Rep. Revak gets nod, moves from House to Senate Seat M


When Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer showed up at the Legislative Information Offices in Anchorage at 2:40 pm on a Saturday with a folder in hand, the reason was obvious: The Alaska Senate Republicans confirmed they accepted Rep. Josh Revak as the senator for District M, south Anchorage.

Rep. Revak disappears into the elevator at the Legislative Information Office for his interview with Senate Republicans.

Revak’s name was chosen by Gov. Mike Dunleavy after the Senate Republicans refused to approve Rep. Laddie Shaw, for reasons they left unstated.

The meeting between Revak and the Senate Republicans took place at the Legislative Information Offices in Anchorage.

Revak will represent District 25 and 26. He lives in Abbott Loop and Lower Hillside’s District 25.

District 25 Republicans will convene on Nov. 11 to begin the process of replacing Revak.

Revak was born in 1981, into “very humble conditions,” spending his first years in a mobile home, with land to grow crops and raise livestock in rural Minnesota.

Revak enlisted in the U.S. Army as a battle Tank crew member at age 20. He joined the Army January 2002 and by May 2003 he deployed to Iraq with 1-37 Armor, 1st BDE, 1st Armored Division. He was redeployed to combat in January 2006 where he was severely wounded by an enemy mortar attack.

He was hired as Military and Veterans Affairs Liaison to Congressman Don Young in December 2009, were he worked for six years and moved to Alaska with his wife Marta and their two daughters Keilah and Sydney. In May 2016 was hired by Senator Dan Sullivan where he worked for over two years, spearheading issues in the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans affairs.

Revak earned an MBA in business administration and management from Alaska Pacific University, was awarded a Purple Heart Medal and Presidential Unit Citation Award recipient, served as Treasurer in the Abbott Loop Community Council, is a life member in the Military Order of the Purple Heart, VFW and NRA, Safari Club International, Alaska Chapter (where he works with the organization’s Wounded Warrior on Safari Program.)


  1. The dismissal of American hero Laddie Shaw by Geissel should not go quietly into the night. There is zero justification for what has taken place here. Geissel is not fit to serve in any legislative capacity. Discrimination should not be lightly dismissed
    Laddy Shaw has shown the great class and should have been appointed. This is a sad chapter whereby all veterans should take heed as to the outrageous action

    • I’m guessing it had more to do with the blowback Geissel received from the way she handled the Shaw appointment.

    • You think “he made a deal,” but dollars to doughnuts he handled his confirmation hearing differently than Shaw.

    • I’m trying to think like Steve-O and believe it was more the backlash that would have fallen upon Giessel and Co. if they didn’t confirm Josh. I for one was prepared to light her up, verbally of course with my free speech rights, and ask her “do you know something that others don’t (her unclassy line) or are you just a veteran hater?”
      Congratulations Josh! This is going to be a great year!

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