Mayor of DC calls in National Guard ahead of Wednesday Electoral College protests


With a large influx of citizens expected in the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has called for the National Guard to arrive in advance.

Several Alaskans say they will be at the protest of Congress’ joint session to certify the Electoral College vote.

If you’re there, send your citizen journalist photos to [email protected]

Americans who believe the election was stolen through election fraud in key states are arriving in D.C. already, and some arrests have been made; at least one member of Proud Boys was arrested, ostensibly for burning a Black Lives Matter flag. A New Year’s Eve letter from Bowser to the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard asks for reinforcments.

During the Black Lives Matter riots over the summer, Bowser famously refused to call in the National Guard, while churches, monuments, and businesses were destroyed and vandalized by rioters, and members of Congress were physically attacked by rioters while walking in the nation’s capital. People were terrorized in their homes in neighborhoods, as BLM and Antifa rioters went from street to street.

In the years since Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory, Democrats have campaigned to dismantle the Electoral College system, which is in the Constitution, and move to a popular vote form of election. But since Biden has won the Electoral College, those calls for dismantling the system have disappeared. Now, Democrats are in the odd position of defending the system they have been trying to take apart.

A group of Republican senators say they’ll object on Wednesday during the joint session of Congress, but it would take nearly every Senate Republican to join the effort by Sen. Ted Cruz and several more to bring forth a special commission to audit the results.

Already Sen. Lisa Murkowski and several other Senators are on the record saying they will vote to certify the Electoral College. But the objection process will force a debate and delay the certification, which is normally just a formality. The House has a slim Democrat majority, under the gavel of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

As The Washington Post describes it, that will force lawmakers to “choose between honoring the choice of the voters or standing with Trump.”

As for Trump, he has refused to concede and has challenges still active in six states. Over 50 lawsuits over the election have been thrown out.

Meanwhile, the control of the Senate rests on two runoff races in Georgia, which will be decided today.


  1. The courts had said that burning the American Flag is protected by Freedom of Speech. No one is arrested for burning the American Flag. So why is a person burning a Black Lives Matter flag arrested was this person not exercising his Freedom of Speech.

  2. “some arrests have been made; at least one member of Proud Boys was arrested, ostensibly for burning a Black Lives Matter flag. A New Year’s Eve letter from Bowser to the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard asks for reinforcments.”

    Since when does a stupid Black Lives Matter flag matter if it is burned!? It’s NOT the American flag! Who cares! Now folks are going to jail over burning a domestic terrorists flag? That tells me more about what is going on than anything else. This election was stolen. Straight up. Voter fraud, mail in votes being tainted, more ballots than registered voters… The list goes on. There are some things that should have never been electronic. Voting is one of them. Yet here we are…paying the price of the inevitable.

  3. I support what these Senators are doing, not because I support Trump. I support them because otherwise these election trust issues will be swept under the rug with as much vigor as Trump was pursued on the Russian story. The attitude that, so what if there were election issues, it wouldn’t change the end result. I’m sorry, that does not wash.

  4. Why D.C. Mayor need the National Guard there, she already put into service ANTIFA and their sidekick swat team BLM hahahahaha

  5. After the first paragraph, the remainder of the article is fake, nothing-burger “news”. “Mayor takes steps to protect nation’s capitol and democracy itself from morons of all stripes by putting National Guard on alert”. That headline says all that is necessary. Morons come in all colors.

    • I would be fine with your response Murph, if the Bowser had treated the lefties that terrorized DC the same way – she told the National Guard to stand down when Antifa and BLM were rioting in DC. She is nothing but a hypocrite of the worst kind – another article I read somewhere said Bowser issued and executive order banning the carrying of firearms – totally unconstitutional. How do the lefties think the Proud Boys are going to defend themselves from the counter “protesters”. Call them what they are – Antifa and BLM are fascist thugs.

  6. I am sorry to say that this fraud of a election is not over turned there is going to be a new civil war. As citizens will feel their votes do not matter. Which we feel that way already. Mail in votes is evil. I do absentee but have to provide proof of who I am. Sorry but be prepared for more BS from the left. The elections in Georgia are close but are using the same machines which have reported problems early on.So tonight results could easily again be reversed. GOD save America from these evil people.

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