Money group forms to support Walker-Mallott with millions



An independent expenditure group has formed to shore up the fortunes of Gov. Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott as they turn their attention to the General Election and a bid for a second term.

“Unite Alaska,” the name of the group, has prominent Alaskans as its chairs:

  • Barbara Donatelli is senior vice president at Cook Inlet Region, Inc., the Alaska Native regional corporation for Southcentral Alaska. She is a Democrat.
  • Jim Sampson, former Fairbanks borough mayor and founder of the Fairbanks Pipeline Training Center. He is the former head of the AFL-CIO. He is a Democrat.

According to the press release, Unite Alaska filed paperwork Wednesday with the Alaska Public Offices Commission to form an independent expenditure organization named Unite Alaska for Walker-Mallott.

“Unite Alaska intends to raise money and purchase advertising touting the Walker administration’s remarkable leadership during one of the most difficult times in Alaska’s history,” the press release said.

“Unlike his opponents, Governor Walker has a clear vision for Alaska,” Sampson said. “He has put us on the path to economic recovery and his continued leadership is essential to our future stability and growth.”

Most of the money raised for Unite Alaska is expected to come from an outside organization that is promoting non-party affiliated candidates. Unite America endorsed Walker after he visited the organization earlier this year in Washington, D.C.

“We are confident, based on the early outpouring of support for this effort, that we will raise significant dollars to support the Governor and Lt. Governor,” said spokesman Tim Woolston. “It’s clear that many of Alaska’s most prominent leaders, organizations and businesses are stepping up.”

Walker was a Republican before he became an undeclared and ran with the support of the Alaska Democratic Party in 2014. In 2018, he attempted to run in the Democratic Primary, but retreated when Mark Begich jumped into the race, and now is running as a petition candidate.

A man gathers signatures for Gov. Bill Walker’s re-election outside of the REI store in Anchorage on Saturday.


On the same day as the big reveal of his campaign support group, Gov. Walker and the Department of Law said that crime in Alaska has gone up by 6 percent year over year.

The governor and the state’s attorney general held a press conference to roll out statistics on crime, which include such highlights as Alaskans experiencing:

  • 1 car theft every two hours
  • 1 burglary every two hours
  • 1 larceny every 29 minutes
  • 1 assault every two hours
  • 1 rape every 8 hours
  • 1 murder every six days
Anchorage street scene on Saturday.

In 2013, burglary hit a 7-year low, and vehicle theft hit a 17-year low in 2011.

Since he took office and the economy has tumbled, crime has soared to record levels.

The 2017 Uniform Crime Report contains a comprehensive look at crime in Alaska.

“The 2017 UCR looks back at information a year ago or more and doesn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know,” said Attorney General Lindemuth. She and Walker touted the Walker Administration’s efforts to reverse the trend.

She suggests crime is up because of budget cuts and the opioid epidemic. She said property crimes will take a lower priority than violent crimes and Alaskans should not expect much response.


  1. The AG says Alaskans should not expect too much response to property crime. She left out the obvious alternative. That being, in lean times, if the state’s leaders won’t prioritise spending on public safety, an absolutely essential government function, then she should just tell citizens she endorses taking care of the problem on their own and to feel free to confront someone stealing your car (if you happen to catch them) with all necessary force.

    But my feeling is they are trying to hold public safety hostage to squeeze more taxes from people because public safety is not their favorite cause & will not cut elsewhere.

    • In the State Senate Mike Dunleavy tried to take $50 million from the Walker-Chinese gas line and put that money toward more State Troopers and education. He made a compelling case but it was voted down. That is why we desperately need to elect Mike Dunleavy. There is no one else in the race that has even a ghost of a chance of turning around this state. Does anyone know of any governor of any state, and at any time, who has made as much of a mess as Walker has in just 4 years?

  2. Alaska needs a state income tax on earned wages, and to tax all extractions – or it’s bonding rate is going to go down like it has done a bunch of times in the last few years.

    • Toby needs to research how that worked out for California. It’s already expensive with the union “handling fees” and “special shipping fees” of goods coming to Alaska, why would you pour more salt into the open wound? Naaa.. The state needs to sharpen their pencils and start cutting social welfare programs. State government reminds me of Sally Struthers and “Save the Children”. I bet Sally never missed a meal while they filmed those poor starving children. Sally as well as state government- you’re fat and need to go on a diet.

  3. It’d be interesting to be a “fly on the wall” to see where the “donations” are coming from. Considering Employee Walker just returned from China, perhaps he sold his soul to be governor again, in exchange for a Chinese built gas line and selling exclusively to China.

    I’m trying to figure out what is remarkable about Employee Walker. His support of the unions? His being a closet communist er- democrat? His theft of PFD money from the people of Alaska and using said monies to pay down employee pension fund debt (union debt)? Employee Walker needs to sharpen his pencil and start cutting social programs that were added when times were good. Times are not good and Employee Walker expects the people of Alaska to reach down into their purses and wallets to start paying an income tax (theft). No state has ever taxed themselves out of debt. California is a prime example of what happens when state government employee unions extort money through “golden parachute” pension plans.

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