San Francisco has new guaranteed income program for transgender people in poverty


Transgenders in the Bay Area have until Dec. 15 to file for the new San Francisco guaranteed income program made especially for them. San Francisco city officials announced the program, called the Guaranteed Income for Trans People, or GIFT, this week. It will give 55 low-income transgender residents $1,200 per month for up to 18 months, and is a pilot program that may be the second in the nation, after Palm Springs launched a similar one last year.

The program was launched because, per to the Mayor’s Office, trans people experience poverty and homelessness at higher rates than other people.

The GIFT program will provide “temporary income and a range of wrap-around direct services, such as gender affirming medical and mental health care, as well as financial coaching. Our Guaranteed Income Programs allow us to help our residents when they need it most as part of our City’s economic recovery and our commitment to creating a more just city for all,” Mayor London Breed said in a statement. “We know that our trans communities experience much higher rates of poverty and discrimination, so this program will target support to lift individuals in this community up. We will keep building on programs like this to provide those in the greatest need with the financial resources and services to help them thrive.”

Pau Crego, executive director of the San Francisco Office of Transgender Initiatives, said, “Even with our rich history of trans advocacy, we see that trans San Franciscans experience poverty at exponentially higher rates compared to the general population.”

The program will cost residents of San Francisco $1 million a year for two years and comes through the city’s Office of Housing and Community Development budget. San Francisco has 873,965 residents in the city limits. According to a federal study, there are about 807 “trans men” in the San Francisco city limits.

San Francisco already has a legally recognized Transgender District, with special rules, incentives, and set asides for transgenders.

This program is the third demographic-specific program of its sort in the San Francisco budget. In 2020, the city starting giving $1,000 monthly payments to “qualifying pregnant people” who are Black or Pacific Islander. The payments continue until two years after the child is born. In 2021, a $1,000 payment was approved for San Francisco artists impacted by the Covid pandemic.


  1. Do you qualify if you identify as trans?

    For $1200 a month I’ll ID as trans, homeless, living on the streets in SF. For an extra $100 I’ll ID as handicapped, too.

  2. “Do you qualify if you identify as trans?………”
    Do you have to dress funny to identify as trans? Wear makeup? Lipstick?
    If I “identify” as homosexual, must I perform sexually to prove it?
    Can I “identify” as any of these sexual persuasions temporarily, or must this be a permanent, full time performance?

  3. Wait! I just discovered I’m attracted to trees. I think that makes me sexually trans/pan/flan something.

    I need another $200 a month for this.

  4. Yes what proof do you need to get free money? Here is another reason this country is done getting tax dollars because your different. I identify as star dust and I want my free money. Anybody living in California and paying for this deserves to be taxed at a much higher rate.

    • We give money to native Americans year after year after year for no reason whatsoever… in fact the Lbgtq community has come up with a better reason to collect federal tax dollars than them and we still won’t cut them off

  5. SF is one massive clown show just like Seattle and Portland.
    This entire “trans” fad would be over in a nano second if they all had to have their parts cut off (Real Transgenderism). These freaks are playing dress up. Period. They created their own drama, by accepting the lie that you can be any sex you want any day of the week.
    Absolute bs. Sorry but they don’t deserve jack diddly. Last thing these people need is more propping up. But its freak California. Let em sink.

    • Wait isn’t Alaska the one having the tranny shows at kids playgrounds? What’s with your hate of California? Alaska is doing exactly the same thing.

    • We give money to native Americans year after year after year for no reason whatsoever… in fact the Lbgtq community has come up with a better reason to collect federal tax dollars than them and we still won’t cut them off

    • They don’t deserve Jack diddy? Alaskans are the ones that suck up federal funds like there is no end in sight. Do your math on that one….

  6. “The program was launched because, per to the Mayor’s Office, trans people experience poverty and homelessness at higher rates than other people.”

    Because trans people are mentally ill. Homelessness rates increase with mental issues. I’m not hating on anyone, but gender dysphoria is a mental issue.

  7. wow, ignoring first amendment freedom of religion rights and committing discrimination in the same sweeping move. This is advanced liberalism. Biden, Mao, and Stalin are proud.

  8. All identity politics is garbage. I discriminate against no person, the exception is people doing criminal and other clearly wrongful acts. I support special privileges for no person, the exception being the handicapped. Identity politics rejects the ideas of equal rights and judging people on the the basis “of the content of their character”. Identity politics is also inconsistent with Christian teaching, as found in Galatians 3.28. I urge others to reject all identity politics. Stop the insanity.

  9. So go out and create your own victim group, sell your vote, write grants, and raise money. What’s stopping you? That’s how democracy works.

  10. Government with its thumb on the scales again. This is designed to keep people dependent and poor. Mayor’s office clearly thinks that these individuals can’t make their own decisions or way in the world. In itself an asinine assumption. In order to feel hip and appear to care, they give out $1200 in SF where a studio apartment runs you $5000/mo without utilities. To top it off, all this largess is supported by those, who actually work and produce, yet have to put up with crime and filth without recourse. Classic redistribution of wealth were everyone ends up poor, except the few making the rules.

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