Sen. Natasha von Imhof bows out of 2022 races


Sen. Natasha von Imhof said on Twitter Tuesday that she will not run for her Senate seat, nor any other political office in 2022. She will complete her term as senator for Southwest Anchorage, formerly known as Senate Seat L. Redistricting had pushed von Imhof and Sen. Mia Costello into the same district; both are Republicans, and a race between them would have been difficult.

On Twitter, von Imhof wrote, “Due to family circumstances, I will not be seeking reelection or participating in the ’22 election. I will serve out my term and then step away from politics to focus on my family. Thank you to my constituents and supporters for allowing me to serve our great state.”

Von Imhof has been rumored to be interested in running for governor, but with the recent passing of her father, Ed Rasmuson, she may now be planning to take a greater role in the family foundation, the Rasmuson Foundation.


  1. I am absolutely delighted, good riddance, now some of the other —— should also step aside. We need real conservative patriots to get this state back on track. I just hope we can keep Giessel, Alaska’s Pelosi, out.

  2. Pretty surprising. But I don’t see her out of politics indefinitely. After a gap of say, four or eight years, she might well come back in to run for governor. By then, her experience in administering the Rasmuson Fund may lead back into politics in that type of role.. It will be interesting to see.

  3. She can go back to flying around in her Lear Jet. Wealthy trust babies usually don’t have much to contribute to society, other than the complaining and moaning about how tough their lives are.

    • Lear? I did not witness this but I have been told that one time Natasha’s Gulfstream IV pulled up alongside a Lear on the ramp in Juneau, lifted it’s right landing gear and pissed all over the Lear.

  4. Thank you Jesus! Hit the road nat and don’t you come back, no more!
    I am sad that I won’t get to see how badly she would have lost considering what a deplorable snot she is, but….I’ll be happy to accept her resignation in lieu of.

  5. Her questions on the Senate Finance Committee have frequently been the sole voice and the pivotal voice of reason. There has perhaps never been a time when there was less business and finance depth on the House and Senate Finance Committees than is the case today, and Senator von Imhof is a major component of what there is. Also, the current Senate Majority has banned fiscal conservatives now serving in the Senate from serving on the Finance Committee, and that has been unhelpful. The administration’s huge and comprehensive retreat from any semblance of fiscal restraint has also hurt every Alaskan much as it has hurt the Alaska economy. I hope Senator von Imhof one day returns to the arena.

    • Thank you for a common sense, fiscally responsible comment. Clearly the other quick-to-attack commentators are spend more, gimme stuff misguided souls. The time has come to purge like minded legislators from Juneau and here in Anchorage, from the school board and Assembly before they bankrupt us all.

  6. Smart move Princess. The idea of watching endless replays of the helicopter hair hissy fit in oppo ads would make me ill also. With oil at $93/barrel, we don’t have an income problem – we have a greedy and entitled problem in the legislature and in the bureaucracy.

  7. People: If you want to criticize an Individual’s politics, I say fine. However, criticizing a person personally and calling her a deplorable snot( in my opinion) is deplorable. I wish Tasha the best. She has been going through a lot . Please do not kick a person when they are facing major issues in their lives. Thank you

    • Boo boo! She can dry her tears on her piles of cash. I was being nice by using snot as the only four letter word I could describe her with. Natasha Is disgusting, out of touch, entitled, snarky and compromised.
      Ohhhhhhh but I see what you are saying now, she’s is the only person in Alaska who has had to deal with family illness and loss lately. The difference is those of us down here don’t have daddy’s millions to console ourselves with. Get wrecked Margie

  8. Not everyone is called to elect office. Just because the ‘stars are favorably aligned’ for someone due to family ties, income, education, and community involvement doesn’t mean they are suitable for leadership. A Leader isn’t a leader, he is a servant. If he isn’t serving God then he serves himself and is his own master and his leadership causes the people groan. Now that she retires she’ll have more time for. God’s word and church

    • Maybe tasha can get cathy geissal to use her senate retirement better, and the two ladies can have bible studies over tea and sandwhiches.

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