Sen. Sullivan leadership roles announced


US Sen. Dan Sullivan announced his leadership roles for the 119th Congress. He has been named deputy whip for the Senate Republican Conference, the formal organization of the Republican senators in the US Senate.

Sullivan is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services’ Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support.

He is also chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Coast Guard, Maritime, and Fisheries. 

“The new Senate Republican majority has a great opportunity to enact President Trump’s agenda to unleash American energy, build up our military readiness, strengthen our national security, and revitalize our economy,” said Sullivan. 

The Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee serves a vital role in overseeing the Defense Department and supporting our military’s readiness as America faces one of the most dangerous periods since World War II with dictators on the march and increasingly working together, Sullivan said.

“As chair of this subcommittee, I will be intently focused on our military’s lethality and ensuring our service members are as well-trained and equipped as possible should they ever be called upon to defend our nation,” Sullivan said. “Similarly, I look forward to building up Alaska and America’s infrastructure, broadband, and maritime capabilities to maximize our national security and commercial and economic opportunities through my leadership role on the Commerce Committee. I will also continue this focus on Senator [John] Barrasso’s team as a deputy whip. I am looking forward to working with this administration and with my Senate colleagues to get our country back on track.”


  1. We appreciate it! We appreciate everything you do for our country in the positive manner. I only hope you have the energy to keep pace with this president. Let’s make Alaska/America great again!

  2. Do something lasting Dan !!

    I agree on the energy needs
    And our military!

    But for God sake address the Trawler problem!!!

  3. Can you find his replacement already? The military had to ask him to retire or not be in congress I heard… Alaska needs to get rid of all long term politicians like Dan and Donny who manipulate like street corner marble sharks. Yuck. Let me know when you figure out the government isn’t meant to employ everyone; He believes he is better than others- his relatives too… they usurped my patient safety fellowship (interfering in my career and healthcare, and it literally bit his family in the ass! He is a pig. Smoke n mirrors.

  4. No wonder we just can’t get the Ukraine scam to end with Sullivan heading up the WAR MACHINE. Dan says “he’s deeply committed to Ukraine” and with his help we will likely stay in this mess until he’s forced to stop throwing Ukrainian lives and US money away at a war he can’t win and the US doesn’t belong in. This WAR MACHINE BS needs to stop. I know, I know – Nasty Russia started it because we want to put to put troops on their border (no doubt ending in nukes on their border). I guess we didn’t have a problem with that when we threw a fit over them doing it to us in Cuba? I can’t help wondering if it hasn’t been all about the Rare Earth Materials, Oil & Gas all along.

  5. Why not talk about his other leadership role on the USAID funded anti-Trump NGO with Tom Cotton (International Republican Institute)? It will be interesting to see how much Smurf money Dan has been getting. My bet is that we’ll ignore that story just like we ignore his voting record and warmongering….better to just pretend Murkowski is the only terrible senator that we have.

  6. And how is Princess Lisa representing us? She does nothing but throw water on Trumps fire. Disgraceful..Long past time for her to be gone!

  7. No mention of amending the Jones Act, so Alaska could be more economical, nationally and worldwide. Not mention, amending the Jones Act does not need to use tax payers money. Just the samemo. gotta spend taxpayers. Buy a brand new ice breaker. Side note: I thought the Senator believed in “global warmming”?


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