Peter Caltagirone files for Anchorage Assembly


The South Anchorage Assembly seat might return to the more conservative column in April: There’s a serious challenger to Assembly member Suzanne LaFrance.

It’s resource attorney Peter Caltagirone, who announced this morning at the Resource Development Council breakfast that he is running for District 6, Seat K, which represents the conservative stronghold of South Anchorage.

The next Anchorage municipal election begins in mid-March of 2020. Anchorage elections are done through mail-in ballots that take three weeks, ending April 7.

Caltagirone was the regulatory and legal affairs manager at the Alaska Oil and Gas Association when he was recruited by Commissioner Corri Feigi to join her team at the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, where he now works.

He has also served as an Assistant Attorney General in the State Department of Law, with a focus on oil and gas development.

He earned his JD from Villanova University School of Law, and has an undergraduate degree in economics and government from Claremont McKenna College in California. A Republican, his associations include:

  • Alaska Airmen Association
  • Elmendorf AeroClub
  • Alaska Civil Air Patrol
  • Seaplane Pilot’s Association
  • Petroleum Club of Anchorage
  • Aircraft Owner’s and Pilot’s Association

LaFrance, a Democrat, won a first term in April, 2017, with 52.41 percent of the vote to Al Fogle’s 46.94 percent. Her votes on the Assembly have been consistent with the liberal majority.

While local elections are considered nonpartisan, they are anything but that. The Alaska Democratic Party has jumped in with endorsements and support of Democrats in these races, and the Alaska Republican Party does as well, although to a lesser degree.

This South Anchorage seat was previously held by Bill Evans. Another Republican has filed for the seat — Rick Castillo, a logistics manager in the supply chain management field.


  1. Job interview for Pete…
    Will you introduce legislation to:
    (a) eliminate Anchorage’s mail-in ballot system, restore traditional polling-place and absentee voting system,
    (b) verify accuracy of Anchorage’s voter rolls,
    (c) change municipal election date to November,
    (d) repeal the ten-cent per gallon fuel tax,
    (e) codify or eliminate official reference to the Hillside District Plan with a view toward eliminating the HDP as a quasi-legal requirement to repurpose privately owned property to satisfy whims of park and trail activists,
    (f) commission an outside audit of Anchorage School District management and financial practices,
    (g) repeal the plastic-bag plan,
    (h) commission an outside audit to determine the size of Anchorage’s “rainy day” fund with a view toward returning all or most of it to taxpayers,
    (i) demand that Anchorage Police Department enforce private property trespass law,
    (j) eliminate funding for municipal “climate-change” consultant(s),
    (k) open public dialogue with Eagle Exit to determine why the group wants to separate from the municipality and what the municipality should offer as inducement to remain,
    (l) eliminate policy that shields identity of complainants to municipal building code-enforcement services,
    (m) require payment in lieu of property taxes from non-profit corporations and Native corporations headquartered in Anchorage or submit 1099-C debt-forgiveness forms for each group that declines.
    (n) sell public-park land occupied by homeless, offer tax incentives for relocation and cleanup,
    (o) remove support and funding for the “stormwater utility”?

  2. I second. These issues need to be addressed in an better manner than the current bunch of assembly clowns are doing.

  3. Three days later, nothing from Pete… or Rick…
    Suppose voters should look anticipate the usual putrescent pile of platitudes peppered with the perennially favorite “they bad, we good, send money” or some threadbare variation thereof…
    Maybe voters should re-elect LaFrance.
    After all, the Weddleton-LaFrance tax, together with the Walker-Giessel-Edgmon PFD sequestration, might be just what Anchorage needs for another exodus like that in the 1980’s which stunted government growth a bit when the muzhiki just up and left… along with their money.

  4. Morrigan,
    Your concerns are valid and speak to a plethora of ongoing issues within our city. On the topic of the mail-in ballot, there are significant concerns over replicated, fraudulent votes. Residents within the South Anchorage District is upwards of 70K; however, there were 11,353 votes cast. Voter turnout in our municipal elections is remarkably low. There is only one way to increase voter turnout and reduce fraudulent voting – move the municipal election to coincide with the state election. Morrigan, many issues need to be addressed, and you have dialed in on several. Let’s focus on the low lying fruit and begin there. I agree with your outlook on the Hillside District Plan, Title 21 is preventing the growth we need in development, and how the climate change consulting resources take away from what we can fix now. Our city needs to focus on infrastructure and addressing crime and homelessness. We need to re-align our path towards fixing public safety and job creation. With the advent of 5G, we must begin signaling to external agents that Anchorage is fertile ground for innovation and job creation – launching Anchorage from big town with a crime problem, to a thriving city. You can reach me by email at [email protected] where we can discuss your concerns more in-depth.

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