Linda Boyle: Alaska has a statewide immunization five-year strategic plan. So, what is the plan?



In early December of 2024, the Alaska Department of Health held a meeting with its partners to formulate Alaska’s Statewide Immunization Coalition’s Strategic Plan for 2026-2030 

The coalition consists of “healthcare providers, tribal and regional health organizations, public health experts, state and local health departments, educational institutions, industry and corporate partners, and community advocates united by a common goal: to increase immunization rates and reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases across Alaska.”

In reviewing the updated plan, it looks like more of the same strategies with an increased focus on technology to track vaccine status and how to get the vaccine-hesitant to submit.  

I was surprised that the draft plan is mostly completed, but with no metrics.  What amazed me most was that much of the draft was done in a one-day strategy session before the mission, values, and vision were even defined. 

My 43-year experience writing strategic plans in both the Air Force and the Veterans Administration informs me that one must define the vision, mission and principles first.  

Without defining their vision, mission, and values, this committee was able to establish five priorities: 

  • Build Trust 
  • Vaccine Positive Environment for Clinical Staff 
  • Equitable Access  
  • Data Modernization 
  • Increasing Immunization Rates 

To build trust, the plan acknowledges there is a lot of vaccine hesitancy. The coalition plans to combat that by having community meetings, educating community leaders, conducting community listening sessions to understand vaccine concerns, and do more public service announcements on the ‘safety’ of vaccines. 

I would have thought they might have focused on why people don’t trust the government and the medical profession. It is  largely due to the Covid years, when mandates were pushed by agencies and officials who did not tell the whole truth. 

Telling the truth would be a good place to start. 

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci recognized these jab mandates “could increase vaccine hesitancy in the future,” according to Congressman Brad Wenstrup

Nowhere in the strategic plan draft do I see they want to give any credence to the ongoing concerns people have about vaccines.  But the state does want to track you. The state also wants the Department of Defense to provide vaccine information  on military members and their families to add into the state ‘’database.”  

To help clinicians get more children vaccinated, the plan states it will provide a list of resources to address vaccine hesitancy and “misformation.”  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be the source of these resources.  

To reduce vaccine hesitancy for children, this plan recommends that clinicians do not ask the parent(s) if vaccine is desired.  Instead, the clinicians are to assume the parents have already planned to have their children vaccinated.

In other words, don’t ask parents what they want to do about shots, just tell them these shots are needed today. As if that were the only choice.

An even more aggressive strategy is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.  It has developed a  “Refusal to Vaccinate template.” The parent must sign that s/he is not going to vaccinate the child against one or more of the “vaccines recommended” and has read the side-effects that could occur to the unvaccinated child. This is capped off with a warning that death could occur for most of the listed diseases.

This is probably the ultimate use of fear—a parent signing a death warrant for their child. 

Wouldn’t it be great if they did the same thing when telling you to vaccinate? Perhaps they could give you a form that delineates major side effects beyond a sore arm or fever or irritability.  

Maybe the provider could recommend spacing the shots out over a few weeks instead of giving all at the same time. This might be better for the child’s immune system. 

How about providing information to include giving a child seven vaccines on the same day may be deadly?  Here is information from the December’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data:  

1) 3-mo-old boy in Illinois vaccinated on Dec. 26, 2024 with three doses of seven vaccines died that day. The day after Christmas.

2) 2-mo-old boy in South Carolina vaccinated Nov. 25, 2024 with one dose of six vaccines died a week later, on Dec. 1.

I suspect they don’t want to share that information because the data are inconvenient truths that vaccines do present risks to include death.  

With informed consent, you can decide which risk is higher.  

Especially troubling to me is the push for mRNA jabs found in Covid Vaccines and the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine will be soon available. It is also an mRNA jab. The Covid jab is recommended by CDC for children six month to four years is three shots—one at six months, one at eight months and then a booster.  

Bear in mind to the best of my knowledge no child in Alaska has died from Covid.   

In December of 2024, “elected officials, organizations — including the World Council for Health and Door to Freedom — and hundreds of doctors and researchers sent a letter to the heads of state of 10 European countries calling for a suspension of the “modified mRNA vaccines,” citing serious health concerns associated with the shots.”

And then there is the Hepatitis B vaccine. The CDC pushes for the first shot to be given at birth.  

Why does an infant need a vaccine that protects it from a disease that is spread by risky behavior, semen and other body fluids?  Is an infant really at risk in a home with none of the risky behaviors identified?

The CDC states that no one wants to take the risk that the mother is not telling the truth about drug use or other risky behaviors.

Until 1991, the CDC  only recommended Hepatitis B vaccinations for those in a specific high risk group. Now every baby should be vaccinated to cover for the mothers who don’t want to tell you the truth.  

One more example is the chickenpox vaccine. CDC did a study that stated it helps prevent chickenpox, but it can lead to a worse case of shingles later.

Even more interesting is the United Kingdom’s stance on the chicken pox vaccine because of these facts. It does acknowledge it helps protect against chickenpox but only recommends it for “people in close contact with someone who has a higher risk of getting seriously ill from chicken pox.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in an interview with Real Clear Politics, also pointed out “the four companies that make vaccines in this country, Merck, Zinovy, Glaxo, and Pfizer, have paid over $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties over the past decade for lying to doctors, for falsifying science, for defrauding regulators.”  So, buyer beware.  

I am not an anti-vaxxer.  However, I believe you should have the whole truth before submitting your child to the 72 vaccines recommended for children in their formative years. 

Find a provider with whom you can have an honest discussion of the pros and cons to each vaccine so you can make an informed decision.

You need to be making the vaccine decisions for your child. Not the state nor the federal government.  

Your child’s life may literally depend on that.

Linda Boyle, RN, MSN, DM, was formerly the chief nurse for the 3rd Medical Group, JBER, and was the interim director of the Alaska VA. Most recently, she served as Director for Central Alabama VA Healthcare System. She is the director of the Alaska Covid Alliance/Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.  


  1. Nameless, faceless bureaucrats and their nameless and faceless industry sponsored advisors that mandate actions to be taken upon the public will ALWAYS lack the capacity to build trust. Ultimately, theirs is not a safe position to be maintaining, and one day they are apt to find that out the hard way.

  2. Questions(???):
    … Are these immunizations // vaccinations a mandate?
    … Can people ‘opt-out’ of these shots, without prejudice?
    … Are there any side effects // risks to taking these shots?
    … What is the legal recourse should something bad happen afterwards?
    … Whom within the health system is liable and/or indemnified?
    … Based on the C19 and Boosters Shots, what proof is there these shots are safe?
    … Why are newborns required to now take 30+ toxic immunizations when back in the day, 50 years ago, I only had to take less than 10?
    … Are these multiple immunizations causing the exponential rise in kids potentially developing debilitating chronic diseases and autism?
    … For those administrating these shots, are they abiding by their “Hippocratic Oath” fiduciary responsibility and obligations?

  3. I didn’t finish reading before recognizing the usual “no responsibility, no liability,
    No obligations” governmental mentality.

    Didn’t take any of the “Jabs” then and will not now or in the future.
    Put my faith in CBD before Covid during Covid and to date continue with CBD.
    But, that’s just me
    Cheers-Johnson- Ketchikan

  4. Educate the public ( parents ) honestly about benefits and side effects . Let parents make informed choices for their children & not blindly follow a dictated protocol. Education is always the answer .

  5. My body, my choice, anyone?

    It’s between me and my healthcare provider?

    Take your VacTrack, DHHS, and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

  6. “Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.” – Thomas Paine

    Any and every government should NEVER be trusted. That is THE foundation of LIBERTY. Maybe we should be thanking our politicians and administrative state for making it so easy for us to be reminded of that.

    “If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson

  7. 72 vaccines and not a single one of them necessary, truth be told. It’s probably wise to avoid some things like polio, but that’s mostly a non-issue since the disease barely exists. Chicken pox doesn’t kill kids, and can actually make their systems stronger. Etc. Since we never hear the other side of the argument, I expect it is like most progressive causes–all noise, no substance. As I recall, we used to need about 12 shots before school, over the first five years of life. After that, nearly nothing except the occasional tetanus shot. Are kids healthier now? Don’t beleve so.

  8. Babies can not replicate antibodies on their own until they are about a year old, vaccines under a year are pointless therefore, and dangerous, they get antibodies from their mothers milk.
    Pediatricians know this, however they also make most of their money from first year children.

  9. So my 94 year-old mother in law lives with us and my wife and I care for her. She had polio as a child, but thankfully recovered without long-term effects. To her, the polio vaccine was like a miracle from Heaven.

    When she hears all this anti-vax talk and sees it on the news, she just shakes her head, wondering how people can be so stupid.

    • Dog
      Did the polio ? save your mother in law or her immune system? I’ve seen articles from both sides on the polio vaccine and about the disease itself.
      Polio vaccine has been used as a reason that we should trust the covid shots and I don’t see polio and a virus being comparable.

    • Does your mother-in-law acknowledge the very real risks inherent in EVERY vaccine, and the very real deaths that each one has caused, some admittedly much more than others?

      You once again express a blind and religious faith in government that reality does not warrant. I will never understand the coward, the conformist and the quisling. And you, Whidbey the Cur, are all three of those, in spades.

      • Well, I’m pretty sure that most people would choose some risk of adverse reaction from a vaccine as opposed to permanent paralysis and life in an iron lung.

        With regard to other vaccines, a lot of people think not only about themselves, but consider the greater good of herd immunity as well as the extremely low risk of any adverse effects from them. If you avoided risk at that level, you’d never drive, fly, or cross the street.

        Anyways, glad to see you’re back Jeffy. Was your sentence up or was it early release?

    • Questioning the short- and long-term effects of what you put into your body is anything but stupid.
      Engaging in an individual health-based cost-benefit analysis of what you put into your body is anything but stupid.
      Pulling the curtain back to expose conflicts of interest, malfeasance, and even criminal activity associated with regulatory capture by industry is anything but stupid.

      Your chronically obtuse remarks however……

    • A blessing that mother-in-law is still with you, and a fair question.
      One who remembers mid twentieth-century polio epidemics, iron lungs, the miracle vaccines of Albert Sabin, and Jonas Salk, might justifiably think it supremely stupid to refuse polio vaccine.
      May we respectfully suggest to máthair chéile we don’t resist the miracles of Sabin and Salk. Back in the day when public health and public education meant something, we were taught how they work, shown that they did work, and shown what could, and did, happen if one wasn’t vaccinated.
      Well, forget Sabin and Salk, old news, no Billions in that, all dusty history, yes?
      No, it’s mRNA, all the rage now, everyone queueing up for doses of messenger ribonucleic acid, a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein.
      No clue how it works, mind you, but all sorts of NDA’s to immunize pharmaceutical companies, not customers… hardly confidence inspiring… no clear before-and-after history showing it cures (fill in the blank) like Sabin’s and Salk’s vaccines cured polio …with no lasting, unknown, unknowable, effects.
      Unknowable? Going all tin-hat? No… Does not “a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene” raise, for laypersons, more questions about long-term effects than it answers, especially because it lacks the stark, repeatable proof that accompanied Sabin-Salk?
      No right or wrong answers, but there lies the crux of the resistance …in our humble opinion, of course.

  10. The reason we have vaccine hesitancy is because our healthcare professionals proved that they were nothing more than whores of Big Pharma during the last rodeo!

    • I like cute nurses armed with needles.

      Come to think of it, unprotected sex, say a one-night stand, is an inoculation in a way, with every partner with which that person may have had sex, yet the relatively promiscuous population does understand that (micro)biology.

      [average number of lifetime sexual partners for U.S. men is reported to be around 7.2 to 14, depending on the study and methodology]

      So why the hesitancy? Ignorance perhaps, of real risk of behaviors? Come on, take some “poison”, probably won’t hurt. You won’t get herpes, or any number of diseases. In fact, young folks get some protection against HPV, and the relevant immunization can save them from cancers, that they can get from going “downtown” (which many youngsters think isn’t sex).

  11. Linda, How do we defund this planned propaganda so Alaskans have a better chance of hearing the truth and making truly informed choices? Is this State money? Or it is coming from the Feds and can Trump and RFK Jr as HHS Secretary defund this attempt to misinform citizens and harm more innocent children. Instead of this paln, every parent should be presented with the charts from the published paper of Paul Thomas MD that showed in an analysis of 15 yrs of his pediatric patients (ranging from unvaxxed, to partially to full vaxxed) that children with the least vaccines were the healthiest

    BTW, please everyone write or call our Senators that you want RFK Jr approved as Secretary of HHS.

    • I am not sure where Alaska gets its money, but I do believe a lot of it for immunizations comes from the Federal government. What I am hoping with Trump’s pick of RFK Jr as HSS Secretary and his other picks for CDC, FDA, and NIH that there will be more truth coming out concerning the good, bad and ugly re childhood vaccinations. With parents being given the information—all of the information which can occur with recommendations from this groups-the parent(s) can then make a determination of the risk versus benefits for their child. As for RFK, isn’t it interesting that after fighting to get red dye #3 out of our food, the FDA just decided that was a good idea. Hmm…..guess we should have gotten RFK at the helm sooner.

  12. Question I would ask health care providers that do vaccinations is…where is the information that shows the testing done on multiple vaccinations at the same time? There isn’t any. So then I would have them sign a piece of paper stating they do not know of any and that they take responsibility of any injuries to the child they are giving the multiple shots to. See how many sign.

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