Murkowski hints she’ll be a leader in the ‘resist Trump’ movement


Sen. Lisa Murkowski was one of four Republicans who were hard no’s on the appointment of Rep. Matt Gaetz as Attorney General. She didn’t need an FBI report on him; she just said he was not a “serious candidate.”

But in a walk-and-talk interview with a reporter, she has now indicated that she won’t vote to confirm any of Trump’s nominations unless they all get a thorough background check by the FBI.

You know, the same FBI that raided the late Sen. Ted Stevens home in Girdwood in 2007 on a witch-hunt that later proved to be a case of government weaponized against a political figure; the same FBI that kicked down the door of a couple in Homer, Alaska in 2021, looking in vain for then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop computer.

The background check is not an absolute requirement, but Murkowski’s words indicate she believes it to be necessary to dig into every aspect of their personal lives. That’s what they open themselves up to, she said.

President Donald Trump has already indicated that not all his appointees need to go through a FBI background check. On Truth Social on Nov. 10, he wrote, “Any Republican Senator seeking the coveted LEADERSHIP position in the United States Senate must agree to Recess Appointments (in the Senate!), without which we will not be able to get people confirmed in a timely manner.” 

The constitutionally permitted recess appointment process is when a president appoints people temporarily to positions when the Senate is in recess. The appointments then are in effect until the end of the following legislative session.

Sen. John Thune will be serving as Senate majority leader. Rep. Michael Johnson is House Speaker. They would have to both agree to a late January recess.

Trump understands the challenges he faces, having been there before. Only 25 nominees have ever been sent to the Senate and failed confirmation, either by withdrawing their names or being rejected. Three of the 25 were in the first Trump term — 12% of the total.

The Trump transition team has not yet signed documents with the existing administration that would authorize the Justice Department to screen his choices that require the Senate’s consent.

In other news relating to Murkowski leading “the resistance” to the Trump presidency, she and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine this week voted for Biden’s judicial nominees that the Democrats are ramming through before Jan. 20. They were the only Republicans to do so, helping to seat judges that will support Biden’s and the Democrats’ agenda for lifetime appointments.

In September of 2020, Murkowski was on record opposing the confirmation of any Trump appointee to the Supreme Court that close to the November elections (which she hoped he would lose).

“For weeks, I have stated that I would not support taking up a potential Supreme Court vacancy this close to the election. Sadly, what was then a hypothetical is now our reality, but my position has not changed,” Murkowski said in a statement.

Weeks later, she changed her mind and voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.


        • No they are not! They have supported her in every crooked deal she has done to the state residents and you will remember that Frank disenfranchised every voter in the state of Alaska when he put Lisa in the vacant senate seat left by Ted Stevens. Paulette Simpson came to the Republican Women’s club in Juneau which I was a part of encouraging us to support Gov Murkowski in this endeavor. We all said NO. The Simpsons have been friends for yeas and Simpson law office had accepted funds from Murkowski so supporting him was what they wanted. The Republican Women still said NO. WSell, money buys a lot with the Murkowski’s and their friends.

      • Yes, we don’t like the fact she was fairly elected. We’ll just try to find some tactic to get rid of her. Sounds just right for me. You people are actually pathetic. She won the popular boat. Take it and eat that people I like Markowski. I’m more concerned with caring about people who really care for their jobs and the people they represent then the party they belong to Murkowski belongs because she is good for Alaska.

    • So what are we waiting for? Let’s initiate an actual movement:
      “Resist Lisa Murkowski”
      Trump would love it.
      Outside donors will pour money into this.

    • I voted for Trump but I do not worship who I vote for, it’s so unhealthy.
      It will keep the new president honest if he has some Senators looking over his shoulder, after all, the president has been prone to make mistakes and is not god.

      • It will keep the new President honest, if the observers/watchers are honest.
        Unfortunately, Trump Derangement Syndrome is the antithesis of honesty. And, Lisa has one of the worst cases of TDS on Capitol Hill.

      • Nice thought but flawed. Lisa is a turn coat against the will of the people of Alaska. She votes mostly for liberal legislation and goes against anything coming from Trump. We need to back any organized effort to remove her. She has got to go.

      • Lisa looking over his shoulder is like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.
        She will always be known as a crooked thief until she returns the stolen loot she used for her reselection campaign.
        She is as guilty as the getaway driver in a bank heist with Sam “Bankman” Freid stolen investors money that she conveniently donated to her relatives hideout.

    • The crazy is thing is all the NeoCons and UniParty Republicans that have voted for her every time.
      That’s the problem.
      That, and the time we had MASSIVE vote cheating when she won the Senate seat as a “write in” candidate after Joe Miller defeated her in the primary.
      Unfortunately, with RCV it will “dumb down” who we run as a Republican – since we won’t have primaries anymore.
      More RINO’s, not less.

    • Perfect description of this grifter who got her Daddy’s Senate Seat, can you say Nepotism, BTW she is a Democrat.

    • Of course you don’t like the popular vote. You don’t like the way the first try to get rid of her worked so you’ll continue being frustrated and continue banging on a drum that has one hole on the other side and doesn’t make a lot of noise go for it

  1. She really should do herself justice and just switch parties. All the more reason to repeal the 17th amendment so that when a senator who wants to go rogue can easily be recalled by their state.

  2. This women is severely mentally disturbed, this is what Nepotism creates in public sector and political spaces. These people are so entitled, so entrenched, and so obsessive they believe that they themselves are the singular deciders of fate for the people. This women is very very strange and dangerous!!!

  3. Murkowski needs to find a rock and crawl under it … and hopefully before 2028, we can repeal RCV once and for all. Without it, she doesn’t stand a chance of getting re-elected. I am tired of that cranky old hag thinking she’s better than the rest of us and that she “knows” what’s best for us “Alaskans” … OMG!!!

    • Lisa is, has been and always will be voting AGAINST ALASKA with every vote. Alaska is dead if the citizens continue to vote by name recognition instead of knowing more about the candidates. Big money, big advertising, and lying their butts off, outright LIES.
      If Lisa could tell ONLY the truth, and gets an electric shock every time she lied…..
      1. The betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts.
      2. The betrayal of someone’s trust or confidence.
      3. The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power; disloyalty; treachery.

  4. My guess is Dunleavy was a likely pick for a cabinet position but replacing Lisa played into the final decision.

    I foresee Dunleavy running against Daddy’s little Princess and with overwhelming support from the Trump train Lisa will be humiliated in epic fashion.

    All the outside money in the world will not save Murkowski this time around.

      • If I understand correctly Dunleavy could have intervened in the RCV measure to clean up state elections, yet he did not.

      • But that mess was supposed to have been cleaned up by Nancy Dahlstrom; but she was too preoccupied in running for higher office herself. So obviously, our voting system NEVER got fixed. Two weeks to count the votes? — Even though the voter rolls that needed purging, was a known problem since the 2020 election.

  5. The title of this MRA article should read that Senator Murkowski will head the ‘hate Trump movement’. Senator Murkowski’s pathological case of TDS is a liability for Alaska. It is obvious with the senate narrowly divided that Senator Murkowski relishes putting sand in the gears wherever she can in the Trump administration. Whenever she ‘evaluates’ the qualifications of nominees, she would do well to remember her sole original qualification to become Alaska’s senator was to be the daughter of the sitting and unpopular governor. And having to take five times to pass the bar exam does not attest to any radiant brilliance.

    Senator Murkowski voted for the all the Biden administration nominees because, after all, she opined, a new president should have the people he wants. She voted to confirm some real doozies, as we all are painfully aware. So ‘TDS’ if you must Senator, you are only embarrassing yourself and failing to serve Alaskans competently.

          • If there is plenty, surely you can recall a bunch of them and share. But, what do we get, vague statements about… well nothing really. Peltola did just as much, if I am to take your response seriously.
            Got the name of a bill she sponsored? An initiative she pushed through against opposition? No? Neither do I.

          • Are you referring to her bait and switch tactic performed only when up for election. I think shady pines needs to revoke your internet access.

        • Actually, I do have one good thing.
          Murkowski sponsored a bill that required the National Park Service to allow firearms into parks in accordance with the laws of the State in which the park is located.
          Aside from that, I am drawing a blank.

        • She is responsible for the construction of Ticonderoga Class Destroyers, Ford Class Aircraft Carriers, Broadband for rural all new constructed Alaska Highways and Bridges, brings in more money for Alaska than any other Senator for their states per capita, and on and on and on.
          No on pebble, highly respected amongst Republican Senate colleagues. Lisa is very much like Senator Ted Stevens, pro choice and big on defense spending..

          • LOL ….Lisa is so brilliant ….designing and constructing all of those Navy ships …..more LOL. It only took her 8.5 attempts before she could finally pass the Bar Exam. Of course, she had the answers ahead of time.
            Einstein Murkowski, they call her. IQ in the low double digits as told by Fritz.

          • At an exceedingly high cost for all Alaskans. All that pork she brings back not only got us $36,000,000,000,000 in debt, it also brought 20.14% inflation. So, not only are prices high for everyone, the U.S. dollar is now worth 80c; but then, it sure buys a lot of votes.

          • How is she responsible for those things?
            Is she responsible for allocating the Federal Highways budget? (HINT: No. The AK State DOT holds more responsibility for that then our senior Senator).
            And, she is somehow responsible for Defense Department spending decisions? How?
            Perhaps you should have said “With our Congressional Delegation, Lisa got the Willow project moving forward.”

          • Sorry third.. Ticonderogas arent destroyers!! They’re cruisers!!,and were modificationsof the Spruance- class design To add the Aegis system. Which made them poor-handling ships the Ford class carriers were a procurement debacle. Huge cost overruns and delayed commissioning due to bad design. Nothing to brag about there

  6. Listen to most commenters on here. Criticizing Lisa Murkowski as if she is the real problem….. thereby revealing their inability to see the senator is only a symptom of the real problem. The real problem is more than half the voters in Alaska keep re-hiring her… term after term after term. She was appointed and then won four subsequent re-elections. Critics posting on here should be directing their complaints to their spouses, family members, colleagues, neighbors, friends. Oh but we can’t do that, can we? We don’t want to be difficult with those we interact with daily yet we have no problem dispensing vitriol to Sen Murkowski on this public platform? Most do it behind fake names. What a pack of cowardly hypocrites.

    • The uninformed voter group in Alaska is huge. Anchorage ,Fairbanks, Juneau, and the bush have a monopoly on them. The stay a home and not vote crowd is another problem, our election turn out is terrible. To many don’t seem to care.

    • Voter apathy and RCV conspired to put Lisa in office again. Maybe enough have woke up and will turnout when reelection comes.

      • Voter apathy has always been a factor; especially on the conservative side. If we can figure how to remedy it then we might make progress. However, we should not ignore the majority of voters who re-elected such a destructive senator four times in a row (24yrs worth). We must ask what is the chronic problem.

      • The Honorable Senator Murkowski won her last election without RCV and she has another 4 years to serve until the next election.
        Summarize; Senator Murkowski and Sullivan are Alaska’s double barrel Shotgun.

    • Well, I don’t know who to talk to as you suggest. I do not know a single person who supports her, nor votes for her.

      She is very popular with democrats because she actually is one.

  7. Trump appealed to the American elctorate and turned the tables on the Establishment winning a great victory.

    Princess Lisa’s response, quoted above isn’t the least bit surprising. Lisa is nothing if She isn’t a member of a parliament of whores. Members of this body service their masters diligently and care nothing about the will of the American People 🙄.

    BTW, did you vote for her?

    • Robert, you comment is comprised of about 63 words but less than 10% of them are addressing the real problem: “BTW, did you vote for her?” Your comment is 90% complaint of symptoms vs 10% to the problem.
      It should be the inverse: 90% problem, 10% symptoms. Murkowski is a symptom; the problem is the voters. Until we focus on that point, we are part of the problem. Straighten out.

      • Wayne Douglas Coogan,
        My comment was written as a call to action, this explains the first paragraph.

        Lisa is aligned with the ” deep state” and or Bolschevik faction here in her ” resistance ” leading role.
        Therefore I think that we Alaskans should demand to see her FBI records. We further need to take a page from the playbook used by the Establishment Bolscheviks and surround her home, ( homes?) With large crowds and apply upon her the same pressure that her leftist friends used on certain SCOTUS members.

        Let us make Princess Uncomfortable, let’s us demand to know her reasoning for voting to approve Bidens barnyard full of freaks and weirdo’s and yet oppose Trumps.

        Are you prepared to do that?
        Cowardice is something that is anathema for someone in opposition to her tyranny.

      • EXACTLY!!! Just what I’ve been saying all along. These dingbats aren’t placed into office by themselves. And I hate mention this, but she’s only a reflection of the voters that put her into office.

  8. She has confidence, knowing the RCV will work in her favor.
    I grow tired of seeing her, she doesn’t have Alaskan interests at the forefront of anything she is doing and if it does favor us is just a coincidence.
    I would like to see a candidate come forth that will win the vote in a landslide….

  9. Trumps team was unaware of incident in Monterey CA involving Hegseth. So if internally they do that poorly vetting their appointees should we not insist the DOJ steps in. Remember in 2020 when Biden tried to get Rachel Maddow to be Director of intelligence? No, neither do I as he didn’t raid cable news for cabinet picks. Nor did he appoint any vitamin peddling anti-vaxxers. But the right loves every one of these ridiculous picks as job 1 is to own the libs. Jokes on you and your leaders weak picks. Nobody likes a boss that hires derelict friends to join the worksite and you spend your days cleaning up their messes. I’m sure Macho Man Randy Savage will be appointed to some important Director position any day now.

    • Yeah, Trump should just nominate more career politicians, Deep Staters, and UniParty politicians.
      That’s how you get real change.
      A politician is soooo above a media person who saw combat.

    • Oh, look. Another woman who “does not remember all the details” of the incident is accusing someone of sexual assault as soon as they associate with President Trump. Damn… I have never seen that tactic before… Oh, wait… yes I have.
      Meanwhile, a woman who recalls every detail of a sexual assault, and had told friends and family immediately afterward is ignored. Why? Because the assault was committed by Joe Biden.
      If my BS meter continues slamming into the red like this for the rest of the year, I will have to buy a new one.

    • Trump’s team was aware of the false allegations that had been leveled against Hegseth, but as they were both unsubstantiated and dismissed, they was nothing to be aware of. This is yet another smear campaign fomented by the leftist neocon deep state cabal. All discussion on this topic is nothing but an attempt to create a false narrative to discredit the creditable. The people are interchangeable, the game is the same.

    • Did Maddow earn two bronze stars in combat? Graduate from Princeton and Harvard? A big difference between her and Hegseth.

  10. Dan better stand up and stop this s— or he’s no Republican either. Wonder if we can start a recall or some kind of movement to get her out early. No action of Dunleavy / it shows his true colors. He’s a Democrat also. Politicians and you can just look and see, it’s all over the place the crime the lying stealing the use of the citizens. Politicians are all evil.

  11. She doesn’t represent Alaska, she represents herself.
    She voted for many of bidens cabinet picks, of which many are anti American.
    What a total disaster!!!
    With some luck her senate vote won’t be needed if conservative numbers are enough.

    • You hit the nail on the head with her representing herself. No doubt enriching herself along the way. No one in their right mind could vote for the three ring circus of cabinet picks Biden put forth. She is getting paid well for her votes from somewhere.
      And her support of K. Brown-Jackson for SCOTUS was a total joke. She didn’t vet her very well considering KBJ was not a judge she was an activist on the bench with a long record of releasing / giving light sentences to Pedos. KBJ was the absolute worse candidate for SCOTUS ever. But Lisa who failed the bar exam how many times thought she was a perfect pick.
      Murkowski needs to be recalled for her repeated failure to represent the best interest and the will of the people of the state of Alaska.

      • You guys are clueless. If she only represents herself then why do more than half of Alaskans keep re-electing her? The reason she will hang on for another 14-years is because most conservatives fail to see the problem–it’s not Lisa. Rather, its our fellow leftist voters. We need to stop whining and plan a remedy. The majority of our fellow Alaskans need deprogramming and truth.

    • A recall would fail. After being appointed, she’s been re-elected 4-times. One re-election was a write-in after losing the primary to Joe Miller. The only hope is a campaign, starting now, aimed directly at her supporters, telling the truth of her voting record. Most conservative voters are unaware of how reprehensible it is.

  12. Wouldn’t being a leader in the “Resist Trump” movement maker her a leader in the “Resist the will of the American and Alaskan voter” movement? Again, asking for a friend.

      • Let’s see. The current population of the USA is about 330M. Which means, in order for a President to have the will of the people, they would have to garner more than 165M votes?
        Using that measure as a way to cut down Trump is a stretch, even for you.

      • It’s called the will of the people. You know We the People that spoke on Nov 5. No one cares what the percent was, all that matters is that the.woke, participation trophy crowd experiment at governing is over. Time for the moderate squishes such as your self and Lisa get out of the way.

  13. Trump needs to get used to being told no to from time to time. More Republican senators and seeing the light. That’s why Gaetz was run off, and now Pete, a sex predator and drunk will be next.

  14. Far more entertaining for salacious details to come out during confirmation hearings rather than buried in some tedious FBI report

  15. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. When did Trump refuse her advances?? This is clearly a personal thing for her.

  16. Doesn’t this make her an election denier and an insurrectionist? Isn’t she trying to subvert the constitution and the will of the people?

    Maybe the Princess needs to go through a thorough FBI check and digging into Every Aspect of her personal life, including everything she ever said or did back to when she was a baby.

    Where does she get off thinking she has supreme approval above everyone else?

    • Lisa is supposed to represent WE THE PEOPLE, and as such, she have no right to pursue undermining our future president.
      To undermine the President of the United States of America as our elected official (thru her bastardization of our laws with scott kendalls rcv) is a treasonous act. She knows this, and should not do it. She has a job to do, to represent the state of Alaska, and we Alaskans, along with the rest of our nation, elected Donald Trump as our next president. Nowhere in her job description does it say she can pursue undermining the nations administration. I can only hope that if she is any part of the resist trump movement that she is impeached and imprisoned for treason, high crimes and misdemeanors. She needs to do her job or step down if she cannot or will not support our president.

  17. If I got started describing Murkowski the RINO I’d probably would not be FCC friendly letting my true feelings out. Enough to say I do not like the Senator and hope we can finally kill RCV in the next cycle.

  18. Is this the same Lisa Murkowski that has close ties with Alice Rogoff, who has close ties to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein? Connect the dots…. child trafficking?

  19. Dear Lisa
    While the majority of Alaskans voted for Trump .. And you think Native Alaskans aren’t smart enough, or All Alaskans are too Dumb to know what they want or stand for and YOU will Ignore the wishes of the Alaskan People so you can do just what YOU want.. and screw ( as usual ) the Alaskan People .. Well FU

  20. Maybe an open letter from a lot of Alaskans reassuring the president-elect and senate leadership that Murkowski doesn’t speak, or act, for them, that she’s there only because they can’t recall her?
    Should be fun to see what bubbles up from The Swamp to defend its own, no?

  21. Alaska needs to change the way a replacement senator is sent to Congress. Currently, the governor can select a replacement senator. Daddy Murkowski appointed his daughter to the position.
    A Representative can be removed from office by impeachment, recall, or not being reelected. Our US Senators and Representatives answer only to the Congress or the House. They should be accountable to the governor and maybe recalled or removed from office by the governor for cause
    The “Good Ole Boys Club” will not go against one of their own.

    • I thought that the Governor can no longer appoint the Senate replacement, that there has to be a special election.

  22. Does’t it matter to the Senator her boss the people chose President Trump as their executive? People, she doesn’t work for you she works for her female colleagues. They are her constituents. Not the geographic area.

  23. One can only imagine the perverse pleasure Murkowski gets by poking a stick in the eye of anyone who voted for President Trump. The ugliness inside of her heart shows outwardly in her aging, unattrative face.

  24. Who the heck does this woman think she is? Please Murk, just switch to the Dem party since you are representing the AK DEMS. The silent AK majority is sick and tired of your nonsense.

  25. Maybe we should start referring to her as “Deep state Lisa”. She’s pretty good at pulling what ever tricks she has to, to stay in office over the years. Never voted for, and didn’t agree with daddy appointing her.

  26. A woman free from the scandals that are all too common in other MAGA clowns. A woman with a real conscience. A woman with a sound ethical foundation. A woman with class. A woman without fear. A woman filled with compassion. A woman with balls.

    GO LISA!

  27. She is mentally ill. She is so afflicted and obsessed with TDS that she can’t think or act logically. She needs to be pulled out of DC and placed in a psychiatric ward.

  28. This is the Murkowski who hypocritically said she was obligated to vote yes on any qualified candidate, regardless of their left-wing kookiness. Is she so naive that she has failed to recognize that at least half the State of Alaska thinks her senatorial character is lower than slug slime?


  30. I don’t think this the approach to the new administration. I don’t care what her personal thoughts are on Trump. What she was elected to do is to do what is best for ALASKA

  31. Anybody around here surprised? Trump won this state hands down, yet here is one our senators leading the resistance against him? Maybe Miss Lisa needs a bit of what Trump has been going through for the past eight years and what drove Palin out of office: an aggressive dose of lawfare.
    Recall her.

  32. Or maybe don’t nominate sexual predators, vaccine deniers, and Russian agents who also have ZERO experience or qualifications for the job. I mean, this really shouldn’t be difficult

    • Have you even read the information from Megan Kelly and other reporters on what actually is going on, or just sticking to the I hate Trump headlines, smear sources and your own opinion?

  33. Murkowski has assumed the role of the late Diane Feinstein of California who had the princess cornered and converted to take over her legacy of destruction of our state exactly as she did to Cali.

    If people dont wake up and realize her evil motives we will all suffer and she will stay in DC until they have to wheel her out in a wheelchair clawing the halls of her castle on the way out.

    She has 90% of the natives and rural votes bluffed with her fake giveaways.
    I don’t see any cheer leaders commenting on here either but that’s how clueless and uninformed they are as to her real motives.

  34. Nancy and I moved to Wrangell primarily to get away from politics. But Lisa keeps reminding us of how evil can find you, even in remote corners of Alaska. Nancy and I have really paid the price for appointing her in 2002. We’ve lost most of our old friends. Lisa haunts us with her belligerence. We are old now, yet there is no relief in sight for what we’ve put our fellow Alaskans through. Let’s face it Nancy, we raised a miserable, traitorist daughter.

    • Well, let’s face it Frankie. We will be going to our graves soon, as Alaska’s favorite Marxist couple.
      We will get half-staff honors with the Communist flag.

  35. Having access to top secret TSCI information- which cabinet members will see on a regular basis- requires a background check. No one (us normal people) gets access to even secret information without having a basic background check. Why should political appointees be treated differently than everyone else?

    If they can’t pass a background check then they should be disqualified. No exceptions. What many don’t understand is there are countless people out there putting their lives and freedom on the line to support the USA. All it takes is one bad actor and these people- and in some cases the information they provide- is lost. Even those with proper clearances have betrayed us- and lives were lost. Think the POS Hansen.

  36. Say Lisa….say it again….now head for the toilet and PUKE!!! A majority of Americans spoke on Nov 5th to give President Trump the chance to fix the nation after puke people like democrat Lisa Murkowski have almost totally destroyed it…! Lisa can’t see that because there’s no way she can see anything with her head so far up her pooper shoot. Go away Lisa and let the country heal with Trump and his chosen cabinet appointees. Don’t continue your obstructionist tactics, you are a FOOL…! Now I must puke!!!

  37. This is not about making sure appointments are qualified. This is about delaying and defeating Trump’s nominees any way they can. They will make false accusations and drum them up via the willing mainstream media. Accusations of past crimes, accusations of racism or homophobia or misogyny or cruelty to animals. Anything they can make up, they will do it. Murkowski is a liar and a deceiver. We must vote her out this next time. Any true conservative that votes for her is completely misinformed.

  38. Lisa is showing her lack of life experience, professional and business. Her job is not to start throwing gauntlets, she’s already done that. There are other self righteous Senate republicans to “protect America” who represent states in a better federal position than Alaska. Our voting impact is small enough that we can be sacrificed to every environmental cause that comes along, and we have been.

    Lisa’s job is to represent the people of this state, form working relationships to reopen Alaska’s resource development which supports with our economy, rebuild infrastructure, etc. This administration maybe the most conducive to supporting Alaska’s needs seen for years. Let’s take advantage of it. Lisa, please focus!!

  39. Well, Matt Gaetz is not going to be the nominee. Pam Bondi has the nod from Trump. So, Is Lisa going to oppose Trump’s nominee for Attorney General for the same reasons the Democrats are?… She’s too competent!

    • No, She will oppose Bondi because Trump nominated her.
      Do you really think she needs a better reason? Not in her mind, she doesn’t.

  40. She is a traitor through & through. The out of state blood money that keeps her in office should be illegal. I would love election laws that prevented money from special interests & non-Alaskans from being donated to campaigns. Lisa’s problem is that she doesn’t go to DC & represent ALL Alaskans, much less Alaskan interests when it comes to Trump’s initiatives regarding domestic resources. She goes to DC & represents who or whatever will get her re-elected. Tragically we have sufficient ignorance & pliability in Alaska to have made her a mainstay of the political swamp. Anyone that’s known her since her brief stint as a state legislator can testify of her marked personality change to an elitist, prideful, & unreasonable snob & it’s truly sad, especially since it’s us Alaskans that are paying the price for her refusal to do what’s right if it’s in line with the Trump agenda. So much for looking for items around which we can rally & unify. She’s the queen of divisive politics & wouldn’t know what the word “conservative” meant if it bit her in the rear.

  41. The way to get rid of Lisa is to use rank choice voting against her,
    Vote for anyone but Lisa just leave her name blank!

  42. She does not care what Alaskans want only those that fund her from OUT of State. Lisa is the Alaskan Dark money Queen! A RINO and a person that puts killing the unborn above all else. Odd the Natives support her while she works tirelessly to exterminate their unborn children! In time with her help there will be no Native Alaskans left. No population can withstand such a reduction in new born children.

  43. I vote that the FBI vet Senator Murkowski during this same time and Alaska hold a special election to vote her out of office. She doesn’t represent Alaska; she represents her and Susan Collins own agenda.

  44. I think Lisa like Ted Steven’s have been good for Alaska and Alaskans, I will continue voting for her until I have reason to not vote for her. It’s not RCV that’s getting her elected, it’s the people that votes for her. In my opinion Trump have a screw loose and somebody needs to watch him, Lisa cannot be easily be brainwashed.

    • Not sure what you are smoking but if I were you, I would stop before you burnout any more of those few remaining brain cells.

  45. What you hear is the whining of a dying breed of corrupt Republicans. Lisa knows her days of corruption are coming to an end, and she wants to go out kicking and screaming. She wants the corrupt FBI to make sure they get a corrupt DOJ head so their criminal empire can continue. Lisa, it is too late. Get ready for Pam Bondi who will probably be even better than Matt Gaetz. Pam doesn’t mess around and will prosecute you corrupt RINOS to the fullest extent of the law. Your days are numbered Lisa!

  46. Rebelling against the duly elected executive is not identical to the duly elected executive inquiring in his fiduciary capacity if the election was certified according to the supreme foundational law of the nation the US Constitution exact requirements.

  47. Lisa couldn’t lead a mouse to a piece of cheese….
    or a cat to a pinch of catnip. But Lisa sure knows how to lead the rats to the sewer.

  48. Murkowski has never been someone that could be characterized by the term “leader”. She is devoid of any ethics and continually performs at the behest of those most likely to help her politically in the next election. She has NEVER been a fiscal conservative and has been completely MIA in much of the obstruction administrations past have instituted in Alaska’s ability to operate as a free state. She is a shill for the DC swamp and should be replaced as early as possible. Her TDS is deep and her commitment to the bureaucratic tyranny in DC is evidenced by her continued support of this shadow organization.

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