Murkowski disappointed that ERA didn’t pass in time, deadline expired


U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski expressed her disappointment after the U.S. Senate failed to pass Senate Joint Resolution 4, aimed at affirming the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

The resolution, co-led by Sen. Ben Cardin from Maryland, sought to eliminate the arbitrary deadline for ratification and recognize the amendment as a valid part of the Constitution, given that the 38-state threshold needed for ratification of the ERA has been met.

“It’s pretty simple. ‘Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.’… That’s it. That’s the full substance of the Equal Rights Amendment,” she said on the Senate floor.

The matter of the ERA may be complicated by transgender ideology, which has inserted uncertainty into who qualifies as female.

Sen. Murkowski, who has co-led this resolution in three Congresses, emphasized the urgency of removing the deadline for ratification of the ERA by the states, which she feels is long overdue. She stressed that men and women should be treated equally under the law, and that there should be no time limit on equality.

Despite the setback, Murkowski assured advocates that she remains committed to the cause and will never give up the effort.

“Women are a majority of the U.S. population, but continue to be underrepresented in elected office, the courts, the business world, and in so many other areas,” she said.


  1. “Women are a majority of the U.S. population, but continue to be underrepresented in elected office, the courts, the business world, and in so many other areas,” she said.

    Okay. This Equal Rights Amendment is just that – equal rights. Maybe our dear Lisa needs to come to the conclusion that perhaps it’s not an equal rights issue as to why she needed to include that last sentence. Maybe, just maybe not as many women desire to hold those positions.

    Ever think of that Lisa?

  2. Born and raised in Alaska, tough, a hard fighter, New Ice breaker being assembled, Broadband for Rural, Seward Hwy construction and all new bridges, F-22 squadron, 2 F-35 squadrons, serves on numerous committees, won her last re-election by the widest margin, advocate of Supreme Court ethics laws, more federal money for Alaska per capita then any other state., you want more? there is much more she has done 😉

    • All you’re talking here is payoffs, pittance, and cherrypicking.

      The military “achievements” are not Alaska achievements. Those are national issues, not state. Pathetic example.

      Re-elected by a large majority? Sort of. Remember how she arrived there first, and that she essentially uses her “R” for knee-jerk and she takes “D” positions on nearly everything else. She is the unacknowledge Blue Senator.

      More Federal money per capita to Alaska than any other state? Better be, the Feds directly control Alaska lands exceeding in size the ENTIRE state of Texas. We won’t even begin to talk about navigable waterways.

      Also, measure that money. How much of that is used to support Federal infrastructure, Federal civilian and military payrolls, as well as Federal treaty obligations?

      All of this in trade. “Don’t be a fuss about state sovereignty, let us control your land and destroy resource development, and we’ll help you look good.” That’s the lecture Lisa gets and that’s her payoff.

      As long as the Feds control most of Alaska, we shall remain a very small state and dependent upon low-pay industries, government payrolls and payouts, and experience nearly zero real growth.

      Lisa done anything for Alaska? H*** no.

    • The nation is in decline in every aspect. Debt far past anything that is responsible. Unlikely she legitimately won this past election given all the evidence of fraud nation wide. She is a total failure and our nation is suffering as a result.

  3. “Women are a majority of the U.S. population, but continue to be underrepresented in elected office, the courts, the business world, and in so many other areas,” she said

    Democrats like Lisa can’t define woman, so how does she know they are underrepresented?
    Also why are they underrepresented Lisa? Because they don’t want those positions? Don’t apply for those positions, aren’t qualified etc? Why. Sure isn’t because or the Senate Joint Resolution 4

    • Yeah, I fully support equality of opportunity, but not equality of outcome. Men and women make different decisions and have different interests, period.

  4. My kid, a true Democrat to the core. Joe Miller and Kelly Tshibaka could see the writing on the wall long before election day. You don’t mess with a Murkowski, especially if you’re a Republican. We never lose. We love this game and we know how to play.

    • Yes Frankie, but we still can’t escape Petersburg without the Alaska Ferry service. And you promised me we’d have a personal Lear jet in our last remaining years. What happened?

      • Yeah, Frankie. With all of the money you got out of the bank job, the money you stuffed your pockets with from the Big Oil companies, your huge government salaries, and now your huge multiple pension checks…….you certainly must have enough for a Citation, Gulfstream 5, or a Desault. Then you can will it over to Lisa so she can carry on your great tradition for yourself.

  5. Male Republican senators’ distaste for abortion rights is more likely to be the reason the resolution stalled, and not the trans issue. The House is the hotbed of anti-trans fever.

    • I love the branding, it’s simply amazing that progs and their media allies can take things like not wanting doctors to sterilize minor girls, castrate minor boys and speaking out against performing highly sexualized womanface among other acts of degeneracy in front of children then call it anti-trans and people just fall for it. FN chefs kiss

    • I don’t know that one has a Right to an abortion. Somebody has to prove that to me. I would also say it’s the hotbed of anti-crazy fever.

  6. Did princess lisa finally realize that the dumbocrats do not want WOMEN to have equal rights.
    WOMEN are being erased, looks like it is finally lisas turn.
    Lisa, you traitor to women, getting what you deserve! CANCELLED
    You turned your back on us, they turn their back on you.

  7. The Equal Rights Amendment is so much nonsense, which will only be used to divide us further. Women and men already HAVE equal rights under the law.

  8. “Lisa the Baby-killer”, has a rotten ring to it, but it’s her primary pursuit – SHE WILL NOT STOP until this moniker is on her invisible crown. The missed ERA opportunity didn’t complete her murderous, demonic, GODLESS, approach to representing us as the enemy of the Human Race (and most Alaskans).

    • I want my representatives in the Federal government to be godless, because our Constitution is a godless, secular document on purpose. Religion has no place in government. The first amendment is as much freedom FROM religion as it is freedom OF religion. You want to live in a theocracy, go to Iran or Saudi Arabia.

      • Then you’ll join people like me in opposition to the new religion of climate being forced down everyone’s throats?

        • Climate science has the benefit of being based on data and theory, which can be tested and repeated and be subject to falsification. So no, its not a religion because religion is based on faith. The former is science, the latter is not.

          Whether you agree with the data or its interpretation is another topic altogether, but you’ll never see any scientists trying to support the existence of Noah’s Ark for instance.

          • BS. Climate data has been disproven so many times it’s useless.

            But you did answer my question. You’re fine with religion in government if it’s your religion.

            Hypocrisy, but it expected.

      • You are ignorant, uneducated, or foolish. I hope it’s ignorance and lack of education, those conditions can be addressed.

  9. How can we establish “womens’ rights” if we cannot even define what a “woman” is? Let’s not get all carty before the horsey!

  10. Who cares about the constitutional process for amendments? Since this one is so special, let’s suspend the rules – just this once.

  11. Under-represented? Huh? Two out of three of our elected officials representing Alaska identify themselves as female.

    Even other positions…wasn’t that long ago we had a female governor, we have many female state legislators, we even had a DPS Commissioner who never spent one day as a cop who was female…oh and a notoriously unqualified DPS Colonel also.

    Then talk judiciary.

    Murkowski, as per usual, being the professional as always. Her only job is to get re-elected and she can sniff out pockets of voters like a blue tick hound looking for bacon.

  12. The rules are the rules until they are inconvenient. Then ignore them.

    Sad truth is, there is not nor ever has been enough support for ERA to pass. Not then, not now.

    Lastly, facts disagree with Princess’s statement, but when have facts stopped her before.

    Once again, big thanks to the PM drive host who unceasingly pimped the Incumbent Protection Act. He’s a large co-owner in all this mess.

  13. Does that mean that those Undefined People will be subject to being hauled off into uniform and sent to foreign land to get shot at or blown to bits for the country??

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