Sami Graham retires, as Alexis Johnson becomes Mayor Bronson chief of staff


Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson today accepted the resignation of Sami Graham, who has served as the chief of staff for the mayor since August. Mayor Bronson also named Alexis Johnson as his new chief of staff.

“It was an honor to serve the citizens of Anchorage as the Mayor’s Chief of Staff,” said Graham in a statement. “As I retire, I believe in the new direction for Anchorage and will continue to try to help wherever there is a need.”

“Sami is the epitome of a dedicated, and hardworking public servant,” said Bronson. “I will miss her, and appreciate her service to my staff and the people of Anchorage.”

Originally, Bronson had named Graham the director of Libraries, but she was not confirmed by the leftist majority on the Anchorage Assembly because she lacks a masters degree in library science. Yet, she was highly sought after for the Bronson team, and so was brought in to fill the roll of chief of staff, a position the Anchorage Assembly cannot touch in its efforts to take over executive branch functions.

Alexis Johnson is a lifelong Alaskan who has served as a special assistant to the Mayor since he took office last July. She currently serves on the Anchorage Women’s Commission. She is a graduate of Arizona State University with a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis in marketing and gender studies.  

She was a business owner of a food and beverage establishment and served as a volunteer on the Bronson for Mayor campaign.

“Alexis is one of our state’s brightest Alaskans,” said Bronson. “I am confident she will help my administration execute our goals to make Anchorage successful now and into the future.”

“I am honored that the mayor has tapped me to be his Chief of Staff,” said Johnson. “I want to thank Sami for her leadership and look forward to advancing the Mayor’s agenda for Anchorage.”

The changing of assignments was effective Jan. 28, 2022.


  1. I hope our new mayor follows the professional conduct billy graham honored not to be alone with any women other than his wife ruth. Beautiful women still in their youth and politics is a dangeous alluring and tempting combination for the men any woman works around. One more thing to add to the prayerlist.

    • Slick!

      So Bronson plays crony capitalist with citizen tax dollars on behalf of his far-right wingnut toadies..

      Six months’ service and a sudden retirement? Why would she do that after fighting so hard for a position in the administration?

      Well…Ol’ Sami worked just long enough (6 months) to vest in “high five” retirement payouts from both Social Security and PERS [if she grandfathered into the old Teacher’s Retirement System (TRS). I’ve seen it happen too many times. Somehow, it’s always only the “well-connected” who have access to and successfully pull off this particular legitimized theft of federal and local tax revenue.

      Evidently, Bronson and his pack of grifters and con artist friends ensconced themselves in City Hall for the sole purpose of sucking up Anchorage taxpayers’ dollars and dumping them into their own bank accounts.

      So much for fiscal conservatism. In criminal law, it’s known as embezzlement.

  2. So Bronson went to war with the Assembly over this gal, and now she’s done after, what, six months or so?

    One must ask: Was it really worth it?

    I’ll bet she finally figured out that working for a far-right administration with an autocratic boss wasn’t really her cup of tea.

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