New group launches to fight eco-industry


A new group headed up by Alaskan Rick Whitbeck has announced it will be active this year in exposing the anti-economy tricks of the trade practiced by the dozens of environmental nonprofit organizations active in the state.

Power the Future is a decidedly “disruptive” nonprofit that fights for energy jobs and points out the hypocrisies of the environmental lobby. It pulls no punches and may use the tactics that the environmental groups use, such as pickets and protests.

“With so many loud voices in the energy conversation, ours will highlight truth, unmask agendas, expose hypocrisy and reduce hyperbole,” the mission statement reveals.

The group’s website is

The group’s CEO, Daniel Turner, will be in Alaska to speak at the Meet Alaska trade show and conference on Jan. 18.

Whitbeck was the field director for the successful No on 1 campaign in 2018 and is the former vice chairman of the Alaska Republican Party. He’ll be the face and voice of Power the Future and he’s the first state hire that the national group has made because Alaska is seen as the top target of environmental groups.

Whitbeck’s office is in midtown but he said you can expect to see him everywhere but in his office.


  1. Thank you for this. The bad faith environmentalists who worship the earth, turn science into fantasy, and turn graduate researchers into hateful human beings, need to be attacked head-on. Its about time they be taken down on the truth mat and exposed for their self-centered, self-righteous agenda.

  2. Tired of hearing a one sided conversation on the environment anyway. Dialogue and opposition are healthy, but they need to take the emotion out of the narrative.

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