Quote of the day: ‘Bring your check, then talk to my staff’


Is Gov. Bill Walker running a pay-to-play administration?

It appears so.

“You’re invited to come and say thank you, bring your checkbook, or bring a question for the Governor and his staff and we promise you’ll have an opportunity to be heard.”

That, plus champagne, oysters, yard games and s’mores. Sounds like a really fine time, especially the part about bringing your checkbook so you can talk directly to his staff.

Not sure you’re reading that right? Here’s the Facebook invitation details to forward along to the Alaska Public Offices Commission, and maybe even the Attorney General, unless she is one of those people you have to pay to speak to:


  1. It’s called Pay to Play, and Alaska has never had such reliable, steadfast adherents of Pay to Play on the 3rd Floor in Juneau as we see in Bill Walker and Byron Mallott. As a matter of fact, compared with almost any East Coast state, NY and MA for example, it’s been rare in Alaska governors. Sheffield was the only other administration where I saw it. The paid Teamsters leadership contained their mess but it brought down Sheffield. The paid AFLCIO leadership largely created Walker-Mallott, and one can hope they will contain the mess they have made.

  2. And he don’t care if it’s Rubles, Yen, Pesos or Chinese money he will accept it. He is a whore. A Republican turned Independent turned Democrat.

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