Sullivan takes surprise call from Trump at Kenai gathering


Sen. Dan Sullivan was talking to a group of Alaskans on the Kenai on Thursday when suddenly Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi handed him a phone — it was President Donald Trump on the line for him.

Sullivan took the call and then put it on speaker so the crowd could hear Trump as he talked about the King Cove Road, ANWR, how great Gov. Dunleavy is, and how his own grandfather spent time in the Yukon.

Sullivan had just spent time at the firefighting center in Soldotna and was at a fundraiser at the Davis house when the call came in.

As he spoke to the president, Sullivan was with the other hand fending off an attack of late-season, mean-spirited hornets that were dive-bombing him, adding a bit of humor and tension to the entire situation.

The gathering of Alaskans enjoyed watching the multi-tasking senator and Marine colonel both talk on the phone and swat at winged attackers at the same time.


  1. As a matter of great deserved pride, Senator Sullivan was recently promoted to full Colonel (O-6) in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is no longer a ‘Lieutenant Colonel’.

  2. I for one certainly appreciate as well greatly respect the fact that Mr. Sullivan is not compelled to make a spectacle of himself or his work since going to DC. It shows humility and character. We need all gvt. Employees to just forego all the drama and do the jobs they’re being paid to do. God bless him and his family.

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