On National Flag Day in Canada, Ottawa police chief resigns, Trudeau threatens to seize truckers’ accounts


Canada celebrated its Flag Day on Tuesday with continued unrest and threats from the government against protesters.

Ottawa’s police chief resigned, a new chief was named, and trucks continued to jam the Canadian capital on Tuesday, after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had implemented the Emergencies Act a day earlier.

The Emergencies Act, never before enacted, is a sweeping set of autocratic powers that is in effect for 30 days, as the federal government continues to resist the demands of the truckers’ Freedom Convoy workers strike.

“If your truck is used in these blockades, your corporate accounts will be frozen. The insurance on your vehicle will be suspended. Send your rigs home,” Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced on Monday, on behalf of Trudeau.

The threat could be expanded under the Emergencies Act to include the freezing of bank accounts of all who are remotely associated with the Freedom Convoy, without a court order. Freeland said the government will enact Canada’s Terrorist Financing laws against the protesters, including crowdfunding sites like GiveSendGo and cryptocurrencies.

Protest organizer Tamara Lich was resolute: “There are no threats that will frighten us. We will hold the line,” she said, according to reports.

Truckers are trying to force Prime Minister Trudeau to end the vaccine mandate for cross-border drivers. Although most are vaccinated, they believe the mandates are a violation of Canadian civil liberties.

Some Canadian provinces are beginning to loosen their Covid restrictions. In Ontario, Premier Doug Ford announced that starting March 1, residents will no longer need to show their vaccine passports to enter restaurants, bars, and gyms. He said the decision was not made because of the truckers’ strike, but ‘despite it.”

Alberta ended its mask requirements for school children and Saskatchewan is ending its proof-of-vaccination or negative Covid test requirements to enter businesses, Premier Scott Moe said. Mask mandates in public spaces will end Feb. 28, he said.

According to the National Post of Canada, the federal government will roll back some of Canada’s entry rules beginning Feb. 28 at 12:01 am.

“Today’s announcement is an important step on our pathway to a safe and prudent reopening,” said Tourism Minister Randy Boissonnault at a press conference in Ottawa, according to the Post. “This is a gradual process that puts science and evidence at the centre of our decision-making.”

Also on Tuesday, truckers at the Coutta border crossing in Alberta unblocked the border after Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested 11 protesters. Police showed the media a cache of weapons supposedly seized from the truckers, but other claimed the cache was planted by authorities to turn peace-loving Canadians against the protesters.

The Ambassador Bridge in Windsor had been cleared on Sunday after days of being blocked, with 20 arrested and several vehicles seized by police.


    • Good!!! Glad someone is taking a stand. I see lots of Vermont maple syrup as well, they are probably in cahoots with the Canadians and the Chinese!

  1. What’s so frustrating is the double standard. The real question people should be asking is if this was BLM, would the Canadian government respond in the same way? If so, would it be tolerated? This is complete fascism & should scare Canadians to their core! Never trust the government. They will do everything possible to paint those who oppose them as terrorists & racists. Nothing, including planting evidence, is out of the question. I have ZERO doubt that the Washington Hypocrites (what the football team should be called) are involved bc freedom is contagious & it spreading all over America is their worst case scenario!

    • Curious about that double standard. Would you support these protesters and their lawless actions if they were BLM? Be honest. Would you defend BLM shutting down bridges and blocking traffic? You bring up a great double standard. Now follow it through.

      • No, I would not have supported BLM in their riots and looting of 2020, because they were not honestly standing up for fundamental human rights, and fighting against authoritarian and tyrannical laws, as the Canadian truckers are doing now. Talk about comparing apples and oranges! More like comparing apples to crowbars.
        If the law is unjust, it is every man’s duty AND moral obligation to fight and disobey that law. Crazy, tyrannical, anti-scientific Covidian mandates and forced injections of dangerous and ineffective experimental substances ARE a violation of human rights, and every decent person should oppose and fight them. Anyone supporting those measures, on the other hand, is simply evil. As you are, John. You are evil.

      • The government did support them and allowed them to shut down roads all over the United States. It’s irrelevant if the people agreed with it or not. The government allowed it to happen.

    • So you are in favor of trucker drivers who use their trucks to block bridges, roads and intersections to protest a government requirement that they receive a vaccine that is safe and effective, but you condemn BLM protesters who violate curfews, or occupy city blocks to protest police brutality against persons of color? Seems to me like neither side is on the moral high ground when they cross the line from protesting to criminal misconduct.

  2. History, justice and freedom are NOT on Justine Trueau’s side, and he knows it.
    His totalitarianism is merely a reflection of not only his evil, but his growing desperation in the face of a population that is increasingly turning against him, and turning against his arrogant rule and dictatorial mandates.

    • Canadians support the vaccine mandates. And Trudeau is following the law here. It’s supported by federal and local lawmakers to remove these criminal protesters. These criminal protesters are only defended by hypocrites or fellow criminals. We do not put up with lawlessness. Period.

      • Oh, how rich, all this sudden and egregiously hypocritical concern about supposed “lawlessness” from peaceful protesters fighting against obvious totalitarian tyranny, when you same radical leftists were not only condemning the RAMPANT lawlessness, violence and destruction during the BLM’s “summer of love” in multiple cities in 2020. Spare us your crocodile tears, you establishment shill.
        And anyway, this fully justified and righteous protest against tyranny is FULLY legal under Canadian law, and under any reasonable understanding of basic human rights. It is in fact Trudeau who is the lawless one here, making a mockery of Canadian political and legal precedents simply because he cannot handle, and refuses to accept, a popular revolt against his outrageous and tyrannical mandates.
        In the face of unjust laws, it is every man’s duty, and obligation, to fight against those laws. Anything less is slavery and servitude. And THAT is what you support and with what you take your stand, John. Why do you so perversely and diabolically hate freedom so much, that you condemn those who stand up and fight for it?
        It is people like you, like YOU, John, who are leading this nation, and this world, into conflict, strife, authoritarianism and civil war. Choose your side wisely, because when tyrants and their lackeys like you keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing, eventually those who value freedom and just wish to live their lives unmolested, such as myself, WILL fight back. And I use the word “fight” purposely.

  3. “In effect for 30 days”… Yep, sure thing.

    Trudeau is the WEF poster boy for the “You will have nothing, and you will be happy…” freaky german intergalactic psychopath KS, and they’re going full speed ahead. The larger plan includes YOU.

    The justification and purpose for invoking “The Emergencies Powers Act” in large part centers around the rebranding of “donations to peaceful protestors” into “foreign funding of illegal/terrorist activity”. On the heels of the suspicious hack of GiveSendGo and the data revealed by it (a criminal act that should rightfully be investigated and prosecuted under the law – if it actually existed in the form that it is meant to) a CCP style social credit system is being given a go in Canada now, with people being cut off from the money in their banks (if they’re fortunate to have any) along with all of the other rights that have been taken from them. Trudeau’s fascist beaver slide into full-on, no holds barred tyranny and totalitarianism is where we are at…

    I know, I know, Parliament has to vote on it. That is just a formality when the corporations are ALREADY cooperating and moving forward with his plan.

    • North, when did you go full lawless on us? Have you always supported breaking laws? Or is this a sliding scale? Watch that slippery slope. The criminals you defend don’t have any principles.

      • Unjust laws should and MUST be broken, John.
        This is not about some blind adherence to ‘law’, John, it is about a popular revolt in favor of FREEDOM.
        Would you have equally condemned honest Germans for disobeying the law in Nazi Germany to shield Jews? Would you have equally condemned the civil rights marchers and protesters in the 1960s South for disobeying the segregation laws as well? Your specious and vapid admonitions about “obeying the law” in this instance are relevance and beyond contempt.

      • Rule of law is critical. Unfortunately,we are somewhere beyond that now, because our Judiciary (I am referring to the western world) are politically motivated, with their eyes often turned away from even-handedly applying the law to the cases before them. I am certain that you realize that. If you do not, an avalanche of facts could not open your eyes to the truth.

        Justice is supposed to be blind. There are bad laws, but it seems to me that there are far fewer of them than there are unscrupulous, politically motivated judges. If their judgements are righteous, their experience will differ significantly from those thought they could do it differently, when in the final judgement they are held to account. If they know whats good for them, the will fear THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE that they will one day face.

        In your defense of the communist coup in Canada, please provide a full accounting of how everything Trudeau has done up until now, and is currently trying to do, largely against the will of the Canadian people, is perfectly lawful. Hint: its going to be difficult because over the past few years he has bragged about the things that he has done to the contrary, and the videos keep surfacing. He is fighting for his criminal communist life right now, and stepping on toes or breaking the law are not among his chief concerns when it comes to him. He knows that he has the Judiciary with him. The harm he has and will continue to cause is orders of magnitude beyond that which the protestors have caused by standing in solidarity for the return of their liberty, and although going afoul of some laws, striving to peacefully fulfill a goal that has gone and continues to go unfulfilled every other way, while harming no one. I stand with the brave Canadians who are striving mightily while maintaining respect for one another, and even the government, in the face of government force, John.

  4. Trudeau could end the blockages in 10 minutes. Simply lift the vaccine mandates. If he doesn’t, perhaps Canada should cancel his insurance and seize his bank accounts!

    • As of mid January, more than 80% of Canadians support vaccine mandates. So no, Trudeau will not side with the fringe minority on this. They’re just terrorizing Canadians who are vaccinated. Why would you condone this kind of terrorism?

  5. We have a power hungry dictator on our northern border trying to stifle democracy & human rights. This should concern Beijing Biden more than the Ukraine halfway round the world.

    • Nonsense. These lawless criminals terrorizing Ottowans will be handled properly. Ridiculous accusations of tyranny for simply following the law makes you look like a criminal sympathizer. Just because you agree with their anti vaccine sentiment doesn’t mean breaking laws are acceptable. Period. End of story. Protest peacefully. Or go to jail. This is the real world. Enough is enough.

      • When “the law” is tyrannical, it is not just justified to oppose it and to break it, it is every man’s moral duty to do so. The Canadian truckers recognize that fact, even if cowards and bootlickers like you do not.
        I bet you would have sided with the British in 1776, and with the southern segregationists in the 1960s as well — after all, those who opposed them were “breaking the law” as well. Not to mention all the BLM domestic terrorists in the summer of 2020, burning down cities and terrorizing businesses and police — oh, but wait, you radical leftists who are now crying crocodile tears over “lawlessness” were FULLY on board with all that! Hypocrisy, thy name is radical leftist.

      • You are watching and reading news like ABC, FOX AND CNN John. Most Canadian people that have come forward are not in support of it any longer. The comments you make are so inflammatory and not helpful. You are an instigator at best. I wish there was an ignore button so we didn’t have to see your dumb comments.

  6. Canadians overwhelmingly support the vaccine and mandates required to work certain jobs, like cross border transportation, healthcare, etc.

    The lawless truckers represent a tiny fringe minority. In what democracy does the fringe minority control government?

      • North obviously knows more than you and more than the majority of Canadians, duh. All you gotta do is turn off your TV, turn off your radio, don’t listen to anyone smart and then you will know the truth! It’s so easy!

        • Best, it pained me to answer that way, because in fact, we live in a constitutional republic. Alas, when it comes down to it, it doesn’t seem to resemble one at this time. Nor a democracy, for that matter. Unless you consider a relatively small number of communists largely in charge, and perverting justice in order to achieve their end goals, to be a democracy.

          The likelihood that television, or radio “news programming” is anything other than just that, and will actually make you smarter is very slim.

          Also, I guess i was wrong. The majority of Canadians wouldn’t want to be free. Nope, they would want to get some prison camps set up, make some big bucks off of forced organ harvesting of the undesirables, and live a life of darkness and suspicion of every one and every thing.

    • A national poll yesterday revealed that 2/3 of Canadians support the truckers’ protests, John.
      But as usual, you side with those in power and with authoritarianism in general. How and why do you despise freedom so rabidly and sickeningly?

      • Actually, national polling in Canada shows that a large majority of Canadians oppose the truckers’ protests, and want them to stop. Fox News commentators have been spreading the lie that Canadians support these protests.

        An Angus Reid Institute poll, conducted between Feb 11 and 13 found that more than two-thirds strongly oppose the protesters’ approach and behavior. In addition, 72% said the protesters have made their point and should “go home now.”

        In a Leger survey conducted from February 4 to 6, 62% of respondents said they opposed the protests’ message of no vaccine mandates. Sixty-five percent of respondents agreed with the following statement: “The convoy is a small minority of Canadians who are selfishly thinking only about themselves and not the thousands of Canadians who are suffering through delayed surgeries and postponed treatments because of the ongoing pandemic.”

        In the survey conducted by Maru Public Opinion from February 9 to 10, 56% of respondents said they don’t agree with the protesting truckers in “any way, shape or form” and that everything possible should be done to end the protests. Just 20% of respondents said they “fully” support the protesting truckers, while another 24% said they support the reasons for the protest but “not the way they are going about it.”

        • Very nice and detailed LIES, No Sympathy for Freedom, but it is all still pro-establishment propaganda and fake news. You know as well as I do that the large majority of Canadians both SUPPORT the truckers’ protest, and support the elimination of ALL Covidian Cult mandates.
          But I’ll give you credit for your diehard shilling for the corrupt and authoritarian status-quo power structure. Trudeau, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates would be proud of you.

          • Evan Singh, Steve-O, Greg Forkner, Whidbey Thedog – where are you all when you’re needed? Have you all been banished from MRAK, or have you simply tired of sparring with Mr. Jefferson (a truly futile effort, indeed)?

    • Very good Mr. Seymour, you recited the Liberal talking points practically word for word. You’ve been well trained. Know what, I’m not vaccinated and my life is very difficult right now. Am I ill? No, I’m forced to work massive amounts of overtime because so many of my vaccinated coworkers keep testing positive and getting sick. I went down south to visit relatives but couldn’t. All my vaccinated relatives were sick and/or being quarantined. This is why the truckers are protesting.

  7. Not trying to be disrespectful in any way, but you might want to research the emergencies act in Canada a little bit more. Truedouches father activated it the only other time it’s ever been activated. So this is not the first time.

  8. Trucking is a highly regulated industry, and commercial truckers are granted a license to operate large trucks on public roads. Unfortunately, a small number of commercial truck drivers have decided to use their large commercial vehicles to block highways and bridges, bringing commerce to a standstill, causing other workers to lose income. When drivers abuse the privilege granted to them by using their trucks to block roads, their commercial driving licenses should be revoked. There are plenty of legitimate ways to protest government policies that they don’t like, without shutting down roads, bridges and commerce.

    What is unfortunate is that the truckers have been duped into believing that Covid vaccines are unsafe. The false anti-vaccine propaganda that has been spread on some blogs and websites has caused hard-working people to believe that the vaccines are not safe. Who knew, when the internet took off 25 years ago, that it would become the source of so much false information and conspiracy theories?

    • NSH – When the very definition of ‘vaccine’ has to be changed in order to accommodate one that does NOT confer immunity nor prevent transmission, as vaccines always were intended to do, and did, there is justifiable cause for suspicion. Deny that all you want, it does not change the fact that its true.

      If you go full vax junkie, and it sounds like you have, you will be swooning for the *NEW* mRNA HIV vax as soon as they cook it up… Don’t just dismiss this. Go out and get tested for HIV. Seriously. If you are going to keep getting juiced up, you should have this critical baseline information now. The information showing that HIV was part of the spike protein makeup in the lab created virus has been available by mid 2020. The vaccine is focused around the spike protein, and getting your body to express it in your genes. It takes time to proliferate, and operates differently on every individual, but it is there. The seed has been planted. I am truly sorry that there is such darkness in the world that would bring us to this point.

    • The truckers believe that the so-called “vaccines” (they are NOT vaccines) are not safe and not effective, because THE SCIENCE has PROVEN that they are not safe and not effective.
      Simply repeating the lies and laughable propaganda of a corrupt and self-serving authoritarian power structure does not change the truth.

  9. OTTAWA, Feb 14 (Reuters) – Faced with truckers’ protests popping up across the nation, and hampering cross border trade, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday became the only Canadian leader since his father 50 years ago to declare a state of emergency in peacetime.

  10. What’s next?

    Canada fast becoming Cuba North…..so will Trudeau invite Putin to install ICBM batteries?

    Not so much an “if” as a “when” it doth seem.

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