MatSu fundraiser for governor at Evangelo’s


Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s next campaign event is Dec. 29 at Evangelo’s, 2530 E Parks Hwy, Wasilla, Alaska 99654. Dunleavy is running for a second term.

Also running for governor is former Gov. Bill Walker and former Rep. Les Gara.


      • I agree, although to me that is far less of a civil rights issue and more likely to be sidelined by the cash addict legislooters. I think he has been trying on that.

      • Tough call, but this is a HUGE civil rights issue.
        Same with our three federal legislooters. We keep re-electing culls that cut our throats (Alaska and America). I’m willing to endure a little hell at this point to stop the flow of back stabbing RINOs. We voters are the problem.

  1. If you don’t want to support Dunleavy, look at the alternatives. Liberals! All it takes is for Alaska to get a Gavin Newsome or a Jay Inslee. We will all go down in the sinking ship, unless you’ve been to SF, Portland, or downtown Seattle and like what you see (and smell).

    • If he can’t stand up on issues of civil rights, he isn’t worth supporting. Endure some crap for a few years and try again with someone more like DeSantis or Abbott.

    • The article deliberately left out Chris Kurka, a far better candidate running to Dunleavy’s right. Why is Kurka being supressed?

    • If Dunleavy wants support, he should take positions and fight for them. Not hide or make appearances on the friendly Porcaro show.
      He’s failed in most things he’s tried, and we’re already well on our way to liberal hell with him as governor.
      Voting by fear is a terrible use of a vote.

  2. Matthew Myers: I truly do not mean to poke the bear here, but would civil rights include keeping the government out of a woman’s choice to have a baby or not?

    • Read the declaration of independence for once and answer your own question from the laid down law of America.

    • There is no right to abortion to be found in the Constitution. The decision from Roe v Wade was bad law just like the Dred Scott decision (Slaves in that decision also weren’t considered to be people and with rights.) (Also curious that the Demoncrat party was against the human having the rights in both cases.)
      I also think that an unborn baby being torn limb from limb with no anesthesia violates that tiny baby’s rights.

      • The constitution in fact does protect the unborn. Check the preamble . The constitution protects posterity which could easily be considered the unborn.

  3. Dunleavy needs to understand the basics of being a person in the public eye. His personal convictions about government intrusion is admirable in one sense only. But the way he has acted during his term of governor has been completely unacceptable, incompetent, and actually quite frankly wicked. His misunderstandings of what has been occurring to people from an aggressive, evil, power hungry side of government can only effectively be addressed from a protective side of government if there is such a thing. Dunleavy has not even considered his role as governor as an opportunity to protect the people whom he oversees. Instead he has not taken seriously the positions of power like Ann zinc who without a doubt has caused utter devastation in this state. Dunleavy in effect has been blinded and doesn’t seem to be able to see what is happening around him. Will he learn? I doubt it. I for one am not going to support him because he has a stubborn blind spot and doesn’t want to change it
    Kurka is a much better choice at this point

  4. There is no possible way Kurka will do anything but rob votes from Dunleavy and get gara the dip stick Marxist elected. Where is kurka going to raise $2 mill or more for this election. ?? Vote Dunleavy please people use you heads.

  5. Ok Matthew, what kind of “crap” do we deal with?? Defund the police? CRT? Open borders? Endless homeless encampments? Smash and grabs? Gang violence? Like I said, take a trip to Seattle and see if you like what you see and smell. BTW, if you get assaulted don’t bother calling 911 as no one will answer.

    • Not just serious annoyances from garbage policy, but violation of civil rights. Why is that so hard to understand?
      I have friends that have lost the jobs that they support households with over this sh$&. I have a son that studied hard, achieved, and must completely alter his future and have doors closed because he won’t allow the damned gubment to force him to take a dangerous and useless clot shot for a non dangerous flu that he already has (the best) natural immunity to.
      It is sick and wrong. A governor that won’t do everything he can to stop it is participating in the sickness and wrongness.

    • I have family in Seattle. They tell me they just elected a pro-police mayor and a Republican DA. Hopefully they can clean themselves up quickly

  6. The Kurka campaign is a tool of the left, whether they know it or not, but, it may actually help Dunleavy. I doubt Kurka breaks 7%, but he keeps a substantial challenger from entering on the right who could do some damage. Dunleavys current approval hovers around 58%. While that doesn’t translate directly into votes, it does correlate. He needs 50% +1 vote to win. That said, there is absolutely no path for a Kurka win, and votes in that direction won’t even amount to a “message” whatever that would be; it’s not even an effective “protest” vote. It’s a waste of a vote. Nothing more, nothing less.

  7. I have friends that have lost the jobs that they support households with over this sh$&. I have a son that studied hard, achieved, and must completely alter his future and have doors closed because he won’t allow the government to force him to take a dangerous and useless clot shot for a non dangerous flu that he already has (the best) natural immunity to.
    It is sick and wrong. A governor that won’t do everything he can to stop it is participating in the sickness and wrongness.
    Easy solution though. Dunleavy can protect Alaskan workers now and I will contribute and support him well.

  8. How many of your valley hosts been appointed disproportionately to boards and commissions? You ignore Anchorage except when you want our money and votes.

  9. Kurka for governor.
    I have watched him on gavel to gavel and followed him.
    True conservative.
    Why was he omitted Suzanne.

  10. Not a cent from me. He lost me when he caved on the Wasilla call and hid behind Ben Stevens.
    If that’s “standing tall”, God help us when he cowers.

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