A diversity-equity-inclusion video from the Los Angeles Fire Department has surfaced, in which the deputy chief, an overweight woman, says if you need to be rescued, it’s your fault: You we’re “in the wrong place.”
Deputy Fire Chief Kristine Larson says the department priority is that residents in crisis are rescued by first responders that “look like” them.
“You want to see somebody that responds to your house, your emergency—whether it’s a medical call or a fire call—that looks like you,” Larson says.
“It gives that person a little bit more ease, knowing that somebody might understand their situation better,” Larson continues. “‘Is she strong enough to do this,'” Larson asked, rhetorically answering criticism she has heard. “Or ‘You couldn’t carry my husband out of a fire.’ Which my response is, ‘He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire.'”
In other failures of the Los Angeles emergency response, an official text message went out on Thursday to nearly all Los Angeles residents, telling them to evacuate immediately. The message was received by people in Long Beach to the south and Dodger Stadium neighborhood.
“This is an emergency message from the Los Angeles County Fire Department,” the notice read. “An EVACUATION WARNING has been issued in your area.”

The message was only intended for people near the Kenneth fire near Woodland Hills.
In a related breakthrough, the Kenneth fire is considered an arson incident and a homeless man has been taken into custody for intentionally starting the Kenneth fire.
Ah yes, Democrats demonstrating once again that they are wildly incompetent. In 1961 our family went through the Bel Air fire in Santa Monica. All of the conditions that caused that fire were present in 2025. Drought. Dry vegetation. A lack of fire resistivity in structures. Dry brush directly next to the homes. A lack of planning, etc.
Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it. Add into the mix the DEI crap, and you end up with more than 10,000 structures lost, dead and burned people, and billions in damages.
Of course the insurance companies are going to raise rates on those of us who don’t even live in the liberal fukwit- run states, just like we all now pay more for car insurance thanks to Biden allowing millions to invade our country. “Come on in”, said Biden. “Drive without insurance or a license.” “Kill and injure American citizens. I don’t give a rip.”
So now the Democrats have shxx their own bed. They’ve polluted the air and water. They’ve destroyed their own homes. Of course they’ll want the rest of us to pay for the damage their gross incompetence caused through state and federal dollars. They’ll add to the already ruinous debt they have created.
If there is any good news in all of this, maybe its that Newsom (gruesome Newsom) will now never be seen as a viable candidate for president.
Allstate and State farm cancelled most of Pacific Palisades policies last year. Many of those homes do not have any, or enough insurance. They cited in the cancellation letters to homeowners that the city was failing to mitigate fire risks, and had cancelled the removal of dry brush and other dead, flammable vegetation from the common areas as the letter stated.
Over the next few weeks and months we will hear city and fire officials taking about “strained budgets” and all the excuse making they can to save their political backsides and jobs. Be not fooled. Every crackpot self destructive social experiment like buying heroin addicts needles and “Booty Bumping” kits (available at your local homeless shelter) are FULLY funded while cutting back the fire department by $20 million for the fiscal year.
I bet this LGBTQ freak can’t do one push-up.
A 275 lb lesbian coming down the fire pole would-be scary. Really scary.
Now that’s funny – I don’t care who you are!!!
Ellen; your comment made me spit milk out my nose.. and I didn’t drink any milk!
Shibalnu; It is my understanding that insurance companies canceled policies over a year ago in California because of a severe cap on payouts – on top of California not doing ANY fire prevention.
You and all you trumpists should be more worried about the Loser/Criminal YOU Cowards voted into the WH !
SHUT THE HELL UP YOU and all the rich bucks that are crying the blues !
TRUTH : Mother Nature Burned down our homes . ! No man on earth could have done extinguised those fires .
Pacific Palicades , California
You seem nice./
Tamra, if Mike is really a resident of Pacific Palisades we should cut him some slack. I could not ever imagine the stress he is under.
Some rail against God, he rails against Trump and by extension his supporters.
My heart goes out to him!
I notice that they Misspelled Pacific Palisades, Probably not from there.
Just Saying
I noticed that too, hence my qualifier.
He is griping against rich people too. So he can’t be from Palisades. Starter homes there go for over 4 millions and most are in two digits.
Trump sure has nothing to do with LAs inept politicians and lame fire service. La owns this mess they are in.
Lame fire service? Explain
Did you watch the video of the lesbian “fire fighter”? She openly stated she did not want to do the job she is paid highly for.
Major case of TDS. Can’t see clearly through the rage.
All of the people in charge are incompetent DEI choices. This is a textbook example of the failures of wokism.
Scream at the sky much? You are commenting in a Alaska news source, kinda way off base. You should be angry at Californian politicians who put you in this position.
Mike, you and your fellow radical leftists got exactly what you deserved, because you got exactly what you voted for. Sympathy? For you I have none.
Amen Jefferson.
The egg’s on your face, because you Democrats wasted so much money cooking up false convictions with their TDS that they neglected their own home turfs.. and now YOUR pants are literally on fire.
You lack such self awareness that you think you can just use the label ‘criminal’, when the ‘crime’ was literally just giving $138,000 to Stormy Daniels. So if THAT is criminal, then what does that make Gavin Newsom cutting MILLIONS from fire department necessities?
Get out much?
Ma’am, I have a lot of pity for all those whose houses burned down, but for you and you only, you deserved it.
Who turned off the water to the hydrants in Altadena?
Governor Newsom destroyed the dams that held millions of gallons for wildfires. He claims he did it to save the Smelt fish.
There was poor forest management. That is something the indigenous people did for centuries…cleaning out the dry bush and doing prescribed burns.
You really should stay away from your keyboard if you can’t control yourself.
Hey Tz how about asphalt roofs, rubber liner roofs in a potential high fire area. Insane. Then add the lack of fire preparedness and guess what you get ???. Mike is a fraud more than likely. You want something f——- up call in the government. Our country is in a hell of a mess on every front.
Ah yes, like almost everything in the liberal mindset: must be Trump’s fault.
And yet, Trump didn’t prioritize trout over keeping fire hydrants supplied with water. Neither did Trump prioritize some sort of migratory mouse over cutting fire breaks.
And in fact, Mother Nature didn’t burn down all those houses. The Kenneth Fire was arson, caused by a homeless guy. But I’m sure that’s somehow Trump’s fault too… right?
I wonder just how many non-Trump California policies can be traced back as contributory to these fires. But you don’t want to hear that, do you?
You literally have an Assistant Chief on video blaming victims for “being in the wrong place”… and that’s somehow Trump’s fault?
Please re-examine your decision-making process
Hey Mike, sorry you and all your loser Marxist friends lost your mansions in the S. CA fires …..but remember, all of those exorbitant property taxes you effers have been paying for 30 years went down to a dribbling fire hydrant. Thank your dimwit governor, your zero wit mayor, and all of your woke CA bureaucrat idiots who ride the CA gravy train. Try a state where it either snows or rains every day. But stay the f*uck out of Alaska.
No worries Victor ALL Liberal WOKE CA’s with TDS are moving to Montana. FYI I was born raised in Ketchikan lived there for 42 yrs. KTN city, borough politicians are all WOKE too. Every Native corp in Alaska is also woke cause Biden regime flooded them with billions of our tax dollars. Walk into any Native corp, clinic and first thing you see is a giant pride flag.
Mother Nature burned down your homes? Ruightttttt. Your crappy leaders negligence helped. Quit screaming like a little kid.
Yes things will be better under Trump.
And you voted for your incompetent Mayor and Governor!
The outcome should not be surprising!
Your governor is the “pits” of a Governor, He creates THIS mess, due to his objections to doing the most needed work on keeping the forestry under brush cut down. He’s too worried about the so-called fish and other creatures, that God takes care of..NOT cutting the underbrush and keeping the forests trimmed is a bunch of “crap” Your Governor is responsible for this fire and he needs to “owen up” to it..
You’re just sore your boy got his clock cleaned.
Please go back to your moms basement where your safe place is that will help your stressed out feelings.
Hmmmm. A solid case of TDS here. What the heck does any politician other than the governor (Newscome) have to do with response to the fires. He can request federal help of course but he is the incident commander unless he delegates that position to a senior ranked firefighter.
Time for your Covid booster, “Kevin”.
Dear Mike: Please look up the word: “Relevant”.
How Trump got into this post ?
Hi Mike:
The issue is not the fire.
The issue is the individuals responsible for preventing the fire focused instead on DIE goals, not clearing dead brush, maintaining fire breaks, and ensuring the reservoirs were full (or at least operational) But, in your world, pointing that out is the problem, not the incompetence on the part of the fire chief and Mayor.
Seriously, step one in firefighting is to prevent the fire from starting in the first place. And, if it starts, to ensure it does not spread out of control. Two actions your fire chief failed to do because she was too busy ensuring unqualified people got the job.
And that’s just what Biden and Kamala have done for 4 yrs, blaming Trump even when he wasn’t around. Good try but to none effect. I know you can’t help it but you should take the blame for what is yours. Just ask those living and going through this terrible thing who is to blame but my guess is you won’t even except what they have to say. You won’t ask if they are Democrats doing the complaining because you are afraid of the truth. Remember Biden has been blaming everything going on for 4 yrs on Trump but you go nuts when the correct finger is pointing back at the liberal DEI as being to blame. No one else can carry that load but you and yours.
Well, whether he or Kamala wins the dem primary, either one will carry CA in the election, bet on it.
Burn, baby, burn. Disco Inferno. Damn best song from the late 70’s. Newsome’s theme song when he runs again. Oh yeah. That’ll get them elected.
The state of California gets what they voted for. Incompetent. Let’s put a bunch of fools in power and see what happens.
I just heard the state of California sent a big group of Idaho firefighters home because their trucks didn’t meet emission standards. This might or might not be true. There is absolutely no way this fire should have gotten to this size. Complete mismanagement.
Fire, earthquake, landslide, floods…if you got yourself into one these calamities it’s your fault. Remember, DEI=DIE
What about the people who didn’t vote for that, and they couldn’t afford to move…are you saying they deserved this?
I’m not saying that, the big she/he in the photo did. Juneau is run by Liberals who want to be like Seattle so I stock and plan accordingly.
You cannot afford to move out of CA?
No one cannot afford to move out of CA. It is one of the priciest places to live on the planet. Literally, 95% of the country is cheaper to live in.
More misandrist, low quality, low iq dei hires that should be nowhere near any responsibility.
Most of these sexually deviant people who openly and proudly proclaim their deviance are mentally ill. I am so grateful that we as a society are reorienting ourselves to a proper and true view of them.
Demonic possession is what I say. Once you open that door into your soul. Something foul moves in. Good luck because the world is full of the walking dead.
Having an obese female (?) who is playacting as a firefighter telling us that what we really want when our house is on fire is a team of people who look like us showing up has to be peak DEI insanity. When I was an active municipal firefighter what I wanted was a bunch of big, strong, alpha male types who could drag me out of a burning building if something went wrong responding with me. I didn’t want small or weak or fat people (male or female) because if someone can’t perform under the most adverse conditions they are a danger to themselves and everyone around them. And the people who rise into leadership positions should do so based on experience and merit…not because some HR bureaucrat decided to force a diversity based quota system on the fire department. I had the misfortune of working with female firefighters who were too weak to do the job. Their physical inability forced others to take up the slack, increasing the workload for their teammates and increasing the already significant risks involved with crawling into a burning structure with nothing more than your turnouts, air pack, hose and teammates to ensure that you came back out alive. Women don’t belong in the fire department and it’s not because they’re female…it’s because they lack the upper body strength to do the job. That’s just how it is so ask yourself, if you’re trapped in a burning building do you want a team of obese women showing up who’ll tell you that it’s your fault that you got yourself into that bad situation or do you want a bunch of big guys who will just charge right in there to rescue you because that’s their job?
Thanks Former Fire Fighter for stating the truth. I felt the same way when I was a police officer, I wanted my partner to be some huge dude who could kick some butt.
Exactly. Frankly I want the A team running police, fire and military. Not some fat —–
Fortunately, the Anchorage Fire Department has not fallen to this level.
Are you sure?
After seeing this RIDICULOUS statement, whoever promoted her should be doing a MAJOR forehead slap! If I need help, I’m not going to turn away a black male firefighter because he doesn’t look like me. Her even SAYING something so IGNORANT borders on racism, sexism, and gender discrimination. So she’s claiming that anyone not like me would be INFERIOR? All ANYBODY should care about is that someone has chosen to risk THEIR life to save YOURS!!!
Truly the land of fruits and nuts but I prefer the ones grown on bushes and trees.
How superficial and delusional can you get?
“You want people to show up who “look like you”? Huh?
Being trapped in a house on fire is an existential threat and not a single person cares what you look like. They only care that you can do your job well and get them to safety.
It also speaks of a callous and arrogant disregard for human life, as if the person to be rescued has to justify the effort or being worthy of rescue. Despicable!
Pretty sure she’s openly saying that POCs are, in fact, the racist ones
Exactly right, Taxpayer. When I was recently in a car wreck and trapped in my upside down vehicle, I was very glad the firefighters didn’t look like me, an old weak guy with medical issues. I wanted someone to get me out of there! Also, the sick person in the video also seems to make it plain that the effort she would put into rescuing a victim depends on whether they look like he/she/it/they/them.
Yeah I can’t find a defense or justification for this woman’s attitude expressed in the video. Completely inappropriate attitude for the fire/RESCUE service.
Can you define woman? I don’t think the person in the photo identifies as one.
Jim; let’s be nice to Bill when he agrees on something..
He’s almost there ..but he’s taking baby steps. We don’t want to push him away like the Democrats.
wow… Bill is actually right about something for once.
Thank you
Need a job, Larson? You’re in the wrong place.
Although there are examples aplenty of why, this example is enough to confirm that the “progressive” Left should no longer be part of the conversation. Any conversation. About anything. Ever.
Why does anyone care about the fires in LA to the elite Hollywood “extra” homes?! Nobody gave a rip when people were drowning in NC, or when FEMA was offering survivors $750 and taking up all the temporary housing to waste air instead of do their jobs. This is an argument between headlines of “freak of nature natural disasters” and “policies of the woke, Democratic, liberal establishment” and disgustingly, TERRIBLE journalism. There’s really nothing to see here that we haven’t already seen for years. A lie is a lie is a lie, even if it’s packed and wrapped in a colorful rainbow flag.
No I want to see someone with big muscles that is a world class sprinter if I need rescued. I keep wondering how all these out of shape people can stay in these critical rescue and police jobs. The navy seals and the airforce rescue guys have stringent physical requirements as well as mental. It used to be in this country we hired the best and brightest for critical jobs. We probably should get back to that and fast.
No one is too poor to move, they are too lazy or too stupid. Anyone living in that fire trap is just plain old everyday stupid. And now they are paying the “ Stupid Tax”.
If I’m on an emergency situation, the last person I want to show up to help is someone who looks like me – short, round, bordering on elderly. SMH.
smiling here…..who can argue with your comment 🙂
Lowering the bar to have different pools of people to respond is stupid. So when I call 911 I need to rattle off my color, race, sexual orientation, education level, political affiliation, hobbies and favorite sports team so they can Taylor a responder? The times I have called I never noticed what color or sex they were. They installed confidence in me by doing job. DEI run wild.
OMG This reprehensible FAIL.
Hey Mike! Have another shot, sounds like you need it, lol!
As for the fire, you put yourself in that situation not us “Trumpists”.
You got exactly what you voted for, Sucker. Now you get to live with it.
Democrat rule in action
I hope the catastrophic LA fires serve as a wakeup call to voters. Locally, it should get the attention of all of us, especially those that reside on Anchorage Hillside. Californians are suffering the tragic consequences of electing candidates based on their political affiliation, environmental, social issue beliefs like woke and DEI. Today, the governor of California and the mayor of LA are the two most maligned politicians in the state. When you see your home going up in flame, those issues are far from the top of your priority list. Signatures on recall petitions are skyrocketing. When a political candidate knocks on my door soliciting my vote, my first question will be: I want to know about your successful management experience.
I worked 36 years for a department adjacent to LAFD. Never once did someone refuse my service because I didn’t look like them.
In 2022, the Woke LA Fire Department Chief sent
helmets, gear, hoses and emergency firefighting
supplies to Ukraine.
In 2025, Los Angeles is burning to ashes in a raging
inferno with no firefighters or water
Ukraine will NOT be sending aide to LA.
@cavediver8385 . 52 min ago (edited)
Lesbians getting it done in the LAFD: $50B in
damages/losses and dead. Speaking as a former
5 shipboard Firefighter
Control Officer WOMEN DO NOT make good
LA reduced fire budget by 17+ million~ gave billions to homeless, DEI, and LGBQT~
You voted for it Mikie (Pacific Palisades, one of wealthiest subdivisions in America).
Now sleep in the bed you made~I hope Trump holds every dime until they figure out the corruption.
Relax Mike, it will only take 2 years to get a permit to rebuild. Piece of cake.
If I get caught in a fire, I hope a strong, young man comes to rescue me. I’d rather not have “someone who looks like me,” as in, “old and tired.”
This should be a wake up call. It’s not just about firefighters – this DEI infiltration is in every aspect of our lives. As a society, we have foolishly assumed that people were qualified for the roles they have been awarded – it is simply not true and hasn’t been for a long time. This is an intentional strategy to destroy our society and we have allowed it. While this may not seem like a big deal when it’s business leaders or other non-essential people (don’t get me wrong, it is a big deal when it happens at any level), it really starts to matter when you realize the surgeon who is about to cut you open may have gotten into medical school because of their skin color, not their aptitude or merit for medicine…or the pilot of your plane really only got their license because the airline has a diversity quota.
Start looking around and noticing companies and institutions that are bragging about diversity being their strength. Our hospitals, airlines, emergency services, universities, and so many other critical institutions are proudly waving this flag. It is past time to demand this ends and we demand MERIT and INTELLIGENCE for all areas of our lives. And don’t believe the nonsense that companies are suddenly seeing the light and getting rid of DEI – they already have infiltrated these organizations and the damage is all around us.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Seems like Deputy Fire Chief Kristine Larson might need to spend some time thinking about the content of her character and spend less time worrying about what people look like.
Deputy Fire Chief Kristine Larson says the department priority is that residents in crisis are rescued by first responders that “look like” them.
In that case, I better start working out, gain 50 pounds of muscle and get 5 inches taller.
The progressive Hollywood actress Rosie O’Donnell would no doubt appreciate being rescued by firefighter Kristen, who is ‘someone who looks like her.’ In this example, they are both fat, shrill, and stupid.
If your social media contacts and incoming texts politicize this natural disaster I’m sorry but your parents failed miserably. Start over, maybe actually read the bible.
Insurance markets don’t lie, areas with the greatest impacts from climate change have the highest premium rates. The scientists say putting carbon in the air accelerates climate change. The fossil fuel industry and their investors love DEI distractions and the morons who suck it up
Insurance companies also hire trained people to assess risk just the same as OSHA inspectors do when ever there is a death or injury in the work place.
The insurance companies decision was not phony rocket science but common sense evaluations of overcrowded housing on steep terrain with wooden power poles traversing dry brush covered hillsides that have been subject to powerful windy conditions that have been there for centuries.
The massive fire in Maui that cost many lives was all preventable with the same conditions.
Dry grass and brush under weak powerlines with no current interruptors in the event of a short and thousand year old winds created the perfect storm.
And again no water in the hydrants because of “diversion” to the farmers in the hills above the high population center.
Blame it on the moon if that fits you better.
“The scientists say putting carbon in the air accelerates climate change.”
What scientists? Show me a peer reviewed study by real scientists that proves your point.
Exxxon Mobil had this figured out in 1980. Anonymous trolls dont move my needle much
The scientists say… who cares.
Science is not in the position to say anything. Science is the very act of questioning everything.
At best science can provide a description based on the best available model. They cannot say anything definitively.
If you think the science is settled, you have no idea what science is.
“The scientists say putting carbon in the air accelerates climate change.”
That’s nice!
Scientists can say whatever they want. Unfortunately for them, what they lack is proof, hard reproducible facts. A consensus is not science. It is an opinion, a guess and stating it does not make its premise true or accurate. The climate community over the decades has had a hard time defining their basic concept why “climate change” is bad or really provided any proof that it is due to human activity. You have individuals proclaim science as the new enlightenment or religion, only to ignore the many warming and cooling cycles this rock has undergone in the billions of years it has circled the sun.
It is my believe that it is deliberately kept in nebulous parameters to make any actual measurable and observable fact fit into the model to continue to manipulate regulations and policy makers along with the public.
I thought you had to pass a fitness test to become a firefighter, you know running upstairs carrying a fire hose, carrying a 200lb dummy, busting down a door with an ax, etc…
There is no way this is lgbtqrstuv dei thing could do that, NO WAY!
All fire departments have separate criteria for women to qualify because they don’t have the upper body strength to pass the testing criteria. Since they don’t have the physical abilities to do the job, they end up in management which is even more frightening. It’s all around Alaska’s fire departments and has been at least since the mid-80’s when we decided to be more diverse.
The absolute irony here is Miss Larson peddling Diversity and Inclusion. Yet she promotes that any person should want only to be rescued by people, who look like themselves. She judges and then segregates into groups by outward criteria only. Sure does not sound very “inclusive or diverse”. Instead of seeing an individual, she sees an ideology (and I assume expects all to behave within those confines).
As for equity, that’s what you have after you paid your mortgage for 20 years. Equity for individuals does not exist, unless you live in an alternate universe where babies are hatched at a central facility. We are all different with a different set of circumstances, talents and life experiences.
Equality takes work on your part, equity is an excuse.
Spoken as a true delta smelt rescuer
More than ironic that LA wildfires cause an NFL game to be moved to a stadium in Arizona named after an insurance company that abandoned the LA market due to risk
Are you talking about the insurance companies that were forced out of the state by a politically driven insurance cap that made insuring people an impossible situation in a state that doesn’t understand basic fire management and is led by politicians who cut basic services, thus further increasing the risk, all while handing out free rides to illegal aliens?
I cannot believe what I am reading here. I didn’t think there were enough Americans left, 1) to vote in President Trump and 2) to stand up to the Debouched Insanity!
OK, this:
“You want to see somebody that responds to your house, your emergency—whether it’s a medical call or a fire call—that looks like you,” Larson says.
Let’s see. A racist statement from someone who is pretending to be open minded and tolerant? Wow, this is my surprised face: ?
Seriously, if you are not happy because the paramedic saving your life, or the firefighter extinguishing your house fire is not “like you.” you are the problem. You are the closed minded one.
No wonder woke equates to broke. They wokesters are not even woke enough to realize what a bunch of closed minded prejudiced individuals they are.
If less than 4% of the US population is homosexual or some variant… maybe 25% of that cohort is lesbian.
That would indicate that our morbidly obese fire lesbian is bad at math, too. She has a roughly 1% chance of arriving at a fire emergency and finding someone that looks like her. Or, at least she would if all lesbians were obese.
Fun fact: There is apparently a greater percentage of homosexuals in the District of Columbia than elsewhere in the US. Pederastic penetration and politics having long been known associates.
DEI hire “fire chief”- Like your taxpayer-funded paycheck? You better get out there and earn it!
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