Must Read Alaska’s Christmas Vacation


Dear Reader,

371 days without a vacation is long enough. It’s time to go sledding!

Must Read Alaska will be off the grid for a couple of weeks, returning in early January. I won’t be checking my messages starting Dec. 19. Yes, it’s going to be a cold-turkey kind of deal.

I appreciate all of the readers of Must Read Alaska. I value the advice, the words of wisdom, and the friendly criticism. I even appreciate those who send me notes with the subject line of “Typo.” Thank you! You’re a great editor!

I am grateful to regular senior contributors Win Gruening and Art Chance, as well as the guest contributors and subject experts who give readers different perspectives on the issues of the day.

And thank you to all of the supporters of Must Read Alaska for making it all possible. And the tipsters!

There will be plenty of news over the holiday, and I expect there will be some mischief. For now, however, the Must Read Alaska news site will look pretty much how it looks right now, without the daily updates.


I’ll be reading a book over the holidays and encourage you to read along: Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s about how to improve by 1 percent each day.

British Cycling had only won a single Olympic Medal since 1908 and had not won the Tour de France in the 110-year history of the race, when it hired Dave Brailsford as its performance director. He implemented a strategy he called, “the aggregation of marginal gains,” the idea that a tiny margin of improvement in your habits can be like compound interest in savings.

If you’re of a mind, please read along with me and go for the “37.78 percent better” by this time next year. Meanwhile…

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays!

See you on Jan. 8!

~ Suzanne
Must Read Alaska


  1. Here’s to a well-deserved vacation! Gonna miss you, but happy that you will be recharging and ready to slay the evil dragons next year.

  2. Merry Christmas Suzanne! Have looked for a conservative FACTUAL news site for years in Alaska and you are the best. Enjoy your time off!

  3. ‘Cold turkey’ goes well with a warm heart. Enjoy your well-deserved break. I look forward to joining you on the pages next year! I’ll check out the read in the meantime. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. What a coincidence! I have been ON vacation for 371 days now.
    I only would suggest some warm turkey gravy and fresh ground pepper with your cold turkey. Livens it right up! Fresh made cranberry sauce is good too but only use 1/3 the sugar of the package recipe.
    Enjoy your vacation.

  5. Suzanne, you are simply……THE BEST. You helped play a huge role in giving Alaskans the information they needed to vote and form opinions. You played no small role in helping us get a conservative governor for a change. Take a well-deserved rest and know that you have many, many friends out there. Merry Christmas.

    • Ditto the comments above. But dont take too long, Suzanne, as we need your reporting. I have it on good authority that MRA is required reading by the Dunleavy Administration. Merry Christmas.

  6. Merry Christmas Suzanne! Thank you thank you for your great writing, you’re the best and we appreciate all you put into giving us real news. Enjoy your break!

    • Sightings: Bill Walker on beach in Hawaii. Byron Mallott in tent on south end of Prince of Wales Island. Both writing books.

  7. Clearly the best political writer of the last decade (maybe longer). You are the lifeline for those of us who want the real story regarding our state and local politics. Also a wonderful and beautiful person. Lynnette and I are proud to know you. Have a great vacation!

  8. Suzanne: It has now been ten days. I can’t take it anymore. It feels like the world has stopped. Please have mercy and return soon.

  9. JMARK, I had to look too. Just a peek I thought… Well, there is a little life I see….mice are stirring….That’s good news…..I can hardly control myself!

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