Reactions: Alaska’s Republican and Democrat political figures issue statements about second Trump assassination attempt


After another assassination attempt on Donald Trump occurred on Sunday, while he was playing a round of golf, some of Alaska’s political leaders took to social media to issue statements about the matter.

Sen. Dan Sullivan was the first to comment: “We’re very grateful that @realDonaldTrump & his family are safe after another assassination attempt. We’re also grateful that our law enforcement officers responded bravely & rapidly to this despicable threat against President Trump’s life.”

Two hours later, Sen. Lisa Murkowski wrote: “I am very relieved that former President Trump is unharmed following what appears to be yet another assassination attempt and commend the Secret Service for their quick action that saved lives. We must come together as a nation and condemn political violence in any form.”

Rep. Mary Peltola, two hours later, had nearly the exact response as Murkowski: “I’m relieved President Trump, his family, and his team are safe and were unharmed from a second assassination attempt. We must all come together to condemn political violence in any and every form and focus on the issues that unite us as Americans.”

Republican congressional candidate Nick Begich wrote this statement: “Nothing will stop the effort to restore the American Dream, to ensure the American way of life, to put the people of America First. Today we saw yet another attempted assassination of President Trump, but I am 100% certain when I say, nothing will slow this man down. May God continue to protect President Trump and bless our nation.”

Gov. Mike Dunleavy issued no comment. issued a comment Monday: “First Lady Rose and I offer President Trump and his entire family our thoughts and prayers after this second attempt on the President’s life. We wish to thank the Secret Service and others tasked with protecting President Trump for their swift actions, including the quick apprehension of the suspect, with no reported injuries. This unprecedented second attempt ended without injuries, and an individual has been arrested. We will allow the investigation to proceed and will await the findings before making any additional statements.”

The chairman of the Anchorage Assembly did comment on X/Twitter, by republishing a comment from other persons that he evidently agrees with.

Assembly Chair Chris Constant’s comments:

The Alaska Republican Party’s statement: “Thank God President Trump is safe. Violence has absolutely no place in our country’s politics – it should be condemned by everyone regardless of their political beliefs and the terrible & irresponsible rhetoric against our candidate that continues to incite it must stop. The Alaska Republican Party stands with President Trump. May God bless President Trump, may God bless America and may God bless Alaska.”

The Alaska Democratic Party’s statement: No statement issued.

Meanwhile, the Florida Republican congressional delegation is asking why the U.S. Secret Service again failed to secure the perimeter around former President Donald Trump, allowing another shooter to come within several hundred yards of the president armed with an AK-47 style rifle.

The Florida delegation is also calling out Democrats like Chris Constant for suggesting that Trump brought it on himself and for blaming Republicans when the shooter was a Democrat and Democrats have for years said Trump “is a threat to democracy.” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis opened a state investigation into the situation that led to a lapse in security, indicating he has lost faith in the federal government’s ability to investigate these repeated failures to protect President Trump.


  1. What a farce. The alleged assassin has significant ties to the illegal regime in Ukraine. In fact, he spent several months there running an NGO seeking to recruit mercenaries to fight against the Russians. Reliable sources have stated that he even met with some members of Congress & the State Department. The NY Times & others have written about his exploits in the region. Trump has often stated that he would end the war (and money laundering operation) in Ukraine on day one of his presidency. Coincidence? I think not. Many of the politicians issuing comments expressing shock and dismay about the assassination attempt speak with forked tongues as they are also fervent cheerleaders for the ongoing debacle in Ukraine.

  2. How did this Democrat sob know that Trump was playing golf that day? And what time he would be on the golf course? Where did this Democrat sob purchase or was given his assault rifle? He was a felon. What level of the Deep State did this Democrat sob work for and get indoctrinated? What media network did this Democrat sob watch? Too many questions.

  3. You can’t “accuse a group of people of eating our pets”, but firing gun shots at someone is ok?

    It’s justified because “he started it”?

    5 year olds use that as a defense.

    Put on your big boy pants, Chris.

  4. The larger story is that Trump was playing golf and it was “unscheduled.” Hannity was called at the last second to participate but was too busy. There seems to be someone close to Trump who may be offering up logistical information on him. Pair that with the “nothing to see here” (or secure) assassination attempt in Pennsylvania and all coincidence goes out the window. And what does NBC do? They tell Trump to “tone down the rhetoric.” Who are they to call ANYONE Nazis? It’s not our side that’s engaged in the violence.

  5. I’m kinda doubting the sincerity of Murkowski and Peltola’s comment (s) given they are avowed enemies and their comments look to be identical as if they were both struggling for the words to mask their real thoughts. I’m sure they were made out of political expedience given the season rather than from sincere indignation over the assassination attempt.

  6. Chris Constant cannot get the streets fixed for his constituents, he is rude to everyone including his constituents, and he refuses to listen to what his constituents need from City Hall.


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