The Hill newspaper, which specializes in political reporting from the nation’s capital, has named Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski a “change maker” for 2024, primarily because she bucks her Republican colleagues.
In the profile of Murkowski, the newspaper engaged in truth-stretching, errors of omission, and outright lies. It’s textbook case fake news.
Here’s the most egregious part of the story:
“She is also the highest-profile proponent of ranked-choice voting in the Senate, something she defended in Alaska this fall when dark-money groups poured more than $12 million dollars into a campaign to get rid of it,” The Hill falsely reported.
In fact, the group trying to get rid of ranked-choice voting raised only about $100,000, almost all of it from inside the state in small-dollar amounts.
It was $15 million in Outside dark money that poured into Alaska to preserve ranked-choice voting, which is the voting system, along with jungle primaries, that was designed by Murkowski supporters to keep Murkowski in office. She no longer has to face a Republican primary, but she can still claim to be a Republican when she gets to the Senate. The group used some of that money to produce ad in which Murkowski lauded ranked-choice voting.

Here’s what else The Hill wrote:
“She was also a pivotal vote in some of the biggest battles of President-elect Trump’s first term: voting against a proposal to repeal much of the Affordable Care Act and coming out against Brett Kavanaugh’s controversial nomination to the Supreme Court amid sexual assault allegations.”
The story neglected to mention that Murkowski voted in 2021 to convict Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial — a trial that took place after he was no longer in office.
Now that Sen. Joe Manchin is retiring, “She will be a senator to watch closely as Republicans tussle over the size of Trump’s next tax cut and how much to reduce federal spending to offset its impact on the federal deficit,” The Hill wrote.
“A champion of bipartisanship and pragmatism, Murkowski will be likely involved in any bipartisan deals that emerge in the Senate during Trump’s term,” the newspaper wrote, avoiding mention that she endorsed Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola over a Republican not once, but twice over the course of two elections, and she refused to say who she was voting for for president in 2024, but said she would not vote for Trump.
Alaska’s embarrassment, shows her face again.
A lying politician, I don’t believe it.
I hope this next election cycle we can get rid of this wart on our backside.
Wart, it’s all a game! What do you think party politics is all about–the good of the people? Sure! Look, the amalgamated hordes hold themselves in “high disdain,” so let the Central Committee do the heavy thinking for you and be thankful that it has your best interests at heart!
Proponent means supporter…….The Hill article seems to have correctly stated her position
Nancy and I discussed this at length, that the Democrat Establishment just loves the Murkowski Legacy and will do anything to keep it going for another 50 years. Fake news, write-in campaigns, Rank Choice Voting, father-daughter US Senate appointments, Democrat support both state-wide and nationally, very special support from Lisa’s political pappy Joe Biden, and woke/DEI people with purple hair, nose rings and LGBTQ weirdos. Gosh, the Murkowski Family has branched out far from its conservative
Republican roots over the past two decades. Nancy and I remain confused who to thank for all of this love.
The RINO UniParty crowd.
Liars and thieves – getting rich on the backs of taxpayers.
MSM, on both sides of the spectrum are part of the propaganda apparatus by the State.
Tide has now turned – people are waking up to graft and corruption by our “rulers”.
Frankie, you’ve been confused from your banking days, to US Senate, and to Governor days with your Learjet purchased by Alaskans for your travels with Nancy. And it’s not “love” you are feeling. It’s that old Murkowski entitlement that you can’t let go of.
But here’s a fact: Most Alaskans are pretty much fed up with your fake legacy.
Why do you think we are hiding out in Wrangell? Our only worry is missing the
Maybe Lisa and Vern will buy you and Frankie a rowboat for Christmas. Another Legacy opportunity.
From Lear jet to a rowboat. Old Frank M. probably now wishes he had the Longevity Bonus check to pay for ferry trips out of Wrangell. Hope Frank and Nancy made lots of new friends down there.
Fact checking. It’s fundamental. Unless you’re The Hill. The publication could have saved hundreds of words by just saying, “Lisa, the Queen of TDS.” She will be a senator to watch closely as she sells other Republicans, Americans and Alaskans in particular down the river. All while using her thinly-veiled catch phrase of “good public policy.” It leaves us all to wonder whether her establishment GOP friends will advise her to play ball, or if she’ll hack through Trumps Achilles and leave his agenda, America’s agenda, hobbled.
I think trumps Achilles tendons are knawproof at this point. I’m not sure his agendas is the same as America’s though.
Far more alignment than any Democrat agenda or the uniparty enabling of the Democrat agenda.
How are raising prices a good plan? Alienate or closest friens and neighbors who we owe lots of money too? Further fester election wounds by having vendetta against political foes? Export millions of farm workers that we can’t do without? To name a few….
How is spending trillions of dollars with a communist country that doesn’t like anything about us good Greg. ??? Curious. We never should do business with China.
We need to support the new repeal of Ranked Choice Voting before Senator Murkowski stands for reelection.
Fake news just like Murkowski!
Separate note here, but the house just voted to release Matt’s ethics report. He lost his mind over it. Not fake news.
Make sure to read Gaetz’s Twitter (X) response to it.
Which I hope Gaetz does. It’ll be a beautiful thing.
I did it and it was very entertaining. He says he used to pay women that he used to the date. I find that borderline “john” material. I never had to pay any woman I ever dated cash.
That’s because you never had cash or the quality of women he dated.
I hope he rejoins congress and lists off the congressional me too members who used taxpayer dollars to pay hush funds. The promptly resign again.
So, the honorable Murkowski is a ‘change maker,’ eh? That’s very nice! Because the biggest and best change that she might make for the benefit of our state and nation is for her to retire, and the sooner the better. ‘Hope and change,’ as the slogan goes.
Change maker.. You’ll be lucky if you have any change left after her latest round ofSPEND! SPEND! SPEND!, all on your tax bill
It seems that many Alaskan’s still trust the print and TV media. Otherwise the RCV and Murkowski would both gone down and we wouldn’t have a useless person “representing” us in congress.
That’s a GREAT point. The liberal media still has a strong hold on this state. By MRAK is making progress.
Many of us here and those that refuse to allow the mainstream super spreader to spoon feed them their “ news “ already were aware of this.
But wait, all those dark money commercials told us that the ‘dark money’ was trying to get rid of RCV. You mean they lied to us? Roll eyes ?
The Hill has become just another arm of the Democrat party propaganda machine.
Yes, hence their support of one of their favorite democrats…murky Lisa.
Become?? It always was!!
Alaska must insist on honest media and politicians, not lies. Murkowski is the biggest liar in The Senate.
In Walter Cronkite days news, reporters were honest.
I’m grateful that MustReadAlaska reported on “The Hill” newspaper’s whopper false report stating that “dark-money groups poured more than $12 million dollars” to “get rid of” ranked choice voting. In fact, the truth is just the opposite. We Alaskans know that the 12 million dollars was used to pummel us into retaining ranked choice voting and the jungle primary (though by just a razor thin margin).
I assume “The Hill” simply made a mistake due to gross sloppiness and deficient research. The young inexperienced (I assume) writer probably got fooled by the words “12 million for the NO on 2 campaign”. The writer probably thought “NO” meant no ranked choice voting, when it actually meant “NO” repeal of ranked choice.
I hope MustReadAlaska will report on the “correction statement” that I assume the “The Hill” will make, and what size of print they use.
I’m curious how much Liesl McGuire was paid through the dark $ finders to be the chair of the movement.
“ Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski a “change maker” for 2024, primarily because she bucks her Republican colleagues” . That also means she bucks the conservatives that vote for her. She is not a conservative, as she claims, she is a liberal democrat, elected by the democrats in our state. When are the conservatives going to wake up and drop kick her out? The only consolation this year is that the senate has enough majority to hopefully marginalize both Murkowski and Collins so their votes don’t matter and they will no longer be the darlings of the democrats when they vote with the democrats.
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