Must Read Alaska calls Alaska’s congressional race for Nick Begich


With the Alaska Division of Elections having counted more than 38,000 more votes on Tuesday, there are a few slight changes to note in various Alaska races, specifically the tight race between Rep. Mary Peltola and Nick Begich for Alaska’s one congressional seat. Here are the current numbers from the division on that race, released late Tuesday night:

Congressional race

The data analyst known as @cinyc9 on X/Twitter ran the algorithm on the updated known results of this race. For the final count, it gives Nick Begich a solid win at over 52%, when all the second- and third-place votes are redistributed.

In this raw-data analysis of the ranked-choice process, Begich gained 19,470 votes, and Rep. Mary Peltola gained 21,488 votes. Begich still wins.

With possibly 20,000 more votes yet to be counted, Peltola would have to win by a margin of over 10,000 to overcome Begich’s lead. This is not what the trends are indicating; instead, they show that Begich unseats Peltola in Congress.

The ballots counted Tuesday include a mix of absentee ballots, early voting, and questioned ballots.

The Division of Elections, however, will have the final word since this privately done analysis of the raw data may have errors. The division released the raw data to the public after Must Read Alaska filed a public records request. The division will not run its analysis and announce the final winner until Nov. 20, making Alaska the last state in the nation to announce results.


  1. The last State with the least amount of voters, Division of Elections employees are definitely a product of the Alaska education system, I remember when the lower 48 used to look up to us, PATHETIC!

    • Here are the latest elections results (11/13/2024): ‘

      Got to page 15. Look at BM#2. Repeal is winning by just under 3000 votes.

  2. Don’t forget … this voting system that keeps Alaskans guessing for 15 days, and delivers the last voting results by state in the US, was endorsed by both Anchorage and Fairbanks mayors. Proof that LaFrance and Pruhs are morons.

  3. Anchorage ASSembly has a warmed over seat for scary Mary now that she is a “Prominent citizen” in her mansion overlooking the homeless capital of Los Anchorage.

    From Capital Hill to Chugach Hill…what a ride its been since Bethel.

  4. “The Division of Elections, however, will have the final word since this privately done analysis of the raw data may have errors.”

    Translated MRAK chose to calculate the number of ballots the DOE publishes and determined are properly voted in the fairest, most open manner possible, in accordance with the published RCV construct.

    The fact that RCV is poorly written, structured in a virtually incomprehensible manner, the DOE has latitude to interpret in the manner they choose.

    Each precinct determines which question and wasted ballots count as “votes” and then determine how to count totals in 4 subsequent rounds, using the formula details they choose.

    Nothing to be concerned for, everything is just fine in our elections, just focus frustration and anger on the alleged inaccuracies in foreign elections!

  5. This is a refreshing turn of events for Alaska.
    While NB3 has a few flaws, he is markedly better then Mary who did a crappy job of representing Alaska.
    God Bless America !!!! Land that I love…….I can tell you he was guiding some people !!!

  6. Department of Elections is completely incompetent. There is no reason why we should have to wait on results of an election this long when other states with five to six times of the voting public can produce the results on the same day as the election.

  7. Another pickup. Still going to be a very narrow majority. Hope Nick can be persuasive to keep the guys who like having their faces on the news, rowing in the same direction as the rest of the caucus.

  8. We deserve to know HOW MANY BALLOTS were cast on election night at the close of the polls. This is horsecrap not knowing a full week later how many more may magically appear. Thanks Nancy Dahlstrom for fricking NOTHING.

      • Winning is not all that matters here.
        The integrity of the election process is questionable. And, when a State has this level of lackadaisical approach to providing results, it cuts down confidence in the election.
        “Oh, my preferred candidate won, who cares if the results are questionable, and there are gaps in security that you can drive a truck through. My guy won!” said no one with any shred of morals or self respect ever.

  9. There are what… about 35,000 ballots still to be counted?
    And, you think these numbers will not suddenly skew democrat. That’s interesting, and definitely jumping the gun.
    Seriously, RCV passed suddenly on the last day ballots could be received. Something like a 5,000 vote shift if I remember. I expect no different.

  10. I don’t know MRAK, AK Division of Elections announced yesterday on Twitter that they have 35,000+/- ballots to process. All FAX, Early in person, write in FWAB, in person Abs, and ADA votes should be counted by the 11/12 update. That leaves only mail-in postmarked by 11/5 (recvd by 11/15), question & [online >> (<< why?)]. Not sure where they get the 35K estimate as "ballots issued" has been a moving target . . . And where the Hades is Atqasuk? Ridiculous.


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