The U.S. Department of Defense hid data, and military members suffered and lost their careers. The Defense Department knew that the military had reached herd immunity, yet it mandated unnecessary Covid vaccinations anyway.
The early Covid years were fraught with confusion and misinformation, which the government used to control the population. The mainstream media were accomplices in this fear mongering tactic.
This fear led to mandates, lockdowns, mandatory shots, and neighbor against neighbor. Vaccine mandates became the “norm” to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Defense research showed that the military had reached herd immunity in June of 2021, two months prior to the vaccine mandate. Why did the government push for the mandate and hide the information from the public?
Once the first Covid gene therapy shots (mRNA) became available, Dr. Anthoniy Fauci, then director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the president’s top Covid adviser, told us we needed to get 70 to 85% of the population vaccinated to gain herd immunity.
Herd immunity occurs when a certain percentage of the population is immune to a virus, develops resistance against that virus, the infection rate falls, and the amount of disease in the population decreases.
The first Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was given to the Pfizer vaccine in December, 2020.
Then Dr. Fauci stated we could achieve herd immunity against Covid by “the end of the second quarter 2021” once vaccines were widely distributed.
In August, 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III issued a memorandum that mandated COVID-19 jabs for all service members. This decision was made with “careful consultation” of medical experts, military leaders and with President Joe Biden’s support. DOD spokesperson John Kirby stated this mandatory compliance was “necessary to protect the health and readiness of the force”.
Despite available data that clearly demonstrated the military had already achieved herd immunity, the DOD hid that information and forced military members to take the jab or be discharged from service.
Over two years, 8,339 service members were discharged for failing to follow a “lawful” order because they refused to take the jab for religious/personal reasons.
The Pentagon had no choice but to repeal its Covid-19 vaccine mandate when that requirement was added to the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. In doing so, the Pentagon warned such action could put service members at risk of serious illness.
The bad outcomes that the Pentagon predicted did not occur.
The Gateway Pundit published an article in November on studies of military members early in the pandemic. According to a series of eight interim reports, “the Department of Defense (DOD) engaged in a longitudinal SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) seroprevalence study of 29,000 members of the U.S. military between May 2020 and June 2021. Active, Guard, and Reserve components were included in the study.”
To prevent these reports from being released outside the Defense Department, they were marked “For Official Use Only” or “Controlled Unclassified Information.” This would have prevented the reports from being subject to the FOIA act. These documents were provided by an unnamed military whistleblower.
The results of these studies showed in May and June of 2020, the seroprevalence rate was 2.88% but it rose dramatically in May and June of 2021, surpassing 70%. Seroprevalence is defined as “the percentage of a population who have the presence of neutralizing antibodies in their blood, showing they have been exposed to a virus or other infectious agent.”
In the same research population it was demonstrated that the neutralizing antibodies had also risen above 70%. Neutralizing antibodies defend the cell from pathogens or organisms that cause disease—say Covid-19. This production occurs whether through “vaccines” or from getting the infection.
In other words, as early as June 2021, the study verified from a sample across active duty members, reserves and guard that the military had met the definition of herd immunity established by Dr. Fauci.
The graph below shows how the changes in antibody levels occurred over time. Note that the overall percentage in June of 2021 was over 70%.

According to the dates in the reports, Army Col. Kevin Taylor, was the responsible point of contact for action around July of 2021. It is not known what he did with this information, nor is it known if Sec. Austin knew of this report prior to making the jab mandatory for all service members in August of 2021.
Apparently, this herd immunity information was hidden from everyone.
Based on the scientific data there was no need for military members who refused the shot to be discharged for refusal.
The military could have just given the jabs to those who wanted it and allowed those who did not want it for personal or religious reasons to remain in the military.
Fast forward to now. What we do know is herd immunity wasn’t going to happen to the extent Dr. Fauci and others stated. The virus is great at mutating, and it continues to do so causing an annual jab to now be the government solution.
Even though there is increased concern about its safety and that the newest jab “drastically reduced efficacy among a population with high immunity levels and rising costs.”
But Big Pharma really thinks you need to continue to “protect” yourself even if the latest version is not overly effective on the current mutant coronavirus.
The real questions are:
Why was this information withheld and marked as confidential to prevent its release?
Why was such a hard line taken when the data clearly demonstrated the military already had herd immunity without Covid jab mandates?
What purpose or whose agenda did it accomplish to hide the truth?
How many military members have been forced out or voluntarily separated when the mandate business started?
Do those members deserve to be reinstated with back pay?
Who should be held accountable for hiding the truth?
This mess could have been avoided if we had only followed the actual science, as Dr. Fauci repeatedly told us to do.
Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance/Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.
Old news. New topic please.
Injustice is never old news until those who have been wronged receive justice. And those who did the wrong deeds are punished.
Becoming ever so clear that we have another institution that’s infected with ‘wokeness’ and that Pete Hegseth will dutifully // deservedly clean it out. Hopefully, Lisa won’t embarrass herself (along with Alaskans) by not supporting Hegseth.
For your viewing interests:
… ‘https://tuckercarlson.com/thank-you-dr-fauci
Fauci should be in jail.
That goofy Austin and Fauci probably aren’t sleeping to well right now , knowing they could be hung for treason . Should be a public process with trials , evidence and sequence of events that are right out in the open for even dumbest idiot denier to see . It’s the only thing that stop what they’ve done . I would imagine that we are just seeing the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to government corruption to include our senators and congressmen . I can’t wait for the list of the crimes from the special fund that pays off all the criminal activities of these elitists in Congress . This is going to rock DC and the country to its core . It’s going to be made public . I bet they are shaking in their boots . Good riddance and it’s about time this stuff was exposed . It’s coming out like a tidal wave right now !
Once again, with millions dieing from covid complications, some are still monday morning quarterbacking. You follow orders in the military. It’s what you do. If not, people can and do die. Like to not follow orders, disobey orders, think on your own, maybe military service isn’t for you. If you contributed to any of this so called free thinker confusion, shame on you. I’d rather be a day late than a dollar short. Shame on you nurse.
Covid was a scam from day 1. I find it hard to believe there’s still adults out there believing the nonsense and propaganda. I still see people with a piece of cloth on their face (outside even) thinking this will somehow protect them from something.
Tell that to millions of dead people. But hey, you get your wish. Trump is pulling us out of the WHO.
That’s A great idea.the WHO is an agency of deadbeats. I had dealings with them in my old job. Not only did try try to stiff us on their service fees, they tried to dodge on th return shipping for the equipment. Thousands of dollars,worth of instruments. Back to the clinic it came from. FedEx,Overnight with Customs brokerage fee. Because of our special deal with FEdEx, it was less than it should have been. But they still tried to Welsh on it we had to hold the gear hostage till their DC bureaucrat could be located to authorize payment. It took me hours of calling to pin him down as I got shunted from receptionist to Assistant CLerk phone tag.
My sentiments exactly, Jim.
What was your rank in the military?
“You follow orders” coming from you???
Oh the irony.
I already said, I wasn’t in the military
So….. why then…
Post this trash??????
Nothing more than the funerals I attended.
During the lock down no one attended the FUNERALS liar! Merry Christmas !
We had them. You are misinformed. Merry Christmas.
Spare us the guilt trip Greg!
If one heard you pontificate, one would have to assume that if everyone had every shot and booster, wore a thin little piece of cloth on their face and stayed home and 6 feet from everyone, nobody would have ever died….that is outrageously preposterous and false. The facts are not in your favor!
You also seem to not get all bend out of shape about the funerals of 600,000 or so Americans, who die of heart disease every year, why is that? Are they not worthy of your compassion?
Here is a news flash:
Life is not fair!
While the point of our journey is not to arrive, we all will make that final drive eventually.
Anything can happen!
No surprise why, that’s for sure!
Wow. I’m afraid you are hopeless. Merry Christmas.
“We were just following orders” was the defense used by the SS, concentration camp guards and Wermacht officers for their conduct.
The same excuse was used by our top brass to conduct the disastrous evacuation from Kabul.
These and hundreds of other examples are documented.
What officers of character do when ordered to execute orders they know are illegal, immoral or just plain incompetent is to clearly state their objection(s). If their objections are overruled, they resign.
What is alarming is only 8,000 servicemen were sufficiently cogent in our entire military to refuse to be injected with toxins that are completely ineffective against “Covid-19”, but do permanently compromise immune systems.
And that military leadership is in such poor shape in our country. It would take generations to create a solid military from its’ current condition, if this critical problem is ever addressed.
Military members ONLY have to follow legal orders. Remember My Lai in Vietnam? The Uniform Code of Military Justice protects those who do not follow illegal orders. Military members do think on their own and still stay in the service. Do you know how many military members took the Covid shot and were injured. How many suffered myocarditis?
Correct. Legal.
Greg, “millions dying from covid complication”?
Do you have data to back that up?? I have my doubts.
Then there is the issue whether or not these “complications”(if they actually exist in the numbers you claim) are from Sars virus or from the mRNA shots.
The army had informational signage and pamphlets in many locations to compel young male service members suffering from certain symptoms(shortness of breath, heart palpitation, fatigue etc.) to report to their medical facility ASAP. It was an indirect admission that these shots had serious side effects.
Military service members are not drones. They are some of the most critical thinkers I have met, it is required to operate effectively on the battlefield. It is also established that service members follow lawful orders. I debate whether or not being ordered to be a guinea pig is a lawful order. We have many examples of abuses of service members for experimentation in the past and now especially in light of this report the motives for this mandate are even more questionable.
I personally know many people killed with/by it.
Here we go again, greg and his made up lies, he is a typical democrat!
Just make up some crazy gibberish, call it facts and be offended by anybody who does not agree with him!
We are all just visitors in gregs world!
I’m not offended at all. You are entitled to your opinion just like me
Merry Christmas
In other words Greg, you know nothing, but you think your personal opinion is the end-all-be-all truth. As an aside I doubt you “personally” know millions of people.
You are welcome to live in your alternate universe. I just wish you would not demand we live there too!
Nothing more than the funerals I attended.
Once again during the lock down you did not attend those funerals LIAR Merry Christmas Come to Jesus!
Again, you are wrong. We buried the warden of a prison down the road for one
Please ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins. I will pray for you. Merry Christmas ? ? ❤️
Your prayers to Beelzebub aren’t gonna help
Define “many”! Greg
I for one do not know a single individual, who died either from or with Covid. Anecdotal evidence, while interesting, is not proof or even a trend, let alone statistics.
Greg.. Why you have made your own opinion your idol is a mystery and to expect all to bow down is kinda sad. ?
Over my head.
Yes and God is also ! So take heed little man. Merry Christmas Repent will do you some good!
Disown Satan and ask Jesus to forgive your sins. Merry Christmas.
Remember, we are all just visitors in “gregs” world!
B4 flight.. I know you’re right. Thought I’d give a shot at calling out a dude that worships his own opinion.
I do have one. You penalize all who differ from your own? Merry Christmas. Go Chiefs!
Unlike you . Merry Christmas.
Lol.. Calm down Greg.. Merry Christmas 🙂
If you read the article , it clearly stated that they knew of herd immunity prior to mandating Covid shot . Did you miss that ? That’s the issue
Greg, you are only allowed to follow lawful orders. A great many officers defended themselves at Nuremburg with the refrain, “I was following orders.” Then, they were summarily hung for following unlawful orders.
Slowly, studies are emerging that mRNA technology isn’t good for humans as the mechanism used to do its job can’t be shut off after its intended use. With that, it will be recalled and deemed toxic. Say what you will but this whole charade was to enrich those, who spent 40 years of R&D of this technology, with their sought out ROI. It’s all about the Benjamin’s people.
Fighting germ warfare is a tough business but one worthy if we are to survive.
Daily exercise, proper diet, sufficient sleep, and a Vitamin D tablet is all you need.
Lol omg! Yeah that works against the cold.
Yes Greg OMG try it sometime! Merry Christmas
Every night. I will include you in my prayers. Merry Christmas
Of course they did. It might have distracted from the war on “white supremacy” and common sense.
Can’t have that.
Nobody should trust the government let alone in the military you join the military you’ve got a good chance of not living to see the end. As much as they abuse and use you who would want to volunteer to join the military. Chances are you’re gonna fight a battle some politician decided that we needed to be involved in
That’s the game.
OMG it’s not a game mister! Repent Repent !
It is written. We are pawns. Repent and you will be saved. Merry Christmas
There are evil people pulling the strings. They’ve been working to brainwash the sheeple for decades and most if not all bias and stubborn sheeple have there minds already made up and refuse to look at any factual info. I’ve found that there are very few uninformed that are willing to actually look at compelling evidence. I believe this is the main cause of the world’s predicament The small minority of people who do see what’s happening and care are making great effort to snap people out of there humdrum! Thanks to Susan and MRAK team for your diligence here in AK we actually have news.. not jus cBS
What will gold do in 3 years?
OMG if you only had a crystal ball…..I am sure it wouldn’t be for humanity’s sake! Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you too
Happily, we are about to find out who sat on the data. Courts Martial and civil lawsuits are in their future. No wonder they are after Hegseth. Cheers –
Worthwhile interview Tucker did with Jenner Furst about his new movie that exposes Anthony Fauci.
Many of us already knew his history with the AIDS virus which is why we questioned everything he was doing with Covid.
I think all service members that were forced to jab, forced to dishonorably discharge, forced to discharge because of vax injuries should be compensated for having to deal with this complete and utter failure! I’m honestly surprised we still have people willing to stay in our armed forces, and those that have left for the reasons listed above likely won’t ever go back.
I now believe what we are in fact dealing with is a bunch of grown a$$ pre school toddlers bullsh#!..
From the government left right actor infiltrators, state and city governed news media to the military.. these idiots are effin with everything! The real conspiracy is “a conspiracy of idiots!”
(Mainstream media fact checkers):
“ Well…. Fauci, Daszak, WHO, NIH, EcoHealth etc.. they said so. So don’t say nothin or else we’ll call you names (anti masker / anti vaxer / anti science /misinformation /conspiracy theorist /science racist) !!! ”
Fauci, Daszak, WHO, NIH, EcoHealth, The mainstream media fact checkers, even the Lancet was complicit. These people are supposed to be the pro’s.. and They’re the ones “actually” peddling the misinformation /anti science propaganda. For God sakes how the hell did this conspiracy of idiots happen!!! And God forbid anyone speak out against what ever “they” say..
(mainstream news and fact checkers): “You peasants.. how dare you speak against our gospel of scientism.. how dare you question the Archbishop of scientism Fauci.. you peasants.. you bigoted science racists.. how dare yooooou! “
The fact these people at all levels have weaseled their way into key positions where their words have weight is absolute insanity, it’s almost unbelievable!
End rant
It was absurd to force a mostly -healthy oung population to take an experimental pseudo vaccine for an illness that was not likely to kill them. This was a disease of the ill and/or elderly population in terms of mortality. Forcing soldiers to take it was more a litmus test of the willingness to blindly comply withorders. They wanted to force out the ones who might refuse to fire on their fellow Americans, if too to do so, without those annoying questions
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