Millennials: Get out of your comfort zone to succeed



The majority of large companies in the United States are not owned and run by millennials, but they employ them.

As a millennial, I have worked for big companies in the past. Broadly speaking, it’s tough for millennials to be confined by a job description and show up for the 9-5 routine day after day. I empathize with both the employer and the employee on this.

There are entire job sectors in which our parents and grandparents were OK with working, but millennials, as a whole, are not.

Call them the F’s: Farming, Fishing, Factory work. Yes, these jobs still exist in the country; they are filled with people who have come here on work visas.

Here are three things to consider if you are a millennial and find yourself consistently trying to fit into a job, a company or way in life and find yourself unhappy with the fit: Time, Risk, and Expansion.

[Read the entire column at NewsMax]


  1. I didn’t think that class could hold down a job. Comprised of snowflakes mostly with a me attitude. The ones rioting and painting statues of George Washington.

  2. I think the biggest issue with many millennials is that they don’t want to ‘work for it’. It is ok for parents and ‘dinosaurs’ to work but not them. To them, the world is backwards. One should be born rich and use their life enjoying it, until death do they part. Work is for the saps that don’t know better or don’t have parents or other family members and/or government supporting them. ‘Work ethic’ is a foreign phrase. It boils down to mostly one thing. Spoil the children, at your peril. Seems like we don’t learn, either. The tendency to spoil the kids and the thought that one is giving them ‘better than we had’ is actually causing those youngsters to think they are entitled to all the fruits and joys of life, without working for them. Like most other dilemmas in life, by the time you figure them out, you don’t have the time left to ‘practice what you preach’. Maybe the ‘millennials’ will figure it all out on their own, but it doesn’t look that way.

    • I don’t think it’s about spoiling any one. It’s how they are raised is the issue. The fits thrown in the line at the store because they didn’t get their way or a toy. Then parents cave rather than teaching them from it. The kids that are given everything rather than taking leaves, shoveling snow or what ever they can do to make a buck. It’s about work ethics. Quality of work. Being satisfied with being told no. You don’t get everything you want. It’s about CC responsibility. Respecting life and the lives of others. Things this country fought for and was founded on. These are the things that have been lost or never taught. It’s what is wrong with our country and I won’t apologize to you John H slone or anyone else for voicing my opinion.

  3. They don’t want to work. They want everything given to them. We’d be all speaking German if it were up to them during WWII. Some go to college and get a lame degree like anthropology or some damned thing. For 2 years, I taught them how to build a house. Carpentry. A way they could support themselves and a family. I know of one boy that I truely reached. He was a natural.

    • Mr. Forkner makes good points. Young people today are severely distracted by texting, cellphones, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Netflix. Their level of attention spans only by minutes. Not good workers.

  4. Second, they have to get out of the house altogether. Third, get a job, Fourth, secure a home mortgage, Fifth, pay property taxes, Sixth, raise a family, Seventh, read the Classics, Eighth, take a course in Logic, Ninth, get off drugs, Tenth, start feeling happy. Now you have a Conservative.

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