Permanent Fund check: $992


The Alaska Department of Revenue announced the amount of the 2020 Permanent Fund dividend is $992.

Beginning July 1, an estimated 580,000 Alaskans, representing nearly 90 percent of PFD applicants, will receive their dividend by direct deposit or check.

The decision to distribute the PFD three months early was made by Gov. Mike Dunleavy in response to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alaskans who are determined eligible by June 19, 2020 and chose direct deposit will see funds in their bank accounts on or shortly after July 1. Eligible applicants receiving a paper check will have their checks in the mail starting on July 1.

Dividend applications that have not been determined by June 19 will be paid out on a monthly basis by check or direct deposit beginning July 23. This year, the Permanent Fund Dividend Division saw a record number of Alaskans sign their application electronically, at 92 percent.

Alaskans are encouraged to use the state’s website MyPFD to check the status of their PFD application.

2020 marks the 39th year Alaskans have received their share of the state’s natural resource wealth. Following the 2020 dividend payment, the estimated total of all funds disbursed to Alaskans, including the one-time 2007 Resource Rebate, will exceed $25 billion dollars.


  1. Before I die I would like to have a whole dividend in the form of a check. So I can take it to my grave ?. Well I guess at least I’m getting my fair share ??

  2. Goodness, I remember that first check … and I remember how I thought the formula for determining the check would always be there, as would the process for paying it out. Never thought the legislature would turn into such a greedy, holier-than-thou, bunch of thieving scoundrels. Remember November!!

  3. It was called “Permanent” for a reason! This reminds me of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” where there is one rule, but over time more and more rules are added to dilute the law and take away the absolute and permanent rights. We have let the legislature get away with breaking the law long enough. I think it’s time to get to get tough on (their) crime. I seem to remember a former governor threatening to have Troopers drag Legislators to a “special session”, this is the kind of governor we need. Giessel and Edgmon should have been dragged to Wasilla! I think the governor is just giving us lip service on this subject and knew he’d never have to carry through with his promise of full PFDs. Get tough, Governor!

    • Well that’s the real problem Ed…who can we vote for? You know, I don’t even remember who ran against Dunleavy, because whoever they were it was not somebody I could vote for. I’m not going to get into details because I know that you know what I mean! I think Dunleavy knows he’s got a captive audience who have no choice but to vote conservative and so he just doesn’t care. I resent being taken advantage of in this way (no ladies, do not comment on that line!).

  4. What happened to the $1,000? This does not make any sense the governor vetoes everything but the pfd for a $1,000, but he couldn’t veto that so we could get more money. We were getting $1,600. Now we get $992…those people are just raping the Permanent Fund for what they want to spend it on….everyone of them need to be voted out of office.

  5. It’s time for Gov Mike to go thru puberty and let them drop! I will still vote for you again, but please stand up.

    • No it’s not. Peaceful protests mostly. Oh after Seattle burns down we’ll send in some troops to mop up the action. Remember whose side the media is on.

      • The Wendy’s in Atlanta says “Hi!”.


        Do you really think things won’t escalate? When all you need is a series of nationwide race riots to destabilize Trump’s chances at reelection what do you think is going to happen? George Soros Color Revolution

        • Riots only increase Trump’s chances of reelection. Rioters and people who support them were already never going to vote for Trump. It’s the moderates who swing elections. Moderates are definitely not for defunding police and supporting rioters. Moderates know there’s no epidemic of police killing unarmed Black people.

          • I agree. The leftoids think differently. They’re having a “moment”. Moment zero as it happens.


            PFDs are racist. Seward was racist. Alaska is racist. Welcome to moment zero.

        • So who do you think is going to fare best in this revolution? The current police rank and file aren’t real happy campers right now. The National Guard and military aren’t dope-smoking fantasy children. I’m going to go out in a limb and forecast things going really bad for those who reside in Fantasyland………

  6. The share determined by Statute has been shorted for the 5th year in a row… so to say that we have received our share is actually not the case… The Alaska State Constitution provides for Statutes to handle the Earnings of the Permanent Fund. Those Statutes are clear. For the State Legislature to diminish the People’s share without a law defining the amount is why the People are angry ! The Cuts to the Dividends are an unjust Tax, as they know every well…

  7. No Alaskan will ever get a full dividend again, because the money is needed to fund my Alaska State pension plan.
    So get over it!!!

  8. The Legislature stole 2/3rd of our PFD. Please remember this in the August primary and the November elections.

  9. If rescinding the dividend completely will stop even just a percentage of people from moving here and just 5% of the current residents to leave for good (and I believe both cases to be true), then I enthusiastically support the dividend going loudly into history. I remember pre-oil Alaska, and I loved every moment of it. What I see us growing into isn’t the same place. At all……….

  10. That little $8.00 the thieving legislature skimmed off the top of the $1,000, gives them $5,104,000 extra to “play with.” How many of their pockets will be lined with that theft?

    • Especially, when you consider that most legislators continued to receive per diem when the Legislature recessed in April. They went home and continued to steal over a quarter million dollars from the State because the Legislature was “theoretically” still in session.

  11. If we are getting the PFD early cause of the crisis we are all going through, then how come we can’t get the whole PFD to help us in this crisis. Instead, we are left with scraps, which they think we should be thankful for. So much wrong with it all.

  12. Unfortunately, this is not the 39th year residents got “their share” of the oilfield profits. It is the 4th year the state has stolen much of the PFD from all Alaskans to support useless programs like the Alaska Gasline idiocy, which costs $9 million a year paid to 26 people to accomplish nothing.

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