Quote of the Week: Grenn says Costello doing good work


“Dave, I will tell you first. I will not run against Senator Costello. I think she is doing good work!”

— Rep. Jason Grenn, telling radio talk show host Dave Stieren (KFQD) on Twitter that he doesn’t intend to leave the House and run against the popular Anchorage state senator for District K.

Grenn may have had second thoughts. He deleted his tweet soon thereafter, but we have it memorialized:


  1. Is that really the kind of endorsement that Mia wants? Or needs?

    Grenn is nowhere near the picture of a Conservative that anyone would associate with Mia, why would he talk nice about her? Shouldn’t he be praising Governor One Term?

  2. Whatever his credentials might be Representative Grenn is right. Senator Costello does a great job. I remember telling a couple fellows, ‘Yes, that man does work for the Forest Service. But he put that landing in the right place and it will log just fine.’

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