Rep. Laddie Shaw gets hero’s welcome in Fairbanks


Rep. Laddie Shaw showed up at the Alaska Republican Party’s State Central Committee meeting in Fairbanks on Friday, and was given a hero’s welcome and a standing ovation.

Shaw had been denied a seat in the Senate after six Senate Republicans voted against his confirmation to Senate Seat M. The seat is vacant after the passing of Sen. Chris Birch in August.

[Read: No go: Senate Republicans take a pass on Laddie Shaw]

Shaw was introduced Friday night along with other lawmakers present, including former State Senator Pete Kelly and House Representative Dave Talerico. The audience applauded for all of them, but the heavy applause and whistles were reserved for Shaw, who was seated in a place of honor next to Gov. Michael Dunleavy.

[Read: Republicans react with shock over Laddie Shaw vote]

Shaw was nominated to be the District M senator by Republicans in his district. His name was among three forwarded to the governor, who had interviewed all three candidates before choosing Shaw.

On Thursday, the Senate Republicans met and split the vote 6-6, which denied Shaw the seat in the Senate.


  1. REP Laddie Shaw had something many of the Senators lack and that was commitment to those who sent him to the House….The Senate Leadership all need to be shown the door in the next Election….

    • His commitment and integrity are above reproach, if Governor Dunleavy cannot find his equal, and he is willing, his name should be resubmitted. The constituents of those who voted against him deserve better than their current representation.

  2. We hope our Gov puts him back up! Our district voted for Laddie in the first place. From our actual constituent perspective, Cathy’s statement makes no sense, we don’t understand….

  3. It tells me there are 6 back-stabbing communists er- democrats posing as republicans. The GOP needs to do a self-audit and clean house. If they sympathize and support democrat ideologues, they are no better than the Russian communists party members who were handing the “Tokerev treatment” to the no-longer-needed masses of supporters.

  4. LARRY ZENOR / september 24 2019
    Democrats posing as republicans lets all stand with our great Gov Dunleavy by
    resubmitting (LADDIE SHAW) a first glass patriot with honor lets put Laddie shaw
    in the Senate where he belongs for the great State of Alaska.

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