a few decades.
Slumber on, Trevor, Alaska has always been one big, black hole–figuratively speaking. And oh, what squirms about the putrid stench. Bring it closer to home, eh–why not? It’ll be the same ol’ same ol’, but maybe with a greater touch of class. Look, money can buy anything and integrity suspended for just the promise of a dollar or two in pocket change. Ah, yes, and as they quickly say, “It’s all for the good of the people.”
The state capitol should relocate to the road system without a doubt. If you read the recent travel report from the state, the amount of money spent on legislative travel by executive management throughout the state is eye opening. The new buildings would be paid for in no time with all of the savings on travel costs.
I agree Trevor.
Which one’s Whidbey (or is he the freedom immigrant one of the signs refer to)?
Scrummy@gmail,com, Whidbey is the one in the LBGT furry mask.
I don’t have a cat in this fight, just enjoying the chaos. But have to ask, “Where would the capital move??” Come now, give me a location. NO!
you wouldn’t suggest Anchorage with the Assembly makeup. So, would it be in the valley?. That would be a hoot. So fun!!!
They had their chance. The BP building with 80 acres could have housed both houses and staff. We the people voted to move the capital twice. Let Juneau rot on economy of out of state owned tourist traps as their main source of income. Time to drag them here and take away their federal rated per diems.
It is on the road system, has a good size airport and is centrally located. There are plenty of hotels in the winter!
While I have always advocated for a roving legislature (rotation to different LIO’s for the session Juneau, Utqiagvik, Dillingham, Fairbanks, Anchorage, Soldotna, Valdez back to Juneau). It will not only acquaint legislators with the entire state, but make it a pain for lobbyist. That being said, I would be happy with a legislature outside of southeast and on the road system.
How about moving it to ZOOM & keep each member accessible to their voters & less available to lobbest; NO PER DIEMS!
I find zoom meetings to be unproductive and it is too easy to tune people out. Also not sure if you can have a way for these to be open meetings with the ability to have people sign on to watch at any time, as meeting must adhere to the open meetings rules.
I am not a fan of zoom meetings. It is too easy to tune people out and you have a harder time observing, what they do on the side. At least gavel to gavel shows the entire room. Then I imagine it to be difficult to set up so many connections and adhere to the open meetings rules.
That is the Best idea yet!!!!!
Then the Valley would flip liberal.
These people are so out of touch with reality. Just ran into one protesting on our street corner and ask them why they’re so afraid of an audit. She screamed at me and said because the auditors is taking all the money. She was dead serious too.
Useful idiots. Sad.
Wow! That tells you a lot. ? Go Doge.
They wasted their time the majority of Americans are happy that DOGE is exposing the fraud, grift, and money laundering. Keep up the good work DOGE!
Gee, I don’t remember conservatives protesting Biden and Kamala at the state capitol. How quaint and charming to observe stunted liberal behavior.
When did Harris or idiot Biden ever go to Juneau they only stoped at JBER to get gas for Air Force one. The SS did not allow anyone to ask questions .
Which came first: Hippy Juneau or Hippy Homer?
We’re not going to make any meaningful – significant progress unless we disclose and scrub all of the … “Waste – Fraud – Theft – Abuse” from our government entities, at all levels: Local, State, and Federal. These protestors only prove their support for this malicious – nefarious grift that does nothing but diminishes Freedom and Liberty, as well as diminishes confidence in government entities. If for any reason they prevail, what will be left for future generations is a dismal outlook.
I can’t believe that’s is all the mentally ill lunatics they can round up in Juneau , I’d be interested to see the actually work history( if any)! and the mental records of all these people. Atleast in Anchorage you could entice a few hundred drug addled homeless people to join in for a hot cup of coffee and a donut, horrible turn out. Is that the best they can do!
Happily, there were, however:
No dead policemen
No thugs beating them up either
No destruction of the State’s Capitol
No defecating on the floor of the Legislature
No weird dude with horns sitting in the Speaker’s chair
No Proud Boy intimidation
No violent attackers breaking the law and going to jail
See, this is how protest is done in these United States. The MAGA way is so out-of-step. And Unpatriotic, too!
Aside from that one instance, what other conservative protests were violent?
Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the theatre?
A non-answer in itself is THE answer!
That is an outcome that would not be good for our country.
Got news for you Skippy, John Wilkes Booth was a Democrat. Moreover, Democrats and leftists haven’t been so angered since we freed their slaves.
Not original. Heard that line in junior high, back in the 60’s. Dog must be about 80. A little too old to be a brainless liberal.
So, you cannot name a single one?
That really, REALLY undercuts any point you may have had. Don’t you ever get tired of self immolating your own arguments?
Remember, I have no interest in replying to your questions.
Evidence here on MRAK says otherwise. See your comment directly above, posted at February 17, 2025 At 6:33 pm. You clearly answered my question.
Yet, here you are once again. Responding.
A small amount of self reflection will help. If you really have no interest, stop replying.
Sounds like a threat. Screen shotted and sent off to DHS’s “see something say something” program.
Your mind is in a sad state. Seek help.
And no fed agents provocateurs like Ray Epps uging the crowd to do things for later show trials and political imprisonments
Everyday you assume the position for your master. I hope at least you are getting paid, because if you doing this for free that is pathetic.
I don’t get paid, but I am thinking about applying for the next opening at MRAK.
I am absolutely, 100% serious about this. Please contribute a column or article. The limited scope of the comments section does you a disservice. You cannot fully flesh out your points, provide backing information and data to support your points.
All that I ask is instead of simply cutting down the people you disagree with, you instead write a column about what you do support, and why you support it.
Please publish any article you receive from Whidbey. I am very interested in learning more about his reasoning and justification for his positions. As I am sure most MRAK readers are.
I’d be interested in that as well.
I agree! I would love to point and laugh at Dog a lot more.
You seem to have forgotten the 600+ BLM/Antifa riots in 2020, Whidbey theDOGE.
Thx for confirming it was a protest, some wack Libbers actually thought it was an insurrection.
WTD I remember loads of protests by fiscally minded taxpayers in the era of the Tea Party. Thousands of people were there all over this country, yet burning courthouses, American Flags or destroying businesses was not on the agenda. These folks wanted the same thing we all still do; a government that is respectful of every dollar they receive and spends it appropriately to further peace and prosperity within the confines of the law. Government needs to be able to account for and justify each and every dollar they spent. Obama made promises and sicced Lois Lerner on taxpayers.
These days we discover that 4.7 Trillion in payments were made by the Treasury department without a budget designation code and no ability to track the funds or 42 billion get parked in a defunct account and literally no one bothered. The disrespect to the taxpayer by the bureaucrat class is breathtaking.
The Left’s “Summer of Love” 2020 damage costs were the most expensive violent protests in recent history. The protests which occurred in 140 US cities resulted in arson, vandalism and looting damages that will cost at least $1 billion to $2 billion.
Yes, please show us how protests are supposed to be done…
Oh poor, Dog. Just because your silly, pointless, but totally legal protest was peaceful.. does not mean you had any valid reasons to protest.
But sure.. dwell on the one part of the protest that is factual.
The truly sad part is that these idiots reproduce.
Dog; do you ever get tired of being proven wrong?
Hope people got photos for future id if it comes to that. The normies need to wake up and understand you can not live with marxists. Old school democrats no problem. We can argue about tax rates, but I know they believe in the constitution. Marxists do not want to negotiate. Subvert then rule then kill. Every time. Everywhere.
It is so good to see so many really understand this. Be ready though. It isn’t over yet.
Hope people got photos for future id if it comes to that. The normies need to wake up and understand you can not live with MAGA. Old school Republicans no problem. We can argue about tax rates, but I know they believe in the constitution. MAGA do not want to negotiate. Subvert then rule. Every time. Everywhere. It is so good to see so many really understand this. Be ready though. It isn’t over yet.
There, fixed it for you.
And I must say, Micah, your Christian love and values really shine through in your comments.
“Elections have consequences.” “Tough luck, you lost. Get over it.”
President Obama 2009
First, as a resident of Juneau we are not facing a declining population. We are growing by leaps and bounds. Our vehicle traffic is increasing, Costco is always full, we had several new citizens falling through the ice at the Mendenhall Rec area. The Leftist narrative says we’re declining because parents are not sending their children to JSD schools due to freaks advocating for gender transition. The people in the picture are the same activists that always show up. About .001% of the population.
Jim, 250 / 31,337 = 0.8%. Juneau is a leftist/Marxist stronghold. In the ideological culture war against totalitarian Marxism, patriots in Juneau are serving at the point in defense of our constitutional republic.
Not at all surprised by the absence of children. I expect that the number of Leftist federal employees in Juneau with children can be counted on three sets of fingers and toes.
The demographic picture in Juneau suggests potential community collapse, with few people working anymore but a high demand for services for the elderly and a lack of available housing. So many of those hired by and now retired from the State in the 70s and 80s could not function outside the Juneau cocoon. Escape is difficult but not impossible.
Send Elon to Juneau and the population problem will be solved.
Juneau Leftards would just kill him and then do unspeakable things to his body. That’s how they are in Juneau. Sick as they come.
Frank, you used the term “population problem.” I ask that you kindly define the term as clearly and precisely and you can.
Frank, great observation!
Elon Musk has a many children, something that was normal in our collective youth, which was before Paul Ehrlich and his now discredit theories regarding over population became popular.
Maybe the C19 jab sterilized them.
The US National Debt is rapidly approaching $36,500,000,000,000.00 and these people are protesting to grow it exponentially further and further and further.
How long is it going to take for that USAID funding to dry up anyway? You know these losers didn’t give up their bed at the shelter or step out of the welfare line to go protest for nothing.
Notice how the only people complaining about looking into waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption in government are the ones making money from the government.
No American should tolerate what has gone on. Keep digging Elon. Then let’s go after the thieves. Or you can just publish their names and the public can deal with it.
Whidbey is supporting theft by politicians. Isn’t that awesome.
Sorry, how much has Trump made with his sh*tcoin since being elected? How much has Musk’s new worth increased since then as well?
Wanna talk, theft, well there you go.
You know WTD you can howl all you want, malign the messengers and ignore the decades of malfeasance culminating in the Biden years.
You can ignore the obvious mismanagement, fraud and theft, but you can not make it disappear now that it has seen the light. It gave us the $36 trillion deficit and part of that belongs to you. That you are not angry about that, is puzzling. It seems you are not interested in a solution, why is that?
Cant wait until all the politicians with multimillion dollar portfolios earned on 6 figure salaries are audited. It’s gonna be glorious to watch the public servants squirming for pathetic answers for where it all came from.
I thought President Trump’s digital currency was a total bust. At least that is what the folks on the left tell me.
What is it? Is President Trump using his position to get rich, or is his wealth dropping? Don’t you leftists all read off the same talking points?
Facts and proof talk, your b/s walks. You lefties never provide actual facts or context to your babbling whines.
Dog; why do you insist on being wrong all the time?
Truth will be the vaccine that wipes out TDS. It will just take time.
I just love watching union crybullies cry. Fire every last one of them.
what a great way to spend a paid federal holiday off work, lets go protest something kids……
Thanks for the laugh Teri!
I strongly advise that you take a breath.
We are NOT a democracy, we are a representative republic and on that basis alone, one can discount your entire nonsensical diatribe.
(As an aside IF we were a true democracy we would still be in the same place as 77 million Americans voted for President Trump and he won the popular vote, as well as the electoral college)
The next questions then are:
How exactly does cutting wasteful programs result in”tax cuts for billionaires”? Be specific!
How exactly is reading data “commandeer a data base” and “killing democracy”? Be specific!
You make all these claims, so you must have proof to back them up….go ahead we’ll wait.
Juneau needs more haitian refugees. Move them from anchorage to Juneau. We’ll rehire the unemployed government workers to feed them and wash their clothes every day.
So the person who holds $15bn in federal contracts is deciding which federal programs get funded. But that’s not a problem because Elon would never put his own interests above those of you and me, right?
“call it what it is a coup!” how stupid can you be? a coup isa illegal seizure of government, not ademocratic transfer of power through the ballot box; the red; “coup” is the illegal seizure of power by the deep state beuracracies.
Department Of Getting Even. Revenge is a dish best served cold. This is the dish you ordered Dem/ Nazi/ Fascists. Enjoy!
250 hundred people showing up doesn’t evan make a mark. Not a lot of people marching against a person who is going to make America stronger and Get us OUT OF DEBT.
Bp is already occupied.
There once was a time when it was not and would have made sense to house the legislature. Just like everything else the state touches, it turns into a dumpster fire.
More like 750 and there were plenty of kids.
And FWIW Juneau is on the road system. If only DOT supprted the AMHS like the connection between Mat-Su and ANC we might see better connnection to JNU via the AMHS. But the Mat-Su leggies like it this way-that way they can use the useeful idiots in Mat-Su and never tell them how easy it is to use a phone, computer, and/or Gavel to Gavel to keep an eye on your leggies.
Yeah no, Juneau is not on the road system….the AMHS is NOT a road you can travel at will on your own. You invalidate your own claim by complaining that this same AMHS isn’t supported enough and has poor connections.
There is a considerable difference when legislators have to face constituents from their own district face to face, than the denizens, who also live in that same echo chamber.
I had the privilege of attending the special session in Wasilla and it was refreshing to see legislators (at least those with courage) stay and have honest and direct discussions with observers. Nothing replaces that face to face contact, as emails, phone calls get easily ignored all those miles from reality.
You own a store
Your store gets robbed.
Elon Musk looks at your security camera footage, and identifies the thief.
You get mad at Elon.
Make that make sense to me…
Democrats Officially Getting Exposed
Please Lord forgive them for they no not what they DO ! Any legislators that joins this protest clearly is delusional !
Do these mouth breathers don’t understand what a coup is.
They don’t know what an insurrection is either.
Nor do the know what a fascist is.
What do you call a large group of blue haired, retired female school teachers? A Trump protest!
I call they/them so many other things … but that will get me banned from this site.
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