Prayer event for racial healing at Delaney Park Strip


A group of prayer warriors is calling the Body of Christ to gather on the Delaney Park Strip in Anchorage between E Street and I Street on June 19th, 2020, at 6 pm for a time of prayer.

“In light of recent events, we believe it is imperative for the Body of Christ together in unity to pray, repent, lament and ask God to do a miracle in our state and nation in terms of racism,” the group wrote on Facebook.

“All people are image-bearers of God. Therefore racism is inherently evil and demonic in nature. All forms of injustice cause the heart of God to burn with anger FOR his kids. We the church cannot tolerate what God does not tolerate. Racism is sin, and we want God to expose any wicked way in US, His Church, so we can join Him in healing the brokenness in the world around us.

“It’s time to grieve with those who grieve. It’s time to be crushed in spirit. It’s time to lament and mourn and cry out and repent.”

The group suggests participants will pray silently for justice reconciliation, restoration and revival. Those who feel compelled to lament and mourn may do so.

“Pray for God to tear down spiritual strongholds that have held this land captive,” organizers wrote, asking people to educate themselves on the history of racism in Alaska.

“We are gathering together to pray against injustice in Alaska. We are asking God to search our hearts according to His standard and expose any sin that has empowered racism in our hearts. We are gathering to repent and lament for the brokenness we see around us in the area of racism. And we are gathering to pray in faith for great change to take place in Alaska.”

The group has a permit to use the Delaney Park Strip. Participants are asked to follow the municipality’s mandate that participants wear masks.

“This is a peaceful prayer gathering. We do have a team of volunteers who are serving as security to help deescalate any situations that might arise,” the group said.

Worship + Justice Movement has partnered with Civil Righteousness, a national prayer movement that has been carrying a burden of intercession over racism.

Since 2011 they have traveled to places of pain across the United States to cry out for justice and intercede for change in our nation. To learn more, visit


  1. After reading the previous notice several days ago, we were going to participate, but are not now due to the mask mandate cited in this article. They are mandated no where else in town except by individual businesses per their choice – why at this gathering? Cheers and best wishes to all who do attend.

    • Agreed! Masked Avenger crusade’s probably here to stay as long as it works for social manipulation and doesn’t inconvenience Real Important People.
      Not sure what the “…team of volunteers who are serving as security to help deescalate any situations that might arise” is meant to accomplish.
      Wonder what “prayer warriors” gathering supposedly in the Name of God, praying against injustice in Alaska, fear so much that they need “a team of volunteers serving as security” instead of, say, off-duty cops or a private security service…
      Maybe Psalm 23:4, Matthew 8:26, or much of anything truly Scripture-related don’t work well for this group.
      Should be interesting to find out what racial healing looks like for this group…
      Guess we’ll see.

  2. They preach heresy and try to use the gospel to further their socialist goals. These are the same types of people who would try and use the sharing of the early church as an endorsement of marxism. The faithful should call these people, and their weaponized ‘piety’, out for the heretics they are.

    • Mark 12:30.
      Jesus replied, “This is the most important: ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

  3. Matthew 6:5-6
    “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
    I wonder what that means…

    • Matthew 18:19-20
      “Again, I tell you truly that if two of you on the earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.”
      I wonder what the passage you quoted and this passage mean together.

  4. No expert, but seems like virtue signaling to me. If they want to call out La Raza, BLM, La Mecha, Black panthers and NAACP as well I’ll pray with them but I doubt they will.

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