Sen. Shower to be minority leader in Alaska Senate


Sen. Mike Shower of Wasilla will be minority leader of the incoming Senate Republican minority in the Alaska Legislature.

During the past two years there hasn’t been a minority because the Democrats peeled off enough Republicans to have a super-majority of nine Democrats and eight Republicans, leaving three Republicans — Sens. Mike Shower, Shelley Hughes, and Robert Myers — out in the cold with no voice in the Senate.

But now there are six Republicans in the minority, which leaves the Republicans left in the majority outnumbered by Democrats 2-to-1.

In addition to Shower leading the minority, Myers of Fairbanks-North Pole will be minority whip. Other members of the minority are Sen. James Kaufman of South Anchorage, Sen. Shelley Hughes of Wasilla, and Senators-elect Mike Cronk of Tok-Interior and Rob Yundt of Wasilla.

Although Republican Senators Kelly Merrick and Jesse Bjorkman are both on the record saying they would only stay with a bipartisan majority if the numbers were even, they appear to have gone back on their word and put the Democrats clearly in charge, as they have done the past two years.

Shower was appointed by Gov. Bill Walker to serve out the term of then-Sen. Mike Dunleavy, starting Feb. 22, 2018. Dunleavy had resigned to run for governor and Shower has held the seat ever since.

The caucus extends an open invitation to any senator who wishes to join in opposing government expansion and advocating for common sense solutions for Alaska, the group said in a statement.

“Our caucus is focused upon small-government, conservative principles that a majority of Alaskans support,” said
Myers. “We look forward to working with members of all caucuses who share our commitment to sustainable and responsible budgets.”

“With the new federal administration, there will be opportunities for the state to be a partner in new resource development projects, education reform, and greater state control over our own destiny,” said Sen. Hughes. “As the Senate Republican Caucus, we stand poised to advance great things for Alaska.”

“I’m a firm believer that Alaskan values and ways of life should be reflected in everyone having a voice at the table.
By putting our differences aside, we will work together for all of Alaska,” said Senator-elect Cronk.

“Alaska’s economy has been buffeted by national inflation, while also being stressed by local economic stagnation.
Now more than ever, we need a caucus that is clearly focused on enabling the private sector, which is the force that
can lift all boats by providing increased economic opportunity. State government can help, and has an important role
to play, particularly by getting out of the way whenever possible, and by efficiently delivering infrastructure projects
and services that are outside of the private sector’s reach,” said Sen. Kaufman.

“I’m excited to work with this dynamic group. Our caucus, made up of the majority of elected Republican Senators,
will be the team who offers a fiscally and socially responsible path forward that benefits all Alaskans,” said
Senator-elect Yundt.


    • While I agree. My only excuse I can give on behalf of my Eagle River is.. RCV gave her us the same way it gave us Lisa. Merrick would have lost a primary but was able to “fake” being a Republican and glean off enough uneducated Republican voters + RINOs to put her over. I really hope RCV is gone soon.

  1. We need to keep an eye on Bjorkman. He’s only using the R to get elected. He’s all in on RCV. Plus funding education to the hilt. Sad.

  2. I hope they BROWBEAT the Turncoat Republicans in name only. Especially Kelly Merrick. I will continue to flowed her email to show my disconnect for her and the TurnCoat that she is. She should really leave Eagle River and move into Anchorage proper and allow us in the ER/Chugiak have a Senator that is for our best interest and not her and her husbands self interest.

    • Yeah, but what good is a minority leader when the committee power is stacked with Democrats and RINOs who set the agenda and have the votes to overrule the minority? Fritz knows this. He was himself a House minority member in the 80’s and didn’t even have a legislative office in the Capitol. They gave him a cubicle across the street.

  3. I really don’t see any hope for Alaska without seriously revising the AK Constitution. But that won’t happen. Liberals need to start leaving the state.

    • Danny Boy: Can you think of any problems with your proposal or was this just wishful thinking disconnected from reality on your part?

  4. Bjorkman has always been a fake R. He sucks on every issue – unless you’re a liberal Dem. The Peninsula Clarion provides him cover all the time.

  5. Jesse Bjorkman was elected by his outright lies and ‘half-truths propagated and financed by the NEA, big labor, democrats and good ol’ dark money.
    So easy to look at his APOC income and expenditures, but the under-informed voters bought into his rhetoric.

  6. After being up here for the last 20 years, I have to say, most voters are uninformed about the candidates. In other words, plain dumb. They are intentionally led astray by the lower 48 left dumping millions into advertising to get their votes. So much for eliminating dark money.

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