The FBI’s Anchorage Field Office seeks help in identifying the person responsible for vandalizing the HeartReach Center at 865 South Seward Meridian Parkway in Wasilla.
On Oct. 20, at approximately 12:20 a.m., the person, wearing a mask, approached the HeartReach Center and spray-painted approximately 10 swastika symbols on the building and dropped nails in the parking lot. Security footage of the incident shows the individual wearing a dark-colored long-sleeve shirt over a black hooded sweatshirt, and a light-colored face covering.
The organization provides pregnancy tests, adoption referrals, and sexual disease testing, and information that gives women more complete information about the realities of abortion.
This is at least the second instance of spray-paint terrorism intended to intimidate conservatives:

In Anchorage last month, an unknown criminal spray painted swastikas and the word “FASCIST” on the home where there were Trump flags on display.
What the federal Bureau incompetence is actually going after a criminal. Wow now that you can’t go after Trump they’re gonna do some Real work?
If you go to Democrat background, he’ll probably get a slap on the wrist and a trip to Disneyland.
If he was a republican they’d just make him immune to charges.
I would start with the guy who put nails down under the mat Su woman’s Republican vehicles. Similar m.o.
I was thinking the same thing, can’t see the hood insignia in the Palmer pictures tho. Silly thought maybe,but the guy vandalizing Heartreach also has some large quads on him and the guy vandalizing vehicles also has pretty large quads too.
There are some real deranged people running around. Need to build some large mental institutions.
The public shouldnt have to pay to build anything for these clowns that think they are entitled to destroy property that inhibits services and actually saves lives.
A one way trip deep into the interior with one carry on luggage will preoccupy their time with survival so they wont have time to destroy property or hamper others trying to better peoples lives.
My guess is IF they find their way back to civilization alive they may be cured of all evil thoughts.
There is every possibility that this is the work of the same individual … or perhaps a group working in secret. Look at the M.O. and what was done to St. Andrew’s parish in Eagle River (3 separate times), Ammo Can Coffee in Soldotna, the residential victim, and the Anchorage crisis pregnancy center. Spray painting, the word “traitor”, the use of nails in the parking lot, phallic symbols at the church. And they HAVE caught the vandal in Palmer. I understand that if they go public, it would tip off the guilty parties. But it would be nice to know if there is a detective working on this.
The FBI could never put those pieces together.
My assumption if they are employed, that employment is in some sort of bureaucratic entity paid by taxpayers.
Curiously the alaska news source blurred the pictures in their article. I think the FBI will actually do their job and get this person.
And hopefully have a great time doing the Diddy round up and the Epstein roundup after that. Should be a great winter.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Whidbey can’t afford to donate to MRAK but he can afford cans of spray paint?
We’ll be seeing more of this. Libs are in full meltdown after the election and you have lots of mentally unstable people running around.
You can tell that person is definitely deranged. Weren’t those symbols used by Hitler under a government that promoted death? How on earth can it be associated with an organization that promotes life?
FBI? For a local crime?
Pray for crisis pregnancy centers and please consider supporting their mission. Donating fractional shares for ultrasound machines is now possible.
Good point about the FBI. The state police and local police should be telling those guys to stay out of our local jurisdictions.
FBI can be invited in. And if a case is ruled terrorism FBI has jurisdiction.
Those “Crisis Centers” trick young girls into selling their babies into adoption and should be stopped.
Planned Parenthood tricks women into thinking’s that having their babies murdered is health care and empowering.
PPH actually sells the aborted babies body parts for money.
Is your soul reprobate Naomi? If not, repent.
You should stop believing whoever told you that lie. Spend any time at all at a Crisis Pregnancy center (they won’t bite) and you’ll see what a slander that is;
He looks older. Maybe grey hair on face. And he wears an “Under armor” hoodie or cap. Thank God for cameras.
Swastikas and “Fascist”
Why must the Left mark their territory like dogs, with their calling signs?
Of course, being mentally challenged as they are, they fancy themselves as clever by screeching that WE on the Right are the Nazis and Fascists, while THEY continue to copy the exact behavior of the Nazis and Fascists.
These are not intelligent people, and one defining characteristic that they can’t win on ideas, so always go with vandalism and destruction.
Their whole being is about tearing the society they live in, not uplifting and building it up.
These are nasty people….
Why don’t these COWARDS go maskless when they do things like this? COWARDS, COWARDS, COWARDS!
I’m sure the Feebs will assign their best cover-up special agent to the case right after he fiinishes his stack of election fraud cses
Are we placing odds as to this turning out to be some Woke leftist?
The left is constantly expressing fear of conservatives. The reason is that they expect us to act like them (and we don’t).
This is clearly a woman. Has female thighs and breasts, even if they are small.
Antifa fashionista?
Maybe some have seen a video clip, but that frame looks like a woman to me.
I think the pregnancy center vandal is female! My opinion just from looking at pictures!
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