The Mount Marathon Race, which takes place in Seward every July 4, has tiptoed into protecting fairness in the women’s division for the toughest 5K on the planet: There will be a non-binary division this year. The category was announced March 15.
The race is among the oldest footraces in America and is considered the oldest mountain footrace in the country. It started as a bet between two miners as to whether someone could reach the top of the mountain and return within one hour. The race was officially organized in 1915.
The race starts in downtown Seward, where thousands gather to cheer on the racers, who scramble up and back from the slope of Mount Marathon, a rocky, slippery mountain of shale and loose rock. There’s a men’s and women’s division and a youth division; each division is capped at 375 competitors, some of whom have done the race for many years.
Now there’s a non-binary division, which applies to those who don’t think they are male or female.
“The term non-binary is a gender identity that cannot be defined by the binary terms of ‘man’ or ‘woman’; it refers to people who identify with a gender beyond the binary categories of male and female. Within non-binary are people who fluctuate between genders (genderfluid or bi-gender), people who have no gender (agender) and more,” the committee rule states. “This policy is an effort to make more space for people who live outside the confines of binary gender identities.”
The rule explanation continues:
Beginning in 2024, adults and juniors identifying as non-binary:
- Can select non-binary as a category at priority or lottery registration.
- Will be included in a new non-binary division that has its own results.
- Will be recognized with the same awards (non-binary top 5 overall and non-binary age group top 5) as the binary divisions.
- Non-binary adults will need to take part in the men’s or women’s waves and therefore must select participation in the men’s or women’s race (we acknowledge that non-binary runners having to participate in a binary division isn’t ideal, but currently see no better option). If preferred, they can be part of a separate non-binary wave within the men’s or women’s races. The race director will reach out to all non-binary runners to discuss this option.
- Non-binary juniors will simply participate in the juniors’ race because boys and girls run together in a single wave.
- If a lottery entrant, will be placed in the lottery corresponding to the race they selected.
- Will requalify for priority registration following the existing rules of each race.
- The non-binary division is expected to be selected in good faith and will be accepted at face value; it cannot be challenged by another party.
The race committee is evaluating also creating a transgender runner policy, but that matter was tabled “as it gathers more information and feedback,” the committee said.
Transgenders are those who have been chemically and surgically treated to appear to be the opposite gender. Across the country, transgender athletes, in the male-to-female format, have been robbing women of their athletic trophies and the issue has become a point of contention in swimming, biking, foot races and other sports. Female-to-male transgenders have not posed a medal threat in men’s divisions.
Without having addressed the transgender fairness issue, the race committee has delayed setting up protections for women runners, but has taken a step in the fairness challenge with the non-binary rule.
“According to the Non-Binary Racing Database, more than 300 events in the United States now allow non-binary registration, including some of the country’s biggest events such as the Chicago, New York and Boston Marathons,” the race said in an announcement. The decision was approved by both the Mount Marathon Race Committee and the Seward Chamber Board of Directors.
The race committee has made other changes. For the junior division, the minimum age to participate has been increased to 9 years old. Earlier, the age minimum was 7, but in 2023, no 7-year-olds participated and the 8-year-old racers are now 9.
The general race deferral option, where runners want to preserve their spot as a legacy racer but need to take a year off (often due to injury) has been eliminated starting in 2024. The only deferral now granted is for women due to pregnancy.
“Because so many spots were being held to the following year, fewer lottery opportunities were available for new racers.
Injuries were the most common reason for deferral. The committee believes injuries are a part of training and racing, and no longer warrant a deferral,” the committee said. Those deferrals already approved from 2023 are still valid, but runners must still register and pay to be an entrant.
The committee also revised its skip-a-year rule, which allows priority racers — those who are veterans of the race — to skip one year, but one year only and still preserve priority status.
Registration for the race closes March 31.
To view the full non-binary policy, click here.
To read the race’s press release on the MMR website, click here.
As much as all this manipulation disgusts me to no end — I would say the folks in race control appear to have addressed the many forced outcomes that are prevalent today and are openly trying in good faith to head off the blindsided whimpering of some unknown faction or self-proclaimed group.
109 years ago, it was male and female as it is today — expect now some of us support a distorted view of God and 23 chromosomes.
Stupid, but it does keep mentally ill men from competing with women.
I’m going to enter you into the race 😉
Right you are. Better than allowing men who pretend to be women to compete against women. Every sport needs to have this now to PROTECT WOMEN in SPORTS!
Just call it the mentally ill division and be done with it.
I guess the woke (sic) race organizers could have equally labeled this new division the “Mentally Disturbed” category, but then it would be swarmed by all the radical leftist extremists and cultists, muddying the whole idea.
I am glad they are doing this. I am tired of seeing biological men win women’s competitions. And regardless of how you feel about non binary culture–they should be given the chance to compete. This is a fair minded policy.
good comment. Participating in sports is good for everyone. Agree on this being a fair minded policy.
We’ll isn’t that special.
0’s, 1’s, and dashes?
So basically we are just caving to this nonsense? Any full on adult, that still has no idea what the hell gender they are, are mentally incompetent. Period.
Shame to see this starting up in Alaska .. disgusting and honestly, quite stupid. Give these trolls an inch they take a mile. Enough!
Why bother?
Why not just let them all run at the same time. Seniors, children, men, women, little blue aliens from Alpha Centuri, microwave ovens, whatever. Have one race, with one start time, one winner, end of story.
They’re green. They wear blue suits.
I am not talking about THOSE little aliens from Alpha Centuri. I am talking about the other ones…
Matias Saari, MMR Director. I wonder how many other races/events he is involved in or going to be involved in to push the lefty agenda?
Oh, my comment was edited. How about instead of saying fruitcake, I say he is a piece of cake?
I have met him, he is a big marathon runner.
Didn’t see any problem with him.
I think MM is just trying to avoid problems that may arise (through the courts)
The Equinox Marathon in FBX, the one he races every year & wrote a book about.
Matias Saari has impeccable credentials. You don’t.
Think maybe it’s time to have a little talk with some of these people and open up to them that there are 2 (TWO) genders. And really don’t care about or sympathize with people who think they are special enough to be treated in the way they think they deserve.
I’m still waiting to hear how these people change chromosomes. Until then I will follow basic biology
We are encouraging mental illness.
These people need help.
We should not be encouraging their deviant fetishes.
2+2=4 – that is called math.
The sky is blue – that’s astronomical science.
A dog is not a cat.
That is called biological science.
A man has an X chromosome and a Y chromosome.
Women have 2 X chromosomes.
Once again, biological science.
To suggest anything else is denying ALL science, facts, reason, and logic.
I for one, will not participate in all of the bullcorn.
Maybe the LGBTQ runners will end up lost on the back trails. Happened before.
That guy planned his disappearance & is living a new life somewhere else.
Slip out the back Jack, and set yourself free. Worked for me.
How’s life in Brazil, Michael? Heard that the settlement $$ is holding out for you.
New digs, learning Portuguese, and new, improved babe.??
Someone’s still gonna sue because they are being “segregated” & that’s against the law.
They just want to damage America & push communism.
We need conservative politicians & judges to fight this, not separate (but =) race divisions.
They need to make it a private event and invite only X and Y chromosomes.
Non binary is so last year.
Prediction: There will be a lot of entries in the new division. Think of it as a variation of the big frog, small pond observation. Cheers –
I’m left handed, a senior, straight, and Christian. I want my own division. Doesn’t matter if I’m not up to the run-details like that don’t seem to matter anymore.
Why not an Octal or hexadecimal division??
Oh yeah…
They do it in California, and we just cannot wait but join them.
Keep them away from the children.
Just who is responsible for this?
I need to look ’em up.
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