Steve Menard, running for Wasilla’s House District 28, has a mailbox for a house?


Steve Menard, who has a long history of questionable activities that include trashing a hotel room, is a candidate for House District 28 in Wasilla. But the property he lists as his physical address is a vacant piece of land that is technically agricultural property. There is no tent, nor is there a travel trailer parked on it. It’s undeveloped land that he owns.

There is no building, not even a barn, on the tax rolls for his registered address.

It’s hard to say where Menard actually lives. During a candidate forum last week, someone asked him if he lives with his wife. He appeared to say that he does. Then the person pointed out that his wife lives in District 29, and he appeared to say he doesn’t live with his wife. It was confusing to the audience, to say the least.

Must Read Alaska dug into it and found that Menard appears to live in Palmer, which is out of the district he is running in. He does get his mail in District 28 at 3060 N. Lazy Eight Ct. #2-777, at the Bogard Mail Depot, where mailboxes are for rent. No one lives in a rental mail box.

The land where he claims to lay his head is Parcel B in Menard Homestead. Tax on that 38-acre property was $5,455 this year, while the property next to it, which he does not own, has a building on it and was taxed at $13,000.

Menard is running for the seat being vacated by Rep. Jesse Sumner.

Also running for the seat is Elexie Moore and Jessica Wright. Moore, Wright, and Menard are all Republicans.

Menard was recalled from the Wasilla City Council in 2011 after he went to Sitka on Alaska Municipal League business. The city was charged a $350 cleaning tab for Menard’s hotel room, which was left in shambles. “The damage included a chair and two mattresses that were irretrievably ruined by urine, a burned mattress and vomit on the carpet,” according to Ballotpedia. “Additionally, a window screen had been removed from its proper location.”

He apologized to the city for his misdeeds and reimbursed the funds but was recalled by voters anyway.

Menard ran for House in 2016 and again in 2022.


  1. Sounds like a good AK Democrat hoping he can win after coming in last in the first ballot like Mary Petola did.

  2. The taxpayers have the best thieves and liars money can buy. Why would you not want a job you will have for life and get rich?

  3. Menard is on the same “good ole boy” team as Sumner, Wilson, Yundt, McCabe (and others). I heard Menard say that he would be supportive of mandatory vaccines for nursing students if this comes up again (School of Gov’t in Wasilla on 10-14-2024). I heard Menard giving a wishy-washy answer when asked who would run the Pt McKenzie Port if it were finished – MSB or Anchorage Port. I got the impression he was leaning more towards Anchorage Port managing it. This was McCabe’s thought also if I remember correctly. That port belongs to MSB and should be managed by MSB if it were to be finished. His ties to Rino Jesse Sumner and his lack of support for the Peoples’ Choice on the jabs has convinced me that he is not the rep that we want working for us in the valley. NO on Menard. Jessica Wright needs work on her speaking and public presentation, but she gave answers that were in support of humanity and working for the People she represents.

    • That is not McCabe’s plan for the port. He has worked tirelessly to protect it from any type of Anchorage ownership or managment; he and I have talked about the port in depth. I’m with you on your NO on Menard. I do have an additional concern, as do others, of whether or not Menard will remain/caucus with republicans if elected. My guess is he will not. I will be voting for Elexie Moore.

  4. Why do you conclude he is not living in the post office box?

    I mean, let’s be honest, Steve is a very small man.

  5. Let’s not forget the Vote No on 2 crowd. Their “campaign” office is 721 Depot Dr., Anchorage. Temporary office space that is rented by the hour, kind of like a Red Light District. Nothing says AK politics like fraudsters sweep in, twist the facts, try to fool the voters, and promote what’s good for themselves at the expense of real Alaskan residents!

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