New Anchorage library director named: Rob Hudson


Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson has named Robert Hudson as the Municipality of Anchorage’s next library director.

Throughout his 18 year career in library work, teaching, and law, Hudson has served as a director, head librarian, lecturer, adjunct instructor/professor and lawyer, and has worked in academic, medical, and law libraries in the United States, Canada, and Qatar. He has an extensive background in SPSS, Westlaw, Lexis, EBSCO, and other specialty library databases.

“Robert is more than qualified to lead the Municipality of Anchorage’s libraries,” said Bronson. “I look forward to him working with my administration, the Anchorage Assembly, and the people of Anchorage to move our libraries  into the future.”

Hudson’s degrees include a master of library and information science from the University of British Columbia, Canada, and a juris doctor from Valparaiso University School of Law, Valparaiso, Indiana. He has both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in history from CalPoly, Pomona and the University of California, Riverside, respectively. While working at Nova Southeastern University, he also completed an Educational Specialist degree in Educational Technology. 

Hudson most recently was the research librarian for the Canadian Medical Protective Association. Before that he was associate university librarian at Athabasca University Library in Athabaska, Alberta, Canada; director of library services at Henderson-Wilder Library at Upper Iowa University; head librarian and assistant professor of law at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada; and librarian/lecturer at a university in Qatar.

Deputy Director Judy Eledge will continue to serve in her current role.  

Bronson’s first choice for librarian was rejected by the Anchorage Assembly in August, because she did not have a library degree and because the Assembly sought to embarrass the mayor. Then Bronson named Eledge to the post, but she withdrew after a few weeks because she knew she would not be confirmed by the far-left Assembly. She didn’t have a library degree either. Eledge is now the deputy director of the library and City Manager Amy Demboski has been handling the duties of head librarian.


  1. He sounds like a real librarian. The type I grew up knowing. The professionals
    who kept their opinion to themselves without it causing a bias toward employees and what work deemed priority. Maybe the library can get the homeless read something else other than using through facebook. There are plenty of self help books. The most obvious crowd Obviously needing the most help should be reading them, or at least having someone read aloud it to them.

  2. A couple of days ago “the Federalist dot com” had this headline: Amid Public Concern About Grooming Kids, American Library Association Picks President Who Pushes ‘Queering’ Libraries

  3. Nothing against this guy, but wasn’t there a qualified American librarian anywhere?

    Try that in reverse and it won’t work. Canada hires Canadians, then goes outside if necessary.

  4. Just imagine Berkowitz. He help set all this evil dirty deed stuff up and just when it was all about to be exposed, he ran off like the coward oath breaker evil deed-doer of all time. Mayor Bronson, I did not realize you have a shipwright master degree. Look at how you have shamed them all sir they can only steal to win and you have the ship ungrounded and we are starting to float here. Oath breakers into God’s hands so help you God you swore don’t forget.

    • I believe Brittanica sells these historic annual reports from inception todate. Actual historions rely on them for historic data. They are invaluable reference materials. If we want our city to have intellectual capacity and to be civic minded bringing this reference material is invaluable to be read cover to cover, volume to volume for the years to come.

  5. Wow! You need a degree for research!
    Over it! So is he going tell me about my research? How or when I should do research? What I should do research on?
    And Why? Or how?

    Yes! My smarty pants voice! Uhmm!

  6. Woke Alert! Woke Alert!
    White male appointed to political post! Quick, all wokesters swarm!
    We must immediately beat down this overtly patriarchal anti-cis-gendered Eurocentric colonialist white oppressor, misogynist and racist!

  7. We should ban the land acknowledgement the assembly recites at every meeting because it calls for the decolonization of Alaska. It’s racist, unconstitutional, and un-American. It’s fascism to the extreme and should be put down like the socialist rabid dog it is!

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