The Hill: Sesame Street character has family secret: math, spelling, or drug?



The Hill reported on Twitter today that the beloved children’s show on PBS would have a new twist: A character in the show will reveal his mom suffers from addition. Or addiction, depending on the headline.

Either way, plenty of Alaskans will sympathize. For the third year, fewer than half of Alaska public school students showed proficiency on standardized tests for math, English, and science. And as for opioid addiction, it was declared a statewide disaster for Alaska in 2017 by Gov. Bill Walker; the highest number of opioid-related deaths identified in one year was 108 in 2017, of which 100 (93 percent) were due to overdose.

The Hill was quick to correct its headline on Twitter after the mistake was noted by Twitter pundits. The story about the show’s new opioid angle is at this link.


  1. Freudian slip? I mean in light of a recent Court decision wherein States successfully sued big Pharma for it’s opioid marketing and production practices and huge monetary awards now sought by the Plaintiff States…
    Yeah, lefties love this stuff.

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