Theresa Obermeyer: Don’t retain judges

Judge Adolf Zeman


Please read the Missouri Court Plan in the Missouri Constitution, Article V 25(c)(1), which states” “… Each judge appointed … shall hold office for a term ending December 31 following the next general election after the expiration of 12 months in office …”

Alaska Supreme Court justices’ retention elections are held at the first general election, more than three years after appointment/

Alaska Court of Appeals judges’ retention elections are held at the first general election, more than three years after appointment.

Alaska Superior Court judges’ retention elections are held at the first general election, more than three years after appointment.

Alaska District Court judges’ retention elections are held at the first general election, more than two years after appointment.

Because Alaska justices/ judges are not retained based on Missouri Court Plan, please vote “no” on all 19 justices/judges on the ballot Nov. 5.

Theresa Nangle Obermeyer is a resident of Anchorage.


    • Yes. It shows that Alaska justices/judgss probably have double the amount of time as Missouri judges before they face the voters in Alaska Retention Elections. By the time Alaska justices/judges stand for Retention, they are almost vested in their retirements which are probably 3/4 of the salaries for life. Please contact me if I can send you a clear chart of all 19 Alaska justices/judges standing for Alaska Retention and their current salaries.

  1. As if I’m going to listen to Theresa Obermeyer. I researched many of the judges and have seen some of them at work. I saw no need to vote ‘NO’ down the list. Who would replace them? Judges that change laws on election day like the one that did so when Murkowski was a write-in in 2010? Or those that afraid of disenfranchising TWO voters during Covid so they also change the law while allowing hundreds of voters to be literally disenfranchised by misinformation on where to vote? No, thanks!

    • “……..Who would replace them?……..”
      How about the dog catcher? I vote them all down in every election, and I don’t care if they ever get replaced.
      What do you call 10,000 lawyers on the bottom of the sea?
      A good start……….

      • I mean I love that joke too…but all kidding aside.

        If you vote out all the judges and don’t replace them you literally no longer have a legal system. I get that there is plenty to complain about with our judiciary system but it’s certianly better than most all the rest of the world and more to my point it’s certainly better than no judicial system at all.

  2. I typically vote relative to local judges one way or the other and statewide if they have made an impact important to me, one way or the other.

    Just curious why we should give a rats behind how or why they do things in Missouri?

    • “……..why we should give a rats behind how or why they do things in Missouri?……..”
      They’ve had the death penalty in Missouri since 1810. That makes them smarter than Alaska. By far. Taking clues might be a good idea at this point.

    • Please reread my “Letter.” Alaska Judicila Council puts out that Alaska justices/judges are retained based on the Missouri Court Plan which is not true. Please read my response to Dee Cee. I have an interesting chart and the salaries of the Alaska Retention Election justices/judges. Please contact me if I can send it Thank you.

    • Please reread my “Letter.” Alaska Judicila Council puts out that Alaska justices/judges are retained based on Missouri Court Plan which is not true. Please read my above response to Dee Cee. Thank you.

  3. Timely post on the judges. We always vote to not retain any judge every cycle. The bigger problem is all judges presented to the voters are pre selected by the Judicial Council. We are treated as unreliable, the state needs to insure we are properly guided in our selections.

  4. Wow! Just hearing somebody whisper the name Theresa Nangle Obermeyer is enough to make one’s heart skip a beat. What is this, Suzanne, All Hallows’ Eve?

    But look, of all the people I know, she’s the only one I know who can fly a broken broomstick and chase twinkling stars out of a night sky!

  5. I only vote to retain a judge on whose court I was a juror. Judge Wolverton is retired so….
    He was excellent.

  6. With all due respect to the writer of this article, to simply say “read this and then do that” (expecting me to go hunting for some Missouri legal document) is NOT a persuasive argument or well fleshed out reasoning. That sounds like all those, who demand that you “look it up on the internet”, because they can’t be bothered to make a coherent case for their cause. Explain to me why Missouri is so much superior in your opinion and provide facts that support that assertion. If you want me to see your point of view, it must be much better articulated.

  7. Unless you have a very compelling reason to vote “Yes”, a “No” vote is your best option. And by “very compelling” I don’t mean the biased pamphlet that shows up in your mailbox every two years, recommending “Yes” down the line. You need to have first-hand knowledge of the competency and fairness of a judge.

    The other very compelling reason to vote “Yes” is if the pamphlet encourages a “No” vote. The only time a “No” vote is encouraged is for a judge who accidentally shows some incling of true conservatism or courage of conviction do the right thing.

  8. Theresa’ s husband Tom Obermeyer failed the Alaska Bar exam 34 times. Yes, that is not a typo. 34 times! During all those years the Obermeyers unsuccessfully went to court on more than one occasion trying to get Tom admitted to the Bar.
    Do you suppose that she has an axe to grind?
    Many employees in the court system and in the Bar association that had to deal with Theresa had somewhat unpleasant experiences.

    • Both Washington Supreme Court and Oregon Supreme Court have ruled that American Bar Assn. law school graduates in those states do not have to take Bar Exams for WA and OR law licensure. Wisconsin has always allowed the WI law schools to automatically be licensed to practice law without an additional WI Bar Exam.

  9. If it’s on MRA I do exactly the opposite, works every time. All judges got a yes thanks to this well timed article. Thanks extremist, you make it easy.

  10. Now THERE is a name I have not heard of in ages!

    Are you actually still around, Theresa? And not attending Assembly meetings?

    And actually, I follow suit within your proposal, but not for the reasons you list.

    Judges, just like Sheriffs or any other law enforcement official, should not be elected. They should be promoted unto said position based solely upon merit, not public affirmation.

  11. I vote “NO” on all judges!!! Until we get stiffer penalties for violent crimes, I will continue to vote “NO”

  12. The Alaska constitution requires that the governor may nominate only people from an approved list created by a committee of primarily hard core leftists.

    The only way to start getting conservative judges is to amend the constitution to allow our governor to nominate whoever he wants.

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