Sharon Jackson tapped as Alaska chair for U.S. Term Limits


U.S. Term Limits, a national organization, announced that former Rep. Sharon Jackson has agreed to be the Alaska state chair.

Jackson brings a depth of public service to this role. She has seen first-hand the need for term limits at the federal level and the depth of support among Alaskans regardless of political affiliation for congressional term limits.  Her mission is to see that Alaska adopts a resolution for term limits.

“I am very honored to be serving as the Alaska State Chair for U.S. Term Limits,” Jackson said. “Now more than ever before, the need for congressional term limits is crystal clear. Polls show that over 80% of Americans regardless of political party support congressional term limits. Term limits is truly the one issue that unites all Americans.

“Sadly, serving in Congress has become for many, a lucrative lifelong job rather than a public service,” she said. “This is part of the reason that latest Gallup poll showed that only 7% of Americans have faith in Congress. Term limits will help end career politicians, restore public trust, and make Congress work better for all Americans.”

“We are honored to have Sharon leading our efforts in Sharon to pass term limits on Congress,” said Philip Blumel, president of U.S. Term Limits. “She understands the problems within Congress and the need for term limits. Under her guidance, I am confident we will get our term limits resolution passed in Alaska.”

Jackson was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA and proudly served in the United States Army which brought her to Alaska in 1983. Upon completing her active-duty tour with the Army she enrolled in Charter College where she became a Certified Electronic Technician for the next 13 years.

She dedicated the next 10 years working for the National Federation of Independent Businesss, a state and federal small business lobby and the National Write Your Congressmen where she provided education on legislation that would affect the longevity of free enterprise. Sharon’s passion is to empower the people of Alaska to use their influence in government to preserve their freedoms, just as the Founding Fathers intended.

In 2015 Sharon became the constituent liaison for Sen. Dan Sullivan and has found her role in his office assisting constituents to resolving their pressing issues to be very rewarding.

From 2019-2021 she served in the Alaska State House of Representatives representing Chugiak-Eagle River-JBER, District 13. Jackson currently serves on the Alaska Workforce Development Board and Serve Alaska, also as advisor on Be Better Medicine Media, Ascend Fund and Veterans in Pain national boards.


  1. Term limits of two years is the US Constitution design. It is just public service defending our republic and all the rights of all the people all the time. Exhausting work. Then it’s someone else’s time of service and everyone gets back to minding his own business rather than neglecting it. That is the way to keep the liberties of the republic which is the the rule of Law. By that I mean the actual rules and articles of this US Constitution as written in 19776. Never again should we have this onerous smu democrats have made their God. Democracy is the rule of mobs, fifty 50 plus one, of participants in any action regardless of the human, civil and constitutional rights of others.

  2. Big battle ahead, Sharon. Be sure to be VERY public about anything you need to support this cause.

  3. In the 1980s I was chair of Alaskans for Legislative reform and we got term limits on the ballot three times. It passed all three times with over 60 percent of the vote. The first time it passed we went all the way to the Alaska supreme court and they overturned the vote. The second one was overturned by a lower court and the third time the legislature voted to repeal it before it could go into effect. This was just for state term limits. On the federal level I think it takes a 2/3 vote of both the house and senate, then 2/3 of the states to ratify it and finally a vote of the people. I hope you are successful, but it looks like a steep climb.

    • Term limits are not going to achieve the stated goals because it does not address the root cause of corruption in politics: money. Candidates will still be beholden to big money interests to fund their campaigns and they will vote accordingly. I see some big downsides of term limits.
      There is not enough time to gain understanding of the very complex issues and the lobbyists will be there to ‘educate ‘ them. We’ll get lawmakers who don’t know what they’re doing and big money will have even more power than it already does. Second, what if I like my rep? Term limits takes away my choice to reelect someone I think is doing a good job. California went to term limits for state offices about 25 years ago. Did it reduce cronyism? Take a wild guess.

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