ProPublica’s ‘moral force’ backers



The Anchorage Daily News announced the other day it would be partnering with ProPublica – an investigative reporting organization that is the brainchild of left-leaning, Bay Area billionaires and former mortgage bankers Herb and Marion Sandler.

The ADN reported it was one of 14 newsrooms across the country to be picked from among 215 applicants for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in 2019. The New York-based, Pulitizer Prize-winning organization’s local reporting program, launched earlier this year, provides investigative and accountability reporting support at local and regional levels, the newspaper stated.

This year, with seven newsrooms involved, Propublica’s selected newspapers pursued a wide range of reporting projects. In 2019, with seven more, the focus will be on state government and politics, the ADN says.

Says the state’s largest newspaper: “ProPublica editors will provide support to Daily News staff members on reporting throughout the year. The organization, which bills itself as an independent, nonprofit newsroom with 125 employees, will underwrite the salary of ADN Special Projects Editor Kyle Hopkins for the year.”

For its part, ProPublica’s senior editor Charles Ornstein says he is “excited to pursue another year of investigative projects with moral force,” the ADN reports.

That is nice, we suppose, but we wonder exactly whose moral force is he talking about?

The Sandlers’ Golden West Financial Corp. “allegedly targeted subprime borrowers with “pick-a-pay” mortgages that left negative-amortization dupes owing more after each payment,” says Ron Arnold, executive vice president of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, in a Washington Examiner column.

[Read more at The Anchorage Daily Planet]


  1. What? As soon as Dunleavy gets sworn in, ADN is going left wing to counter the majority of Alaskans? Totally weird……and DUMB. No way to run a paper!

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