Omicron variant found in Anchorage person


The Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) virus has been detected in an Anchorage resident.

The case was identified today through genomic sequencing performed at the Alaska State Public Health Laboratory from a person who recently tested positive in Anchorage following international travel in November.

Alaska joins at least 30 other states and more than 60 countries that have already detected the Omicron variant. Protective measures against the variant remain the same as for the other COVID virus variants.

The Anchorage Health Department in conjunction with the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services encourages Alaskans to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or boosted if eligible.

Layering on other protective measures, including masking, hand washing, physical distancing, and testing can also help to reduce transmission of the Covid-19 virus, including Omicron.

In many parts of the world, Omicron is now the dominant variant, taking the place of the previous dominant variant, Delta.


    • OMG!
      The omicron is coming, the omicron is coming, the omicron is coming!!!
      Double masks for everyone.
      Booster shots for the children and the newborns!
      Shut down society.
      The sky is falling.
      Anne Zink save us – is there room in your Yurt for the little people?!?!

  1. Oh my God, run for the hills! Don quadruple masks!
    Social distance at least half a mile from the nearest other person!
    Hide under your beds! The end is nigh!

  2. This in now likely a disease of the vaccinated. If you’ve not had the therapy injection, but have had the covid your likely immune. If you’ve had the injection that was created during Alpha, it may not stop a infection from today’s variants.
    Course the science is not in and the rigorous testing of the covid vaccine is now in progress.

      • And imagine the Governments reaction and overstep if something actually were to come along that was deadly to the tune of 20% fatality?

        • I have been hearing about how deadly COVID is for over a year. Frankly, at this point, I would welcome a 20% fatality rate, just for a change.

          • At this point I would really like an apples to apples comparison. Heard this ridicules statement on the news the other day:
            “We now have as many Covid deaths in the US, as we have deaths from Heart disease EACH year”
            So it took 2 years to have the same number of deaths we get every year from heart disease?
            First I doubt the Covid numbers but out of curiosity how many Covid deaths did we have in 2021 after the vaccine, compared to 2020 Covid deaths before the vaccine? THAT would be news worthy!

  3. Masking. Doesn’t. Work. And by all accounts the “Omicron variant ” is extremely mild. No “official” test exists. I don’t believe that they cam tell. I think they’re guessing and filling in the guessing gaps with the lies they’re told to say. Keep on with the fear mongering by all means though.

  4. Total BS. The test kits can’t tell which variant you may have. And there is not one medical lab in the country who has people looking through a microscope to verify any variant. They refuse to do blood tests so there is no possible way to determine any variant.

    This whole thing is a hoax. WAKE UP YOU STUPID SHEEPLE!!!

  5. Omicron is the hoax of the century. An extremely mild variant which they are pretending is the end of the world. We need Chris Kurka now more than ever

  6. Its not Omicron, if you listen to President Biden its Omnicron. Lets get our deadly viruses straight. What happens when we hit the end of the Greek Alphbet?

  7. I have to laugh. The only people worried about the omicron variant are the ones vaccinated because they are afraid that it will leak through their protection. And the ones vulnerable even after being vaccinated are still the ones vulnerable even though vaccinated. Otherwise, you see omicron taking over as good news because it is proving to be milder. Even the scaremongers have to admit that when asked because the docs that first reported it in South Africa have been very public about how all of their cases have been much milder and the hospitalization rates have been less than half, which others try to explain away with vaccinations, but the cases that were reportedly much milder in SA were mostly unvaxxed.

    They are really making themselves look silly to even the ones that were just trying to stay out of trouble and do whatever they say.

  8. Since these variants are going by the Greek alphabet, then why was “nu” and “xi” skipped after “delta” to get to “omicron”?

  9. If you want to protect yourself from the various strains of Covid which are proliferating because of Fauci’s failed national Covid response, take Zinc, Quercetin & Vitamin D. Dr. Zink should be making this public announcement but her handlers at Big Pharma have her on a tight leash.

  10. And there are exactly how many deaths due to the OMICCRON (anagram: MORONIC) variant? (HINT: As of Dec 12, there were a grand total of ZERO deaths attributed to this variant.)
    So, of course the government has to step in and impose restrictions. Someone might get a sniffle.

  11. Omicron is a blessing in disguise. Actually it should be the “Xi” variant but apparently nobody wants to insult Dear Leader … I digress.
    As mild as this thing is, it’s my sincere hope we all catch it, we all develop natural immunities, and we can finally put this whole farce to bed.
    And Fauci can get a job with the circus, where he belongs.

  12. Yet another reason to justify a planned economy, stripping me of my freedoms/choice in consumption/production and reducing my liberties. I’ve heard it all before, I know I’ll keep hearing it. The formula has remained the same for 100 years, the “because X” variable of justification just keeps changing. They feel they’re getting closer to convincing us to submit to communism.

    Let’s not prove them correct.

  13. How are they “testing” for this? They have been testing for Covid-19 with a computer generated example of what they “think” it looks like all along. How do we know the new variant (s) isn’t just a flu strain? Covid-19 has never been actually isolated yet, this is why Court cases in other countries have been won or thrown out because the authorities could not prove the existence of Covid-19 to begin with.

  14. Meanwhile, the Inventor of mRNA vaccines Dr. Robert Malone says spike proteins induced by vaccine could permanently damage child’s brain, nervous system, heart and blood vessels, reproductive system and immune system.

  15. Theresa Bishop wrote a book Understanding Omicron variant, this was written in 2020, look it up on Amazon. What the heck?

    • I looked it up and it was published:

      Independently published (5 Dec. 2021)

      Where does it say it was written in 2020?

      • On the second page of the ebook, you can open it for free with amazon prime. ‘’

    • The book is not there anymore! I have shared it on FB and about 2 hours after I checked again on Amazon- and now it’s deleted, not available anymore.
      They don’t want people to know compromising facts- book was written well before new variant

      • The book is a hoax (apparently) there is no ISBN number. Seriously – an intelligent person woud release a book without considering the implications of people checking the copyright date!

        The “book” is still available on UK amazon.


        “A quick search does not provide any promotional material on the book, or any information on Bishop. The alleged author writes on the Amazon page: “My name is Dr. Theresa Bishop, and I conducted many studies on the covid19 virus at its early stage last year. Having handled a lot of patients during the outbreak of the covid19 various, I have come to understand a lot about the virus, and now this Omicron variant is research in progress.” However, there are no published studies on COVID-19 by someone of this name.”

        I also did a quick research, and although there is a Dr. Teresa Bishop – i wasn’t’ able to find any of her studies.

        Not everything is as it seems – perhaps there are social media farms (and fake profiles) creating these false information – and we need to ask ourselves why – to discredit people who concerned where all this is going. Yet so many people are so quick to share without fully checking the information.

        I wish you well

  16. Better change your fitness and diet habits or addictions. Even on the right are chubbies as on the left and covid varients will not slow down for you. So move and get healthy! Hahaha

    • Extra extra read all about it….
      The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variants, 34 people were fully vaccinated. Of those fully vaccinated, 14 people had received their booster shots but five of those received their additional shots less than 14 days.

      Only 8 people were unvaccinated who got infected with the Omicron variants and 1 person has status unknown

  17. No one in the media or our medical community has addressed the elephant in the room – obesity. It took a full year for the CDC to quietly release data that 78% of US fatalities were obese and nearly all of the remaining 22% had preexisting conditions, which likely fell into other related categories such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, COPD or, the dreaded, always fatal condition, extreme old age. So, instead of transforming ourselves into a nation of mask-wearing hypochondriacs who hide in their basement, binge on Netflix, pound down Dominos pizza and whimper for a cure that will NEVER happen (100 years of modern medicine and we are no closer to curing the common cold or flu), we all need to face facts. Prevention is the best answer. Good health leads to a strong immune system and, with no cure on the horizon, we should focus on eliminating the greatest killer of them all – obesity – which is the most preventable health malady of all.

    • Amen. And even if one can’t manage to lose weight or resolve their comorbidity, the CDC and the medical establishment should be advising those people to wear respirators or just be extra cautious and do extra things to boost their immune systems and health. And they could be talking about air sanitation and ventilation because the CDC already knows that studies have proven they are more practical and effective than individual masks. And they could be promoting sunlight, fresh air, vitamin D levels and zinc, but because these things aren’t dividers in the sand for people to feel morally superior and doesn’t give them the security blanket feeling of wearing a mask, they don’t even want to discuss it. The whole professions of epidemiology and immunology have failed us. I’m starting to think that the people that gravitate to those professions do so because they revel in any excuse to justify totalitarianism and controlling people so they can feed their ego. They are like overly educated TSA agents that want to get revenge on the world for disrespecting them when they were dweeb children that easily got their feelings hurt.

      • Greg, reading comprehension here is important. There are approx. 820,000 Covid deaths since the pandemic started, at 78% that’s about 640,000 obese cases. Total US population is a smidgen less than 334 million. According to the CDC 39% of Americans are obese. Having this many obese individuals pass away from Covid is statistically and clinically important, as it does not match the general population obesity rate, and would therefor indicated that obese individuals can be expected to have a less favorable outcome than ideal weight patients. So instead of brow-beating all into some brand new vaccine and stupid ineffectual mandates, clinicians should focus on the target groups of elderly and obese.

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