Recount done: No change in ranked-choice voting, and Elexie Moore still winner in District 28

Recount of Ballot Measure 2, ranked-choice voting

The Alaska Division of Elections finished the recount of Ballot Measure 2, and just six votes were changed, not nearly enough to alter the overall outcome. The attempt to repeal ranked-choice voting has failed by a margin of 743 votes.

Part of the recount, which was done by sending the ballots through the Dominion scanners again, included a hand count of a random precinct from every district.

The citizens trying to get Alaska to return to regular primaries and general elections were up against $15 million in dark money from outside Alaska, money that was used to convince Alaskans that ranked-choice voting is somehow more fair, and money that was used to chase absentee ballots and deliver the win for the liberals who designed the system for Sen. Lisa Murkowski, so that she will not have to face Republican voters in a normal primary.

Phil Izon, who was a leader of the ballot initiative to undo the ranked-choice system, says he is prepared to try again, because it’s apparent that many voters were not coerced by the millions of dollars of dark-money ads don’t agree with the system that is designed by and for leftists. He will be filing a petition application with the Division of Elections soon with what he hopes will be a more successful campaign.

In another recount that is now complete, winner Elexie Moore for the House District 28 seat made vacant by Rep. Jesse Sumner, has retained her win, after second-place finisher Steve Menard had requested a recount. Menard was behind by 12 votes, and after the recount he still trailed, but by 9 votes.


  1. Recounts, of course, mean absolutely nothing. It is mail-in ballots. You think Dahlstrom & Dunleavy don’t know this?

    RCV and the looming Prop 1 fiasco would not even exist if Dunleavy exercised Article III, Sec. 16 and halted RCV’s implementation. He could do it RIGHT NOW. But this would, of course, subject him to the withering criticism of the ever-shrinking Lilliputians of the mainstream media.

    He is such a dolt, he can’t even imagine how such a courageous move would suddenly find allies coming out of the woodwork. Instead, he will subject Alaskans to another grind of signature-gathering and Scott Kendall lawsuits.

    His post-governor future now lies in a Beltway job as a carbon sequestration lobbyist.

    • Bob: Med check time. Call your doc tomorrow, make an appointment and adjust your prescription.
      The Governor can’t invoke Art. III, Sec. 16 to not implement a validly enacted law.
      This is still a democracy up here in the “Lost Frontier” even if the place has gone wonky and woke in your view.

      • I’m not aware of anywhere in the original Constitution for the United States of America that the word democracy is mentioned. We were intended to be a constitutional republic by our founders.

    • Disagree with your Constitutional interpretation. Your insults don’t help your cause. Find another way to help us change the rcv foolishness.

      I’m disappointed, but not surprised.

      • Ak Supreme Court voted RCV ok by saying the most votes wins; why not send it up to the U.S. Supreme Court on the grounds of one citizen one vote?

  2. The recount, “which was done by running the ballots through the Dominion tabulators again”, pretty much sums it up! Why even bother?

    • They MUST do a recount WITHOUT using the Dominion counters..IT has been a PROVEN record from the recounts from the last general election. This has been rigged by the Dominion scanners. They have a proven record that the dominion counters somehwere, somehow always miscounts and screws up the count.

    • The article says the recount “included a hand count of a random precinct from every district”. Presumably the hand counts agreed with the Dominion counts. Still not good enough ?

      • Did they?
        And, no. Not good enough. Who chose which precincts? Why only a few?
        If you run a bunch of ballots through a machine and they miscount a percentage of them, what makes you think they will do it differently the second time you send the ballots through? Or the 500th?
        A recount needs to be 100% hand counted, with a second count as a check.

  3. So they ran all the ballots through Dominion machines, and hand counted a select few?
    Is anyone surprised the results did not change? I am not.

        • Bob: Med check time. Call your doc tomorrow, make an appointment and adjust your prescription.
          The Governor can’t invoke Art. III, Sec. 16 to not implement a validly enacted law.
          This is still a democracy up here in the “Lost Frontier” even if the place has gone wonky and woke in your view.

          • I was not aware of that.
            However, the fact remains. Statistically, if a certain number of ballots were miscounted on the first run through, odds are a similar percentage of the ballots will be miscounted on the second run through.

      • Doubts are based solely on the 133,000 voters information that was compromised a few years ago. The only way to fix the discrepancies is a complete forensic audit of the ballots. You don’t understand anything except what is right in front of your face if you have one. You just like the rest of the nameless cowards who hide behind a pseudo name instead of providing your actual name can’t back up any of your responses.

      • Obviously, you are convinced you have it all figured out. I am just questioning it because I do not like the outcome.
        But, use that vast brain of yours for something other than expressing bias and prejudice.
        The initial vote count was run through Dominion machines. OK… got it.
        The re-count was run through the same machines. OK… but…
        If the machines miscounted the ballots on the first run through, what are the odds they would remedy that mistake on the next run through. Or the 100th. Or the one millionth?

    • Like the parrot that was taught to say: “The election was rigged”, once learned it’s repeated over and over without end. Bawk! Polly want a cracker!

      The Earth is round, Elvis is dead, the Moon landing wasn’t faked, and Dominion voting machines are accurate (Hint: You actually know that but will never say so because it’s always better to double down that to admit you were wrong, and thereby look gullible).

      • Oh! I have always gone with the opposite of what you and your buddies say. So, the earth is flat. Elvis is still alive (I, actually, don’t believe that one), the moon landing-for sure-was faked (!) and the Dominion voting machines are 100% inaccurate. Thank you for the confirmation! Good doggie!

      • I will not contest any of your statements.
        However, if the Dominion machines misread a ballot on the first run through, they will misread it on every other run through.
        That is why a hand count, or using a different machine reader is required. Not using the same system twice.

  4. This shows you what outside Money can buy……….. The Golden Rule at work “The people with money make the Rules” . It is a sad day for Alaska when outside money takes control…….

    • Bill: Sure, money matters in a political campaign. But the reason why BM-2 failed was because it was promoted by a goofball messenger with an unfocused message.
      Money in a campaign matters.
      Message matters in a campaign.
      The messenger matters in a campaign.
      Those are the basic M’s that really matter.
      It’s possible sometimes to win a campaign with two ought of three of the critical M factors. It’s nearly impossible to win without two of the three M factors.
      The proponents for BM-2 were zero out of three. The result was pretty much a foregone conclusion.

  5. Not surprised the Recount didn’t change anything. They didn’t Audit the ballots, they re-ran them through Dominion Machines and the whole issue was the timing. Counting was delayed until they “found the votes” which would have just been recounted again.

    Alaska is in need of a lot of election reform unfortunately. I’ll support a second chance to repeal this farce.

  6. What a joke. Run the same software in the Dominion black boxes again. If there is bias in the software coding how does this show it? It doesn’t. Ballots should have been handcounted with observers.

  7. Recounting voted ballots does not address the underlying issue of not having an integral election process in Alaska.

    The reason our DOE does not maintain up to date voter registration rolls, we have the highest percentage per capita of ineligible registered voters in the country, is specifically kept inflated to insure plenty of surplus ballots that can be added to determine the “correct” results are achieved.

    Left to the voters, who occasionally wander off the reservation and vote their own interests, they can’t always be trusted to vote “correctly”. A pool of available surplus ballots to assign is critical. With no audit to determine the validity of voted ballots, a recount means nothing.

    RCV was specifically designed to insure Murkowski is perpetually kept in office, it’s a priority issue for the special interests who own the Congress. The “dark” money spent to maintain RCV is pocket change in comparison to the “dark” money spent to retain Murkowski and Sullivan’s services and votes by the special interests in Washington.

  8. The ads paid for by dark money were more than just misleading. They went off on tangents saying how it would affect members of the military, women, children, etc. We need dark money advertising to be somehow monitored and edited.

  9. With or without RCV, the Alaska electorate is woefully ignorant–and the party hacks known it! Regardless of how the overall election system is tweaked, the frontier folk will still gobble their grub, guzzle their brew, and wipe their lips with their sleeves. Elections aside, the “We the People” of Alaska need a simple primer on table etiquette and a users manual for forks, knives, and spoons; they definitely could benefit from tips on how to load a butter knife with four to five peas.

    • Edit: “Elections aside, the “We the People” of Alaska need a simple primer on table etiquette and a user’s manual for forks, knives, and spoons….”

  10. Elexie and Menard are from the same political cloth. Only difference is that maybe Elexie would not push for us all to be vaccinated. Otherwise, it will be the same games with the same people pushing the same agendas. The People lose.

  11. Lisa Murkowski has won ever election by a substantial amount since she was put into her senator seat. Even when she was a write in candidate. To think that she is the beneficiary of rank choice is stupid. Also are we not going to mention that anti-RCV was funded illegally (talk about dark money)

    • Peter, if you’re new here, you will soon learn that logic and reason do not feature strongly in the Comments section.

    • Lisa would not have been on the 2022 ballot as a Republican if it were not for RCV and the jungle primary. Best case, she may have had to run another write in campaign.

      • If you don’t recall the funneling of funds to a Washington Church in order to skip those pesky restrictions I suggest you look into it Need I also remind of the illegal signature collection that got rcv repeal onto the ballot in the first place?

    • The only reason Lisa won last time is because she figured a way to add more votes; Kelly actually won the 1 vote per person —>the 1st vote! the extra votes were by voters who had extra votes so not legal according to the US Constitution. So again, who not send the issue before the US Supreme Court? And fire all the AK Supreme Court Judges who were serving when the ruling of “the most votes wins” ruling?

  12. My comments that I wanted to share from last night (12-09-24) at a Mat-Su Borough (MSB) School of Government meeting:

    MSB chose to have paper ballots and hand counting for the local elections. Many do not trust the dominion machines and voted to get rid of them. After the MSB People had successfully voted to get rid of the machines, the borough assembly, on their own by creating an ordinance, chose to buy some scanners and pc sticks (computers) to “count” the number of ballots because they do not trust the People to count accurately . MSB People are questioning why the assembly bought these machines right after we voted to get rid of ALL machines.

    I wanted to ask the speaker at the meeting last night why he was attempting to convince the people that the machines are helpful and hand counting is open to errors? The machines can be (and are) manipulated and can make errors also.

    The speaker suggested dumping more money into making the electronic voting system more secure by adding groups/specialists and processes. I believe we should concentrate on coming up with a hand counting system that everyone is comfortable with and get multiple teams trained in the different stages of the counting/verification process. I believe that we should concentrate on training a sufficient number of poll workers and poll watchers and start this process of training a year in advance of the next election, so that we know we have enough trained people. The borough is struggling with the hand counting process – not because it doesn’t work, but because the borough is shorting itself on time to properly prepare for a smooth-running election using hand counting. This struggle makes people want to go back to using the dominion machines because “they are faster.” Faster does not mean better or more honest.

    The Mat-Su Borough People voted to get rid of all machines. We expect the Borough to honor this and to help run a smooth, efficient election. The People need to get involved so that if the Borough and the State cannot provide fair and honest elections, the People will be ready to take back the election process that we should have never given up our responsibility for in the first place.

    In addition to this being done in the borough, hand counting should be adopted throughout the state – no exceptions. Get rid of ALL types of voting except same-day, walk-in voting with strict exceptions being made for absentee voting. There are groups out there trying to convince people that hand counting is prone to errors in counting and cheating; but, the machines are not? These groups come from the “right” side and from the “left” side. Pay attention to who talks and what they say. You can learn about some successful hand counging procedures that are being used throughout the country now by going to and follow the handcounting links.

    Ranked Choice Voting and hand counting paper ballots don’t mix. Let’s pick hand counting and dump RCV.

      • According to the Alaska State Statutes and Alaska Administrative Codes, the State of Alaska cannot even abide by its own statutes and codes when it comes to ranked choice voting and hand counting. So, no – RCV and hand counting do not mix.

  13. The citizens trying to get Alaska to return to regular primaries and general elections were up against $12 million in money from outside Alaska, The vast majority of the $12 million raised by the pro ranked choice group No on 2 came from out of state. Its top three contributors are nonpartisan advocacy non-profits from the Lower 48: Article IV, in Arlington, Virginia; Unite America, in Denver, Colorado; and Action Now Initiative LLC, in Houston, Texas. Four states — Oregon, Colorado, Idaho and Nevada — resoundingly rejected ranked-choice voting initiatives. And in Arizona and Montana, ballot measures mandating open primaries were also defeated. I think the question we should be asking ourselves WHY would outside contributors be interested in Alaska Elections?

  14. The classic voting fraud scheme is a clerk showing up with the proverbial “oh look, I found a box of ballots in my trunk that I forgot.” It’s the typical fraud that happened before technology. You pass a law that requires the actual official results only be from the hand count, but use open source, non proprietary tabulators to collaborate the actual number of ballots cast during the election, and give a quick result the night of the election. Redundant systems enhance security, not compromise it. Strict chain of custody is imperative to maintain integrity of ballots from the polling places to the counting tables. Dominion machines should be scrapped for open source off the shelf hardware, not WiFi or Internet connected. After the MSB started to hand count, guess what? The results were exactly the same. Hand counting discourages hackers from being discovered. I

  15. With voter identifiers compromised, and the Lt Governor’s head buried deep in the sand, enables hackers with stolen voter identifiers to apply for ballots on line, and use stolen identifiers to vote for inactive voters. Recounts, paper only ballots, and high profile lawyer consultants, do NOTHING to uncover plausible fraud by nefarious actors. Until the compromised voter data is secured with a new identifier system, like multi factor authentication, our elections will never np e secure. Paper only ballot counting does not address this systemic problem. Dems want to pass another fraud ripe system, signature verification, so partisan signature “fact checkers” can identify party affiliation on the envelop with the signature, and say, oh look that one does not match!

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