Brutal: ‘Nothing to say’ mayor video is back, Part III



Just two days after firing off a blistering statement against Republicans, Gov. Bill Walker’s Chief of Staff Scott Kendall today endorsed Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, a hardline Democrat.

Perhaps Kendall sees the writing on the wall for Gov. Walker, whose popularity is dropping dramatically, according to recent polls. Coincidentally, this week’s fundraising reports show Berkowitz has twice as much in campaign dollars as his challenger, Rebecca Logan, and he has the incumbent’s advantage. The mayor’s office would make a soft landing for Kendall.

It’s highly unusual for a governor’s chief of staff for make endorsements, especially in municipal races. An endorsement by a chief of staff or cabinet official reflects directly on the chief executive.

Which begs the question: Is Gov. Walker endorsing Berkowitz or has the chief of staff gone rogue?

Not everyone is so enchanted with Berkowitz. While the governor’s chief of staff and the mayor are drinking martinis, a person known as “Reformed Snowflake” could be launching yet another political Molotov cocktail at the mayor. He has done so for three weeks in a row in videos that show Berkowitz as completely disengaged from his role as mayor and seemingly unconcerned about the deteriorating condition of the city.

Like Parts 1 and 2, which launched earlier, the mayor’s only comments are, “Nothing to report, Madam Chair.”

See Part 2 here:


See Part 1 here:


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