Lt. Gov. Mallott presses ahead on climate change policy


Four of the policy working groups of the Climate Action Leadership Team (corresponding to policy statements in the governor’s draft climate policy) will meet via teleconference Monday, June 4, through Thursday, June 7, 2018. Anyone can listen in to the proceedings. The schedule of meetings:

Monday, June 4, 2-4 pm – Policy Statement #3, “Maximize carbon neutral growth in Alaska through a rapid transition to clean energy, electrification and energy efficiency”

Wednesday, June 6, 2-3 pm – Policy Statement #1, “Coordinate governance, data, and response and adaptation measures to support community risk and resilience planning.”

Wednesday, June 6, 3-4 pm– Policy Statement #2, “Invest in and encourage private sector growth of Alaska’s clean energy and green economy.”

Thursday, June 7, 2-3 pm  – Policy Statement #4, “Implement climate mitigation and adaptation actions using the best available science, economic and risk considerations, and Indigenous Knowledge.”

The teleconference number for every meeting is 1-800-315-6338; the access code is 29660.

Gov. Bill Walker established the Climate Change Working Group last year and hired an out-of-state climate change warrior to provide support to it. She earns $145,000 a year and last year commuted by jet from Seattle to Juneau and Anchorage, Alaska, at State expense, after signing on with the administration. She racked up over 11,000 airline miles in her commute during a three-month period.

The Governor’s Office has been paying for the airline tickets, cab rides, hotels, and other travel-related expenses for Cayenne “Nikoosh” Carlo, according to travel documents obtained through a public records request.

[Read more: Governor’s climate change adviser commuting from Seattle]


  1. Now. Now. If we can spend a half million dollars on Vitamin D research, and $4 million on Public Broadcasting then these boys can have their Climate Change Czarina. She is a much credentialed young woman with a resume hitting all the PC buttons. And as we all know, especially after Mike Dunleavy asked him in the Thursday AOGA forum, Bill Walker has put climate change ahead of the highest unemployment in the US, population loss as people leave for work elsewhere, highest rates of violent crime in the US, highest incidence of STDs, bottom of the pack standardized test performance in our school systems, and a myriad of other superlatives as the number one problem facing Alaska.

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