Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah!


Wherever you are in the world, we at Must Read Alaska wish you a wonderful Christmas and Happy Hanukkah (Dec. 25-Jan. 2.)

We’re taking Dec. 25 off for faith, family, and friends and will be carrying a light schedule between now and Jan. 4.

Stay safe, stay frosty, and stay with Must Read Alaska through the new year!


  1. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year! With immense gratitude thank you for all you do. I hope you and yours will have a fulfilling 2025!

  2. Couldn’t help but notice who is spitting on Christians in Israel. Its not the muslims.
    There isn’t a “Christian” seat on the Israeli Supreme Court either.
    Israel is demanding the New Testament comes with an antisemitic warning, but promotes the Schofield Bible in America. (It was a re interpretation of the Bible written in the 1800s with the approval of rabbis).
    No mention of Christopher Columbus’s heritage, or who was >1% of America but over 40% of slave owners.
    No acknowledgement that the Talmud was written in the 400s AD as a response to the council of chancellor, and says Jesus burns in a pit of boiling excrement and Mary was a prostitute.
    Just a series of coincidences

    • There’s nothing like celebrating the birth of Jesus then doing so with a side of Jew hatred.

      And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
      And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
      Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
      Luke 2:12-14

      It’s about time that some folks get over the clearly antisemtic Jewish diecide position and understand what is meant by Christ dying for YOUR sins.

      Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah

      • I am pretty sure what he said was true. How is it antisemitic? Maybe not the best place for such a comment, but have we really come to the point where any speech that is controversial about Israel, even if true, is now considered antisemitic? It’s as if the word ‘antisemitic’ is a higher form of racism. What’s the difference between racism and antisemitism? It’s as if you disagree with Israel’s behavior in any way, you are disagreeing with God.

        • Kgak,

          Are you pretty sure or are you positive? There’s a big difference between the two.

          You ask some questions that require a knowledge base in order to understandthe answer, without knowing your knowledge base the answers can get extremely long winded.

          How is the belief in Jewish diecide antisemtic? Well, the belief blames all Jews (those who have died, those who are living, and those who are yet to be born) for the crucfiction of Jesus, the bible does not support this belief. There’s a lot that’s been written on the subject, here’s a quick link that provides some more indepth information for you ‘’

          As far as the difference between racism and antisemitism, there’s a lot to unpack here as well. For starters racism isn’t necessarily about hatred against a specific race, it is more about the belief that one race is innately superior to others and it can be against any race, but race is the defining component. The term antisemitism was created because it’s in its own class since racism doesn’t describe the hatred against Jews just merely for daring to exist, remember being Jewish is or can be a race, a religion, and/or an ethnicity. Being from Israel doesn’t necessarily make one Jewish, roughly 20-25% of Israel’s aren’t Jewish. Disagreeing with Israel isn’t automatically antisemtic. Frequently, not all the time but frequently, what happens is that people who disagree with Israel are in fact antisemtic and allow their hatred to shape their disagreement and they try to hide it by saying that any and all disagreement is treated as antisemitism when they fail to separate their hatred from any valid disagreement. An easy way to spot someone who is antisemitic is by reading what they write or listening to what they say, especially when they take the opportunity to disparage Jews at virtually any or every chance they get.

  3. I pray for everyone in this world to be saved and walk in harmony and peace with one another. It does not matter what your beliefs are or what religion you are. Jesus doesn’t look down at anyone. John 3:16. For God so loved the world that he gave his own begotten Son, whosoever believes in him shall be saved and have eternal life.
    Me and my wife pray for you all. Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed and happy New Year.

    • Thank you Dennis. I will pray for you as well as all on here. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all, and bid you farewell for a few months. It’s crappie season down here now and after that bass. We will be gone to our remote fish camp until the weather heats back up. Stay safe, play nice and don’t burn the place down while I’m gone. Take care.

  4. See, that’s for you to address: “pretty sure or positive.” What your statement shows is that you made a judgment on someone without looking to see if what he said was true or false. If it’s true, it is not antisemitic, which was my aim to point out. In my opinion, he did not show hatred for Jews in any way; that was simply inferred by you.

    I ask, have you read the Talmud or Tanakh?Both are very important to read. I spend a lot of time in conversations with people of all kinds in Israel. They are very divided themselves. Many jews believe it’s not their land, that they are still in exile. Moses Hess’s grandfather said, “We Jews, being in exile, have no right to plan for the future, as the Messiah may suddenly arrive.”

    In Great Britain, many believe the Balfour Declaration had no legal standing and was a huge mistake; some even compare it to slavery in America, their words, not mine. Many religious and legal scholars have written extensively on this.

    Why is this even relevant? Because part of the division of Jews in Israel, keeping in mind your definition, is that of Zionism, which relates to your definition of racism. Zionism is a supremacist ideology that most don’t agree with in Israel. Your words here: “Racism isn’t necessarily about hatred against a specific race; it is more about the belief that one race is innately superior to others.”

    Not all Jewish people are Zionist. Not all Zionists are Jewish. But all Zionists believe that gentiles, or goyim, are not only inferior to them but that the 10 Commandments are not for gentiles. We as gentiles are to follow the 7 Noahide Laws and we exist to serve them in this effort clearly, there’s far more to it than that do your own research. The two religions are not the same also i should make it clear that zionism has very little to do with Judaism.

    Personally, I hate no one by race or religion. I only disagree with certain ideologies, Zionism being just one of them. I find great joy in reading the Tanakh alongside the Bible.
    In my opinion, you misunderstand the connection between Zionism and communism.

    Read Moses Hess, he states, “It’s one thing to restore Judaism through unbiased historical criticism to its origins. It’s quite another to discard it and belittle it through indifference and imitation” was he being antisemitic?

    Karl Marx, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, or any of the hundreds of books written on this very subject.
    Speaking out about the behavior of Israel or the Jewish people does not mean you are antisemitic. That is a perversion of the very word itself, and insinuating that it is makes you no better than the racist you hate, my friend.

    In closing, let me ask: Was Winston Churchill being antisemitic when he wrote “Zionism versus Bolshevism”? I guess that’s for you to decide. antisemitism is a word used to quell free speech as it relates to the Jewish people, Israel and especially Zionism.

    • Kgak,
      As far as your nonsensical first paragraph goes, I did address your not being positive that what was said was true. You aren’t positive that what was said was true, I’m positive that at the very least some of what was said is demonstrably false. That leads us to what you said “If it’s true, it is not antisemitic” so then in your estimation does that mean if it’s false it is antisemtic?

  5. Kgak,
    It’s always telling when rants about Israel and Zionism devolve into the it’s not antisemitic to speak out about Israel, while not actually speaking out about Israel. It’s always telling when false protestations about calling antisemitism for what it is is then accused of shutting down free speech.

    If, and it’s not really an if, you chose to defend antisemitism bases upon the completely absurd notion that someone here is speaking out about Israel then please let me know exactly what a “Bible written in the 1800s” has to do with legitimate disagreements with Israel.
    Please let me know exactly what “Christopher Columbus’s heritage” has to do with legitimate disagreements with Israel. Please let me know exactly what “who was >1% of America but over 40% of slave owners” has to do with legitimate disagreements with Israel. Please let me know exactly what the “Talmud was written in the 400s AD” has to do with legitimate disagreements with Israel. But, as long as you are “pretty sure what he said was true” even though none of that has to do with the state of Israel or Zionism, not even your incorrect understanding of what Zionism is or that all Zionists are racists…it’s almost like you don’t even know what Zionism is.

    • It’s pretty clear that you just Googled “Did the Jews kill Jesus,” but CNN and Google can’t help you with that—or with understanding the meaning of Zionism—any more than Wikipedia helped Dan Fagan. Before the war began they were indeed spitting on Christians and virtually outlawing Christianity in Jerusalem, as sad as that sounds.

      But see, you’re accusing him of lying, so you bear the burden of proof befor calling him an anti-semite. Or you could just do what liberals often do: accuse him of being an anti-Semite to quash his speech. Yes, that’s what you’re doing, even if inadvertently, as a defensive mechanism. (Just to be clear, I’m referring to Jewish people, Israel, and Zionism.)

      Because it’s unpopular to you, it’s extremely clear that you’ve spent zero time in conversation with people from Israel. I don’t need to guess; it’s evident that you have no understanding of Zionism. This isn’t meant to be an insult—my aim isn’t to fight tit for tat.

      Israel, Judaism, Christianity, and Zionism have been a significant topics of deep study for many years. In America, it’s easier to insult Jesus than Israel. If and when you do, out comes the Christian Zionist in defense.

      Thanks for the conversation. I hope you don’t think me rude—that is not my intention. I would love to talk to you over the phone if you wish. less you think me racist or an anti-semite as well

      • Kgak,
        I note you’ve declined to answer any of my questions and instead resorted to unwarranted and unhelpful ad hominem personal attacks, it’s not the first time I’ve seen that and won’t be the last.

        It’s not my place to disprove every random person on the internet, in fact there is term for such things it’s called Brandolini’s law also known as The BS Asymmetry Principle. Brandolini’s law states that the amount of energy needed to refute BS is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.

        And now a display of Brandolini’s law in refuting your BS:

        I didn’t accuse anyone of lying, what I wrote is right up there^. There’s many reasons that what was written by “Noticing” is wrong, lying could certainly be one of them, igonrance is another, maybe what was written was simply written incorrectly or I misunderstood.

        I didn’t call anyone an antisemite, I clearly wrote about the antisemitic belief in Jewish diecide, what I wrote is right up there^.

        In no way have I tried to quash anyone’s freespeech, once again, what I wrote is right up there^. An understanding of what freedom of speech is and who and what can violate the principles associated with the right to freedom of speech would take far too long to get into here. Regardless of who and what can restrict freedom of speech, I actually invite conversation on the subject and welcome those who hold such views to share them so that the light of day can shine upon their hatred.

        Based upon previous posts from that commentator I’m more than “pretty sure” the reason for why the post was made, and since there’s been no response from that commentator all I can do is use past precedent to make an informed decision.

        And now that Brandolini’s law has once again proven true, this conversation hasn’t advanced at all Jeff.

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