Peltola says men competing in women’s leagues is not a ‘real problem,’ and is not a priority for her

Mary Peltola

Rep. Mary Peltola, during the Alaska Chamber of Commerce forum with opponent Nick Begich on Monday, changed her position on the topic of men competing in women’s sports.

“I don’t think that we should have men competing in women’s sports,” she said. This is profoundly different from her previous position.

In 2023, Peltola voted in lockstep with House Democrats against a House Resolution to amend Title IX legislation and ban males who prefer to think of themselves as females from female-only competition categories in K-12 schools and colleges that receive federal funding.

Not a single Democrat voted to defend women’s sports, but the bill passed the Republican-led House, 219 to 203, and died in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Peltola stuck with the Democrats then, but has since been advised that she is out of step with her voters. Alaska voters — by a wide margin, according to polling — believe protecting fair competition is essential for the survival of girls’ athletics.

“This causes a lot of feelings for people, this is a culture wars issue,” Peltola said at the debate. “I’m not a very good activist, I’m not a champion on one side or another of most of these culture wars, because I feel like they are a complete and total waste of our time. We have real problems, we’ve got inflation, we’ve got every sector of the economy without skilled labor, skilled workforce. The list goes on and on.”

“No, I don’t think that we should have men competing in women’s sports, but you know, on the other hand, look at the number of female Olympian athletes who have been questioned about their femininity, they’re questioned, are they even a woman,” she added. “This is just not something that is number one for me.”

In the Olympic Summer games, a male boxer who identify as a woman won the gold medal in women’s boxing.


    • Because she’s silly, like all the people that are on the opposite side of this silly little distraction. Of all the things to make a top campaign issue, Republicans choose this one. Lol. That’s silly. Partisans are silly people. As if people are going to vote for Nick because of women’s sports. Ha!

  1. Women and men not a priority but fish are? You have 2 weeks to sanitize your desk, clean out your office and congratulate Nick Begich

  2. This just proves that Mary is not a leader, but a follower. She goes with whomever talked with her last. In Alaska, it’s what we say. In DC it’s what her colleagues say. Vote NICK!

  3. Mary Peltola said: “..we’ve got every sector of the economy without skilled labor, skilled workforce.” She of course is correct, however then does not make the proper connection of poor educational outcomes due to her buddies in the NEA, who are prioritizing DEI, trans everything and CRT instead of actual usable skills for young people to build a career. You can judge a society’s respect for the individual by how they treat the least of them especially women and children born and unborn.

  4. In one way, I agree. This should not be a priority for the Federal Government. In fact, this men dressing up like women to play in women’s sports should not appear as an issue at any level of the government.
    It should never happen, and the first mentally ill man that wanted to compete against a woman should have been laughed out of the stadium. No one, anywhere should have entertained this stupidity, or worse, celebrate it.
    On the other hand, I damn well know Peltola is going to claim this is not a priority for her, but she will also elbow other leftists out of the way to be the first to vote for continuing this practice.

  5. It isn’t a problem for her–she is not in competitive sports vying for a scholarship and hoping to not get creamed by some dude in a dress in the process. For girls who have worked their entire life to make the cut, and being denied by that same dude–yeah, it’s a problem for her and her family. But of course, taking a stand on the issue will not line Pelola’s pockets, so it doesn’t even register on her radar. She could not give one tinker’s dam about her constituents. Send her packing.

  6. Mary may want to talk to Riley Gaines and the many others speaking out on XY gender pretenders in women’s sports. Then she needs to talk to the women athletes who were denied medals they deserved (see Gateway Pundit article “New UN Study On Violence Against Women and Girls Reveals Female Athletes Have Lost Almost 900 Medals To Trans Opponents.”)

  7. Peltola and her flip-flops to say nothing of her incompetence are an embarrassment to all Alaskans. Let’s not mention her full-on lies and mischaracterizations of her opponent. She needs to go, post-haste.

  8. This is the second statement she’s made that makes complete sense to me. It is a problem but transvestites are not important enough to be a subject tabled in Congress. Grow a pair and squish that nonsense at the local level. If you’re not capable of doing that what makes you think you belong in a position of city or state leadership… or even school district leadership?

    Sissies afraid of sissies.

    • The war in the Middle East and Ukraine are an issue, taxes is an issue, human rights is an issue. Gender bender moral panic in sports — not so much.

  9. Agreed, thinking about gender politics is a complete waste of time. People need to get a life. I’m sure the sports world will figure out on it’s own without the world ending. Seriously people, get some new interests.


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