How many have voted? At 36,126 ballots recieved, it it looks like close to 7% of the ballots have been voted and returned to Division of Elections, as of Wednesday evening. The last midterm turnout was about 20%, and with mail-in for this one, Alaskans might expect 30% turnout in this special primary election. Given that, the votes in so far total between 25% and 35% of the election. This special election ends on June 11 — that is the day the ballot must be postmarked by.
Correction: Not that Ben Stevens. MRAK reported that Ben Stevens of ConocoPhillips was endorsing Mary Peltola for Congress but evidently there is some other Ben Stevens out there, and this publication apologizes to the one we thought was the Ben Stevens mentioned on Peltola’s website.
Fundraisers: The fundraiser for Gov. Mike Dunleavy at Orso’s in Anchorage had some big names in attendance: Joe Balash of Oil Search/Santos, Lisa Herrington (real estate), Ben Stevens and Erec Isaacson of ConocoPhillips, Chuck Schuman (Pacific Data Port), Dana Pruhs (AEA), Albert Fogle (Moda Health), Kim Gerondale (Construction Machinery Inc.), and Curtis Thayer (AEA), to name a few.
Notes from forum: At the AOGA/Mining/Alliance forum, question was asked of the congressional candidates: “Would you have voted for the PRO Act?” Josh Revak was the only Republican who held up a “Yes” paddle in the lightning round for favoring the PRO Act. (Only five Republicans voted for the PRO Act, which is an anti-business piece of legislation also known as “Protecting the Right to Organize Act.” It’s a deal-killer for small business owners.) Probably Revak just lost the Jim Jansen endorsement with that.
When asked, “Would you have voted for the infrastructure bill?” Nick Begich and Sarah Palin were the only ones who said no, they would not. Only 13 Republicans in Congress voted in favor of Biden’s infrastructure bill in Congress.
250 tickets were sold for the event and the place was filled. Candidates attending were Nick Begich, Chris Constant, Jeff Lowenfels, Sarah Palin, Al Gross, Tara Sweeney, John Coghill, and Mary Peltola. The most progressive answers of the morning came from Peltola. Later on Twitter, she took 10 tweets to clarify her comments on drilling in the Arctic. It was quite the backpedaling essay.

Grand opening: Nick Begich for Congress opened campaign headquarters on Northern Lights, next to Once Upon a Child. About 50 people were in attendance. Introducing him at the event were … wait for it …. Jim and Faye Palin.

Palin heads to Soldotna: Sarah Palin will have a meet and greet in Soldotna on Saturday, 3:30-5:30 pm, at Ginger’s Restaurant. Ginger’s is owned by Margaret Ward’s sister Mary Lou Diamond. Margaret and Jerry Ward are campaign coordinators for Sarah for Alaska.

The DOM Team economy: Congressional candidate Chris Constant posted a white paper for how he would fix Alaska’s economy. Number one on the list was to support unions. Then he would spend infrastructure money, you know, taxes from working people. Then move everything to the green economy with renewable energy, and after that he would work on affordable housing, and more money for education. Not a GDP to be found anywhere in his paper. Read the paper here.

(Must Read Alaska is still trying to figure out the meaning of the “DOM Team” in the byline on the Chris Constant white paper. “Dirty Old Man?” Dominatrix? Is it Tom Sconce? Blue Alaskan? Who will confess to writing this stuff for him?)
We need a petition drive to ban 100% mailed out ballots and to ban ballot proposition 2,ranked choice voting. This is out of control and dangerous.
Petitions require real names
Unless the petition is for some radical leftist extremist cause — then every kind of cheating, corruption and manipulation is not only fair, but demanded. Because that is just how the radical leftist extremists roll, including you, Frank; it’s all about the pursuit and exercise of raw, naked power for unprincipled, morally rudderless people like you.
Josh Revak seems to be going out of his way pandering for campaign cash.?it is disgusting..
A friend recently told me that he’s not very bright. At least that is an explanation.
Seems like there are probably 47 better choices than this ethically challenged candidate.
Someone just showed me a mailer where he’s laughing about fishing violations. Well, I hear he has his share of them. Too bad he doesn’t respect the rule of law.
Josh Revak seems to be ethically and intellectually challenged. Does he have any friends that can talk with him?
Well! There is a bright spot for a low voter turnout- one less vote for the worse candidate. I tell you! Until those church leaders (including spouses) understand jn 21:15-17 and jn 14:15 to fill the churches, the voter turnout will remain a struggle like it is to keep church attendance up. If a citizen don’t love the things of God, then how can they maintain their love for anything else like nation andfamily?
Let’s start guessing game… How many ballots will be returned? Too bad we can’t by 2.00 tickets per guess. The politico math people would love the chance to win some extra gas money.
What if there is no god Jen?
i wonder where sarah palin found that alaskan type hoodie? And can we women get one?
Dearest jen, do not confuse the church with God.
Josh Revak is trying really hard to get those union endorsements. What an absolute disaster! Cant wait to see the end of his political career.
DOM Team Possible Definitions-
Defend Old Men
Democrat Or Moderate
Deciding Over Many
Dreams Of Millions
DOminent Male
Drinks On Me?
Dreaming of monarchy
Nice try AK Fish, but Suzanne misspelled it – it should be the DOOM committee. As for the constantly dripping… he would destroy enough to pay out his mutual-bootlicker society that even the Permanent Fund core would get spent by the feds… – then he would make sure we paid a huge income tax to keep us all in slavery. As for the former governor, the diva needs to go away. Vote for Nick
It took Don Young a few decades to become a fully owned subsidiary of the unions. Revak intends on getting elected as one as an opening bid. Poor lifestyle choice. Cheers –
Good luck on your fundraiser, Governor. Thanks for nothing.
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