Recall Zaletel signatures valid, and this means Assembly must set special election

Meg Zaletel

The Anchorage Municipal Clerk has verified the signatures on the recall petition for removing Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel.

Clerk Barbara Jones said that at least 2,468 signatures of voters living in District 4, Midtown, were valid, and the petition will be submitted to the next regular or special Assembly meeting, which is required to approve a recall election within 75 days.

Zaletel can add more delay to the process, which she has delayed for a year already through prior legal challenges. She can appeal the Clerk’s decision on the signatures within 30 days, which would push the election into the late fall.

Zaletel no longer has the political protection she enjoyed under the Berkowitz Administration, which helped her avoid facing the wrath of voters, however. It’s unlikely the municipality will continue to help her, as it did under Mayor Ethan Berkowitz and Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson.

Russell Biggs, who has been the prime mover behind the recall attempt of Zaletel, said he had hired someone to independently verify the signatures on the petition, and so he is confident that they will hold up against another legal maneuver by Zaletel.


  1. And the house of cards continues to fall for Anchorage assembly which has been built on lies and deception and staffed by power hungry mis-guided folks that clearly hated freedom, private enterprise, as they turned Anchorage into a bastion of homelessness, and dependence, shuttered and broken businesses, dis trust and hopelessness has been their sales pitch for us all….and only two of the members ever gave darn what the public that elected them felt about anything…it will be interesting to watch them take action to stall or cause the recall vote not take place….

    • Speaking of shuttered business, Charlie, I had occasion yesterday, for the first time in probably two year, to walk around downtown Anchorage, between Fourth and Sixth and C and F, and I as literally shocked by the number of closed businesses and empty storefronts (the mess created by whatever is going on on Fourth Avenue, construction-wise, was just the icing on the cake). I have for a long time recognized that downtown Anchorage was moribund, but what I saw yesterday went well beyond that — it is literally dying.
      I can only imagine what tourists seeing this must think. Nothing good, that is for sure.

      • Watch Seattle is Dying, and then pray there isn’t a sequel that stars Anchorage!

        Anyone that doesn’t see the similarities between, Portland, Seattle, and Anchorage hasn’t been paying attention!

        These liberal fools need to be escorted to the border or airport!

  2. Thank you very much, Dr. Biggs. District 4 residents and the entire Municipality deserve much better than her on our Assembly..

  3. UPDATE: (Nut)Meg Zaletel has just introduced an Assembly resolution that all recall voters must be masked and vaccinated for COVID-19 before being allowed to vote.

  4. Zaletel gets so vitriolic in her communist rants, she starts to appear as though her cheese has slipped of the cracker. It would be good for her to be removed so she can pursue the help she so obviously needs.

  5. I remember there is also a Municipality rule that demands a vote to confirm an acting Mayor within 90 days. The Assembly gleefully told us to pound sand when we expected them to follow that law.

    What makes you think they will care about, or act on, a Recall Election?

    Remember, we are the peons. We are the Little People. We are the Flyover Neighborhoods as the esteemed liberal Ass(embly) members flit about in their glorious cocoons of power and prestige.

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