Muni gives up on working? Now it’s Bike to ‘Wherever’ Day


The Anchorage Municipality has supported “Bike to Work Day” for over a decade. The annual event celebrates bicycling as a way to improve the quality of life for members of a community, and it’s observed nationwide.

This year’s event is Friday, May 21. But with so many people working at home these days, the municipality has evidently decided that “bike to work” is an anachronism.

Now, it’s “bike to wherever day.”

As usual, there are snack stations that will be set up around town off of the various popular urban trails.

Learn more about Bike to Wherever day at this link.


  1. On the public dime? Because government is so flush with money that streets are paved with gold and potholes non-existent.

  2. Wherever,
    Anywhere but, that dirty city of anchorage.
    I might get mugged, who knows what else could happen. I might be forced to give money to the bums too.

    I’M SO Happy Bronson is going to be the Real Elected mayor of Anchorage.
    I’m hoping he can get Anchorage back on track to a Safe, Fun, Clean city. That Anchorage Once/at some time in the Past, used to be.

  3. How about a bicycle “Tour de Homeless Camp?” Entry is five cans of beans. Must present proof of vaxx. Seven stages. No more than three mph through tent cities. Mandatory lay- over at one camp. Winner gets to dine on weiners and vodka. Awards presented by Ethan Berkowitz.

  4. Yes, bike to work in Anchorage! Never mind the innumerable reckless and distracted drivers, or the frequent rain, or the six months of ice and snow and unplowed sidewalks and paths. Yes, bike to work, the most practical means of commuting in Alaska!

  5. Well it is finally truthful? “Government workers” always has been a bit of an oxymoron. Now if they ride somewhere on a bicycle then they will get home too tired?

  6. WELL … When the Muni, State and Federal workers make 2x the private sector worker, never losing a paycheck through the wuhan – covid lockdown debacle and, they don’t have to provide meaningful services … they can afford to be inefficient where expectations are diminished and encouraged while reaping excessive compensation and benefits. However, I presume that the typical government employee isn’t riding their bicycle as this effort would expend too much energy, far more than they physically have and.or will ever have!!!
    Hopefully, our elected leaders can quickly cleanup the payroll rosters, shedding the dead weight, non-producers, and inefficiencies.

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