Quote of the day: Holleman on pedophiles, molesters


We give you a social media exchange between Anchorage School Board member Andy Holleman and Forrest McDonald, a campaign consultant (and candidate for House) who gives free advice on a platform for Holleman’s next campaign, (which is “mildly paraphrased” in his sample ad).

Holleman is a reliable liberal vote, while McDonald is conservative, and who is known to have an acerbic wit.








  1. In Judge Moore’s case, that difference would be a few months in the age of his victim.
    I would note that the words that have been written on my campaign literature are Mr. McDonald’s words, and not mine.
    It’s a sad thing for him to do, and a sad thing for you to amplify.
    I would ask you not to circulate it.

      • I have no trouble owning the statements I have made.
        I do resent Mr. Mcdonald implying that I made the quote he superimposed over my picture and name.
        I did not say that. Mr. Mcdonald said that.

  2. Andy Holleman: your comment is perhaps not the smartest thing you could have done in response to the article. Now you have opened the door to questions about your veracity, in addition to your views about the fine line between pedophiles and molesters. Are you claiming that you did not say, in a social media exchange, the words that Must Read Alaska published? Also please tell us what point you are trying to make by referring to Judge Moore’s case. It seems to me that if someone engages in sexual acts with a girl who is considered a child by legal standards they are considered a pedophile. Period! And no matter that the girl was only a “few months” away from no longer considered a child. Do you feel differently? If she is not quite a child, is an offender not quite a pedophile in your opinion?

    • I joined a discussion about Mr. Moore where he had been labeled as a pedophile, and Mr. Mcdonald said it was a lie, but his statement wasn’t real clear about what part was a lie.
      I did acknowledge that, legally, a pedophile is someone attracted to prepubescent children, and in Mr. Moore’s case, we weren’t sure, and it might be just a matter of months. That is the “mild difference” I was referring to, and in context, that is clear.
      Mr. Mcdonald put HIS words on my campaign literature. I never said what is printed there.
      And in context, that’s easily understood, but I don’t think context matters to Mr. Mcdonald very much, or truth.
      This is apparently what happens when you decline his services as a consultant.
      I’m happy to address any question about my veracity.

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