Rep. Fields now accuses commissioner of slandering him



Rep. Zack Fields, an Anchorage Democrat, sent a note to all 59 other legislators today accusing Commissioner of Administration Kelly Tshibaka of slandering him.

His letter was in response to Tshibaka’s testimony in front of the committee that Fields leads, House State Affairs. Tshibaka announced to the committee that Fields had, in her earlier conversation with him, told her to prepare to discuss in front of the committee how her religious beliefs would impact her work as a department head.

[Read the original story here]

[Read the transcript of what Tshibaka actually said here]

Field’s letter follows:

“I was surprised yesterday when Commissioner Tshibaka slandered me in her opening statement, by suggesting that I imposed some sort of religious “test” for her appointment.

Here are the facts: Commissioner Tshibaka had requested to meet with me prior to the State Affairs Committee meeting, and I met with her per her request. We discussed several questions that I thought might come up in the committee, based on discussions of her record in the media. One of the questions I asked her was if she could separate her personal opposition to LGBTQ equality (which appears linked to her religious views) from her role as a manager of Alaska’s workforce, which is really the most fundamental job of a DOA Commissioner. I actually thought her answer to my question was reasonable, and I left that meeting planning on voting for Ms. Tshibaka’s confirmation when it comes to the House floor.  I could not care less what religious views nominees hold, so long as they are fair administrators.

Ms. Tshibaka’s opening statement in yesterday’s meeting raises all sorts of questions, including about her integrity and temperament.  I’m going to continue to do my job as a legislator and State Affairs Co-Chair, and that includes making sure the DOA Commissioner will treat Alaska state employees fairly, and without discrimination. It is sad and ironic Ms. Tshibaka had convinced me should could be fair, only to turn around and engage in baseless personal attacks of a manner that are entirely inappropriate when addressing any legislator.

His letter was signed “Zack.”

The legal element of defamation include whether something is false and defamatory, and it is done orally, with malice. However,  what Tshibaka accused Fields of does not meet the definition of slander, since she simply accused him of violating her civil rights.

Fields has now raised the ante, by questioning Tshibaka’s integrity and temperament and by accusing her of engaging in a personal attack “entirely inappropriate when addressing any legislator.”

Tshibaka used to work for the CIA and had top secret clearance. Her integrity and temperament has never before been in question.

Slander and libel are behaviors Fields should understand well, since it was his stock and trade when he was a political operative for the Alaska Democratic Party for years, during which time he, on numerous occasions, sent out flyers and letters filled with lies about Republican candidates and lawmakers.


Rep. Lance Pruitt, who leads the House Republicans, on the floor of the House today asked Speaker Bryce Edgmon to open up an inquiry about whether Tshibaka’s civil rights were violated.

Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, a Democrat, then spoke against Pruitt, saying that as the co-chair of the committee, Kreiss-Tomkins had not known anything about it, but thought a couple of bloggers in the room knew something was up.  He indicated this was a plot.

Must Read Alaska was not in the building at the time of the committee meeting.

Kreiss-Tompkins said the whole thing needs to be “nipped in the bud.” He told the Speaker that this kind of thing should be handled behind closed doors. No members of the Democrat-led bipartisan majority spoke to the problem.

Although Fields has moved the nomination of other commissioners out of his committee, he held Tshibaka’s back.

There’s no evidence that Speaker Edgmon was planning to open up an inquiry. However, now that one of his caucus members (Fields) has accused a commissioner of an illegal act (slander), he may be forced to do so.


  1. This dope doesn’t think there is enough stuff on his plate this legislative session? What budget? It’s time to hunt Christians!

  2. Fields is an incompetent person and should resign. He has entered into trying to demean an individual who has been put forth to fill a job by questioning the integrity of an individual who has been held in the highest regard in our Nation’s intelligence community.

    • Appears his feelers did get hurt. Poor snivelling twit must have felt threatened by a lady of great accomplishment.

  3. He’s proven her comments true in his own letter. I am not sure he realizes he’s confirming the integrity of her statement. “One of the questions I asked her was if she could separate her personal opposition to LGBTQ equality (which appears linked to her religious views) from her role as a manager of Alaska’s workforce, which is really the most fundamental job of a DOA Commissioner….” This is proof positive that he was questioning her about her religious beliefs in relation to her role.
    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury… exhibit A.

    • Headlines??? Other than the totally awesome Suzanne, there appears to be a giant blackout with the “big” news outlets. Can’t imagine why???

    • You nailed it, Scott. The mainscream press is not only too chicken to report this attack on Dunleavy’s cabinet choice, they support idiot Field’s attack on her. This shows you what type of persons write the news of the day. Their agendas consistently appear in their reporting. And THAT’S why you and I read MRAK. Honest reporting, deep, and in the Liberals face.

  4. Speaker Edgmon sat by and did nothing last legislature while numerous members of his party were assaulting women. Well that’s not completely true, he did offer cover for them. He also allowed an opposition legislator to be falsely accused of assaulting a woman while he had proof to exonerate him. There is no reason to think he will do anything that might suggest impartial leadership, or even partial leadership.

  5. “she could separate her personal opposition to LGBTQ equality (which appears linked to her religious views) from her role as a manager of Alaska’s workforce,” So how is this “OK” yet same setting “Nice dress, you are looking good”? That depending on the receiver is sexual harassment.
    Lance Pruitt did a great job on the floor, Kreis-Tomkins was blind sided, ooooh!
    I am so glad that Kelly Tshibaka raised this. For the Democrat-Socialist are and have been attacking the Constitution on a daily and minute by minute basis and it is far past time to very publicly fight back!
    Lastly. Article Six of the US Constitution was written prior to the Bill of Rights. From that standpoint then the civil right to not be “tested” has a even stronger meaning that the First Amendment. That this was a concern that our founding fathers had prior to the debate of even needing a Bill of Rights. The majority of States would not sign the Constitution without knowing that the Bill of Rights would be forthcoming for they feared that the Constitution did not protect civil liberties enough! In the case of Article Six, it does, along with the First Amendment giving more power to that!

  6. “Fields sent out flyers and letters filled with lies about Republican candidates and lawmakers.”
    Where are these letters?
    What kind of crap journalism is this?
    Sounds like Kelly Tshibaka’s feelers got hurt. Perfect example of how the Republicans need to pull up their britches and start addressing issues affecting ALL Alaskans, not just the ones who sit back and preach injustice behind God.

    • “Perfect example of how the Republicans need to pull up their britches and start addressing issues affecting ALL Alaskans, not just the ones who sit back and preach injustice behind God”.
      Joseph: I’m sure you noticed that I pulled a direct quote from your comment. Please read it again. What exactly are you referring to? Addressing issues that affect ALL Alaskans? Are you referring to CIVIL RIGHTS? That is what Ms. Tshibaka was referring to when addressing the committee so I suggest you listen and watch the House State Affairs Committee video in its entirety. Last time I checked CIVIL RIGHTS not only affect ALL Alaskans, they affect ALL HUMANS on this planet.

  7. Hello, misogyny (long-time listener, btw), is it possible for you to set aside your personal opposition to women with facts and opinions (which appears linked to your rage level on this) in order to assess qualifications for confirmation? I’ll take my answer off-the-air.

    • …..uh, that would be moose tongues, correct? after confirmation, let’s send some moose tongue out to the Field. No interpretation required.

  8. Look at the bright side.
    Here’s a thin-skinned dramatist from the Party of Hillary Clinton and Baby Butchery ripe for plucking…
    Keep it permanently spooled up, in full-hysteria mode.
    Should burn out, turn useless, get eaten by its own…
    by which time open season on productive Alaskans should be over for another year.

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