The desensitization of some Americans following the second assassination attempt of former President Trump is alarming. Seventeen percent (17%) of voters believe America would have been better off if former President Trump had been killed in last week’s attempted assassination.
That figure includes 28% of Democrats who say that America would have been better off if Trump had been assassinated. Another 24% of Democrats were not sure. Fewer than half (48%) of Democrats could bring themselves to say that America would not be better off if the opposing party’s candidate for president had been assassinated.
Scott Rasmussen, president of RMG Research, said “It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent murdered.”
Despite two assassination attempts in two months, just over half of all Democrats (51%) don’t see a need to increase Trump’s security detail. Among all voters, 62% think Trump’s security should be increased and 32% disagree.
Forty-nine percent (49%) of Democrats think it’s at least somewhat likely that Trump himself or the Trump campaign was involved with the assassination attempt, with 21% saying it was very likely. Fifty-two percent (52%) of Republicans think it’s at least somewhat likely that the Democratic Party or the Harris campaign was involved, with 28% saying it’s very likely.
These results are the latest evidence of how polarized the electorate has become this election season. Voters for both Trump and Harris overwhelmingly say they can’t understand how a reasonable person could vote for Trump or Harris.
Upon reviewing the data, Rasmussen noted that “I continue to believe that America’s best days are still to come. However, for years I’ve been saying that things will get worse before they get better. These numbers suggest that the phase of getting worse is clearly upon us.”
This Napolitan News Service survey of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted online by Scott Rasmussen on September 16-17, 2024. Field work for the survey was conducted by RMG Research, Inc.
“Lack of sensitivity” describes the question more than the response.
“Lack of a pulse” describes the 17% of voters mentioned above.
Sensitivity pales in importance compared to the revelation of who Democrats truly are. These are the same Americans promoting the holocaust against Americans trying to be born. They are now condoning murder of baby humans shortly after birth. Once we deny Yahweh, then morality is relative to our own corruption.
Your comments are of a person with a Judeo/Christian compass and a clear understanding of what we see happening in our culture today. Couldn’t have been said much better…God Bless.
They do not even see that they are the greatest threat to our republic and democracy. It is like a social contagion of lunacy. Mind boggling.
The overall moral, educational and common sense decay in our country has become disastrous.
While common citizens who have a worldview which leads them to describing themselves as Democrats tend to support using the courts and police to persecute political opponents of the permanent government, and supporting the assassination of political leaders indicates the depth of the rot. It is important to keep in mind that a large portion of GOP leadership supports and works closely with the Democrat leadership to corrupt the courts and federal police, avoid meaningful oversight of the intelligence agencies and continue unsustainable government spending by continuing resolutions. The GOP was in control when the Russian hoax created by our intelligence agencies at the behalf of the Clinton Campaign. GOP leadership despised the “Tea Party” as much, or more, than the Democrat leadership. While most common citizens who are Republican do not agree with, or think in the same manner as current GOP leadership, it is imperative to change leadership to politicians who represent and serve their voters, not their large donors.
Well said Brian.
This is, at least partially, the fault of mainstream media. They not only lie to the people, but they have no qualms about brainwashing the masses.
Agreed manda. Look who owns the Main Stream media. They are complicit in inciting violence and complete mis information. Frankly I think they need hunted down like rabid dogs.
“Hunted down like rabid dogs”. Talk about inciting violence.
There is not enough contempt for the state media. They deserve a root and branch ending. They are no longer fit for purpose.
If we think carefully and logically, we must acknowledge that anyone stupid enough to allow themselves to be easily brainwashed deserves to be brainwashed.
So pretty much we are in civil war and one side hasn’t made violent moves yet…
The republicans will sit calmly right up to a certain point. Not sure what that point is. But guaranteed it isn’t far off.
“………we are in civil war and one side hasn’t made violent moves yet………”
……..or violet reactions to violent moves. It mirrors the state of the nation in the autumn of 1859, too. I suspect that regardless who wins the election 46 days from now, including the congressional races, there will be serious trouble ahead, both nationally and internationally. It is as if the entire planet is in a state of demonic possession.
Good luck to you all………
“I suspect that regardless who wins the election 46 days from now, including the congressional races, there will be serious trouble ahead, both nationally and internationally.”
I do not doubt it.
If President Trump emerges as the winner, the left will have no end of riots, and related violence. Simply screaming at the sky will not be enough.
However, if Kamala Harris wins, the folks on the right might stand around with some signs, or similar, and the news will report it as an insurrection. A violent insurrection.
Yup. The right and the liberty movement need to wake up to this reality. There is no compromise, no give, no other way then the way leftists want. If you do not comply you are the enemy and your bankruptcy, imprisonment or death does not matter. And they will strive towards all three. Every day is another day closer to Radio Rwanda to these people which is their end goal.
We must have the mind set to separate from or purge these people. I wish we could work it out, but they clearly do not wish to have any discussions other then obey them. I say they can take a long walk on a short pier. I will never comply and I will encourage those around me to not do so as well.
One side has not made a violent move yet because of the way they view violence.
For the leftists, violence is like a dimmer switch. You turn intensity up until it gets a bit too intense, then back it off. Push, push, push… ooops! we went a half step too far, back off a bit.
Folks on the right side see violence as a conventional light switch. It is either diplomacy and voting, or destroy the enemy.
When this civil war actually goes hot, the folks thinking they can dial it back on demand will find out really quickly the di**o of consequences rarely arrives lubed.
Thus the constant intent to strip gun barrels away from those that would oppose them. Once that happens then they know they don’t have to “back it off” any longer. We live in a force universe, and everything ultimately comes back to that and that is really the ONLY reason why any of us still have ANY semblance of liberty, as bastardized as it has become.
Unbelievable. It’s as though these people are watching a movie and none of it is real. If Harris wins this election we will almost certainly be embroiled in WW3. I’ll bet 20 million draft notices and body bags by the plane load returning to America will wake these dead beats up. Nothing is more real than death.
Leftists, like the toddlers they actually are, have no concept of adverse consequences. They think they are right, and will emerge victorious. It is not until karma shows up and demonstrates the folly of that line of thinking that they will change.
The irony here:
Those cowardly Marxist Democrats would wish President Trump would be back to protect them when the bullets start flying.
Wow, that is a huge percentage of love and joy. These are not people I would want for neighbors or would expect to see walking through the pearly gates anytime soon. What has our republic become?
I have some of those types for neighbors. I know who they are. They do not know who I am. I suggest you do the same.
Stay Classy, democrats!
Abortionist and RINO Lisa Murkowski falls into that Marxist group too.
Murky is just another of Kamala’s Drones.
It’s disturbing that a question like that would even be on a poll.
*Vote yes on prop 2
I agree Zach. We are living in the twilight zone. Very bizarre question to ask anyone.
Would you like to see a presidential candidate murdered .?? Who asks this , crazy. Where are we Venezuela
All civility is out the window. Get ready for a fist fight conservatives.
It’s actually a good thing that they asked the question because now you have the results which enables you to better understand who Democrats truly are. These are the same Americans who would murder humans at childbirth.
I was thinking the same thing.
Im surprised the number is that low.
Fun fact: if you invested $1000 in Trump stock in March, it is now worth $235. Art of the Deal baby. #shake it off
I bet the other 3 of 4 dems feel they were better off 4 years ago than they are today.
Thanks to bidenomics?
Update David, it is now worth under $200 from initial 1K investment. And you want him to make decisions for us?
Meaningless claptrap that has nothing to do with the article or the comment from MA.
It is like you are not even trying to be relevant.
That’s not a low number.
They should all move to Gaza.
The left continues to show they are pro violence and terror.
How does “would have been better off” be interpreted to mean “had a desire” ?
Name a single person alive that does not want to be better off.
Lets be frank Frank.
It doesn’t matter which words you use to ask the same question about eliminating the political opposition.
I appreciate you clarifying the mindset of the newly reformed democratic party who is working 24/7 to protect “Democracy” through the elimination of the political opponent and the attempted cancelation of 70 million of America’s voting citizens.
The methods being used to achieve that goal are nothing similar to the “original” constitution that was created many years ago but disintegrating rapidly before us.
It closely resembles the way communist governments conduct their elections.
Wow. I want all of the democrats out of office; but, I am not wishing death on any of them. What an evil world this has become. I agree that a question like that is disturbing as it is continually planting that thought in people’s minds.
Vote NO on Ballot Measure No. 1: “Ballot Measure No. 1 – 23AMLS
An initiative to increase Alaska’s minimum wage, provide workers with paid sick leave, and protect workers from practices that violate their constitutional rights.”
Vote YES on Ballot Measure No. 2: “Ballot Measure No. 2 – 22AKHE
An Act to get rid of the Open Primary System and Ranked-Choice General Election.”
And take note of the lack of outrage from our good senator Sullivan concerning the continuing assassination attempts against President Trump.
Sullivan is more concerned about who he will name as Alaskan of the month. In his little rich boy world all is well. The Marine Corps should be ashamed of ever promoting him past the rank of second lieutenant. He has absolutely no will to fight in him. If one were to call him a coward he would take it as a compliment.
I’m not surprised at all , i’m actually kinda suprised it’s not more, when you’re looking at a Democrat party where about 70-80 percent of them are severly mentally ill and unstable!
Let that sink in for a moment… Basically 30% of democrats, believe the world would be a better place if Donald Trump and his supporters were dead. Makes you rethink the socialitel niceties we offer up in daily interactions with people that wouldnt mind you being eliminated for your political leanings.
Let this sink in for a moment…how did we get here???
All Democrats started thinking that way 8 years ago when Hillary Clinton stepped up to the hate microphone and told the world anyone who supports Donald Trump was nothing but a “Basket of Deplorables”.
It started LONG before Hillary and 2016.
How about when 0bama was running on a “the rich are the problem” platform?
Thanks for the reminder that “Birds of Feather” do flock together.
For anyone to want someone to be assassinated is the lowest and most hateful evil thing to say ,be careful what you wish for because I’m sure you all have brothers,fathers,husbands,sons ect ,it may happen to them and I’m sure you will be heartbroken!
You are asking a lot of someone who wishes death on another.
28% of democrats polled. How many were polled? Which city’s did they poll from?
Polls like that are meant to create divisiveness.
They focused on the main stream media moguls and their highly compensated drones that do their dirty talk for them.
Oh and I forgot to include “The View” and all of their cult followers who watch it as a daily ritual.
Are we arguing over semantics? I absolutely believe our nation would be better off without Socialist-Marxist-Democrats. However, I would never dream of condoning the political persecution, let alone murder, of anyone.
Valid question.
However, after the two assassination attempts, there is likely zero people alive that thinks the question was not directly related to Trump’s life.
The timing and results of this poll cannot be dismissed by “semantics.” The left does not display sufficient maturity to earn that benefit of the doubt. When they say the would be better off without, it really means they are sad he is still drawing air.
It’s just my opinion- polls like the ones listed are nothing but propaganda, like the corrupt media- they interview the smallest ,most extreme people get their
“Extreme points of view” and then those report say… polls say…. Blah, blah, blah.
On both sides-
I am myself conservative, my brother more liberal- tho not extreme.
I work
With many people that have different political affiliations- I’ve never heard one of them say they wished .. so and so was dead.
So, I wonder- what type of person wishes, what type of twisted mind wishes another dead because they don’t share the same views. Who are they polling?
It should be shocking, but it’s actually not even surprising when you consider that the Democrat run DOJ is attempting have Trump thrown in jail, at the same time, other Democrats are proposing legislation to remove his Secret Service protection. The Epstein clandestine murder proves they have no difficulty murdering someone in prison.
I would like to see a poll asking what percentage of Democrats would actually like to see Trump charged and convicted of treason, and then executed. I’m guessing it would be a very high number. As one of the other comments already noted, they have already demonstrated that they have no problem with murdering millions of little babies. It’s the party of death eaters.
The 28% democrats who wish the assassination attempts were successful is probably a good estimate of the of the population suffering from terminal TDS. In other words, those people believe the left’s relentless efforts to portray Trump as ‘an existential threat to democracy’, fascist, a Hitler, a dictator and so forth. In their minds, the logical conclusion to deal with a threat of this magnitude is to ‘take him out’. Hence, recent assassination attempts. Of course, the MSM and democrats all say that Trump’s ‘violent rhetoric’ is the cause. This all points to their unceasing calls for censorship to root out all sources of ‘misinformation’.
Misinformation turns out to be anything the left does not approve of. That means all conservatives should be targeted for investigation. As a matter of fact, California just passed a law that could criminalize posting what they would call ‘mean’ memes and language. Welcome to life in the socialist paradise of the Soviet Union.
The ballot irregularities and the judicial illogic concerning voter laws is already starting. If the tally flipflops at 3am, what’s going to be the result? If Trump wins and cities start to burn, what happens then? Are these inevitable facts of life? Or do we ignore facts once more in order to “preserve democracy”, democracy being the nickname of the printing press in the basement at Treasury.
When I used to deliver the Knik Arm Courier and the Chugiak-Eagle Star as a kid, what impressed me was that nearly every customer had dogs living on their property, whether a pair of yapping chihuahuas, a couple of Scottish Highland terriers, a sleepy-eyed Samyoyed, schnauzers, fearsome teeth-baring German Shepard etc. Also, there were many different, different groups that showed up as mushing teams of dogs at ceremonial Fur Rendezvous parade exhibits such as the mauve bloodhounds with their pale rose-pink features, the team of a half dozen black standard poodles, silvery fur blue eyed Siberian huskies, the distinctively brick redcoats of Irish Setters, and of course the unmatched sets of winning teams of Joe Redington, and Ms Butcher. And, as my boots crunched through melted and refrozen ruts and crusty snow I used to think about what it meant to be delivering news and facts and notices. I find it surreal to be reading comments made by folks that could easily have been the customer with two Great Danes, or the elderly collie, that display no questions about the veracity of a topic like this. With my town five miles from a bedroom community of Anchorageites, and within the front gates of Ft Rich and not that far from Elmendorf AFB, anyone can imagine a collective of political affiliations associated with the color red. But, who, in their right mind would come up with something like this?
Like Hitler, some people need to be dead in order to save countless lives. It’s simply the lesser of two evils.
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