Scott Kendall, the Anchorage-based election lawyer and architect of the current ranked-choice voting system in Alaska, regularly pummels conservatives with various claims that they are fascists, homophobes, or kooks.
This week’s target is none other than infomercial-famous businessman Mike Lindell, founder and president of MyPillow, the successful company that sells pillows, sheets, and even bedroom slippers.
Kendall, who is part of the Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Mary Peltola inner orbit of influential liberals in Alaska, says that the price on the pillow is, in fact, a secret Nazi code: $14.88.
That’s a code apparently everyone knows about.
To get to the number, he says, you add 14, which is shorthand for the “14 Words” slogan: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,” to the number 88, which stands for “Heil Hitler.”
Here’s what the architect of Alaska’s ranked-choice voting says in his own words:

The problem with Kendall’s Nazi pillow talk is that Lindell hawks different products every day, always with different price points and promo codes. These are just a few of the recent offers that Lindall has made on his company’s X social media page:

Using the logic of attorney and the scam ranked-choice ballot architect Kendall, you’ll want to grab up those Giza Dreams bed sheet sets for $29.99.
Why? According to, the number 2999 is an “angel number” that symbolizes the importance of humanitarianism, philanthropy, “lightworking,” and leadership in serving your soul mission. And don’t forget that promo code of R283. The year 283 AD was when St. Gaius began his reign as Catholic Pope. But in 283 BC, the canal from the Nile River to the Red Sea, which had been started but not completed by the Egyptian pharaoh Necho II, was made operational by Ptolemy II. That’s something to dream about.
Or if you’re feeling depressed, those Classic Collection pillows for $9.88 might just heal your soul. After all, by calling or texting 988, you’ll connect with mental health professionals with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Don’t forget to use that promo code of R277. In Numerology, 277 signifies duality and the importance of relationships in our lives. It embodies diplomacy, gentleness, and the ability to work harmoniously with others.
And who can resist that MyPillow deal for the $14.98 pillow with promo code R251. The year 1498 was when Christopher Columbus reached Trinidad and the northern coast of South America. As for the promo code’s auspicious number, 251 AD was the year of the Battle of Abrittus in the Balkans, won by the Goths against the Romans. That will give you so much to dream about, while Kendall is fighting imaginary Nazis.
For some conspiracy theorists on the left, it’s Lindell’s support for Donald Trump for president that has them triggered into full-time Nazi-hunting mode. Such are the times we live in. They are trying to crush his business with their attacks on him.
As for the number 88, it’s racist for Kendall to condemn the number since in Chinese culture it stands for fortune and good luck. Many prices in China end in the number 8, which is considered the luckiest of the numbers. That would not relate to MyPillow products, which are made in Minnesota at the rate of 25,000 pillows a day.
Kendall’s group, Alaskans for Better Elections, is currently spending over $7.8 million to convince voters to retain the system that has proven to help liberal candidates in Alaska. The question for voters in November is whether they will continue with the ranked-choice voting system or say “Yes” to Ballot Measure 2, which would repeal it.
On the Must Read Alaska Show this summer, in an interview linked below, Kendall said, “A big part of politics is theater.”
Scott is up to his eyeballs festering the front for Murkowski and Peltola. .
Please vote YES on Ballot Prop 2
Please vote Yes on Ballot Prop 2
All this politics is pushing the schizophrenia paranoia.
Stand for what you believe. Name calling is not “politics”. Politics is its own branch of philosophy. I will stand today for Prop.2 and fight to repeal Rank Choice Voting. I am fighting the dark money and corrupt philosophy supporting it. Education is a key to freedom. Might I suggest Phil Izon’s book Manufactured Majority?
Instead of calling people neo-nazi, nazi, facist, socialist or communist just use the one word that describes all of the above, collectivist. This serves a duel purpose as it prevents either side from changing the true meaning and distorting the fact that all of the above has the same negative outcome.
Assassination is always the tyrant’s tool of choice. And since you with there. Between 1488 and (666+666+666) = 509. And when Hell = 37, Paradise = 73.
Barack Hussein Obama = 163
Barack Hussein Obama II = 165
Barack Hussein Obama ii = 181
181+165+163 = 509
The 97th prime is 509. And day 97 is 4 7.
Beast = 47 and Forty seven = 149
Judas Iscariot = 149, Barry, born day 216, 149 days remain.
This is straight out of BlackRock’s manual on how to do it. Scott’s a member.
Barry was 37 in 666+666+666 Heil Satan, right Scott?
On this note David how about we look at who was on the federal trade commission during Clinton and Obama that let a business become so wealthy they are a danger to our country. Black rock $14 trillion and climbing. Any other company would have been broken up. More than likely Clinton s and Obama’s are slaves to larry fink.
And here I thought 88 stood for Heil Harris
Cool – I don’t know if my comments are ever posted but I like yours!
Scott had it as his “X” handle awhile back. As I recall something like knocking out Nazi’s every opportunity or something like that. So if you disagree with him you’re a Nazi. If you hold a strong opinion you’re a Nazi. There must be a lot of Nazi’s in his world.
We told you so. The catch word for the Harris campaign is “joy”. Ninety years ago the new political slogan in Germany was Strength Through Joy. The catch words never change because there is no way to propose the realities of communism with fact. The Harris campaign is using the exact same strategies and words given the people ninety years ago. Introduction to marxism, socialism and communism is structured and I can’t believe this generation has not been taught to recognize the propaganda!!!
China and Russia would never be so close to the Alaskan border when Ronald Reagan was President. He was our last Republican President and this is years in directing The United States of America into the New World Order that they want to instill by 2035. Your children, nieces and nephews will be subject to the “chip” – if you allow these Marxists into our Country. We do not want our States “Californicated”!!!! Where is Biden? Harris and Biden can sign a Bill right now to close our Border and stop sending 20,000 people to small towns. Socialism health care in Great Britain has not been improved in over thirty years. If you have Hep C they will deny you the CURE because it is a transferable disease and it is your fault that you contracted it.
Keep America a Sovereign Free Nation!!! Today’s democrats are marxist socialist and communist!!!
Wake up‼️
Wake up
I love the appropriate name “Alaskans for Better Elections” which is perfect for Murkowski, and the entire Uniparty. RCV is an important component and tool for a reliable system to rig elections, to insure voters “elect” the correct candidates. All while maintaing the critical pretense that the voting public remains vested in holding the actual power of self governance. The current election system serves the permanent government much “better” than the outdated constitutional concept of free and fair elections.
Oh, oh………I’d better put my pager out in the woodshed……….
Definitely don’t carry it in your front pocket Reggie.
Scott Kendall is employed by George Soros backed groups to defeat conservative candidates and to put crimps and roadblocks into all previously proven election processes and procedures that are fair, unbiased, and
constitutional. Kendall’s only aim is to weaken our country and make Alaska a Democrat stronghold. He succeeded with Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola in floating his garbage Rank Choice Voting. He failed in recalling Governor Dunleavy and he failed in getting Bill Walker re-elected. When he was Chief of Staff under Governor Walker, his job was to effectuate damage control on the matter of child perversion by the pedophile Lt. Governor Byron Mallott. His efforts were a mixed outcome. Walker withdrew in utter disgrace and Mallott slipped between the cracks because the ADN would not cover the story, while news about it was tractionable in the Lower 48. Kendall is a demogogue and a perveyor of Marxist-style government control over the commoners. He has a brother in law up in Fairbanks, Grier Hopkins, who is running for FNS Borough Mayor, a position that his father in law, Luke Hopkins once held. The elder Hopkins ruled the Fairbanks area through a heavy-handed government regulatory style. Kendall also has another family member, David Guttenberg, who is also up in Fairbanks, running for the Assembly.
Kendall is a pure trouble-maker and an impediment to fair and civil discourse. He operates in a very dark world, using his legal bonafides to disrupt Alaskans at every opportunity he can find. This individual is a scourge on Alaska and Alaskans.
He’s now up in Fairbanks organizing a bunch of loons and quacks to get out the vote for his brother Grier Hopkins for mayor.
1488 is an obvious dog whistle and acting ignorant about it doesn’t change the fact.
Just man up and say you agree with him hating minorities.
Obvious? What is obvious about it? In any telephone exchange, one phone number in 10,0000 is going to end with the last four digits 1-4-8-8. If you look around town you will find addresses with number 1488 in them, and US Mail zip codes 14880 thru 14889 are towns in New York State.
I guess “obviously” all these people are full blown, Hitler worshiping Nazis blowing very loud dog whistles. We better do something!!
And now a bedding salesman has priced an item at $14.88. Oh, yes, he has really put one over on the world, he has totally put minorities in their place by selecting that price.
C’mon man!
You really missed it. The point and fact are negated through generalization.
Kendall has lost his mind.
Doesn’t Kendall have to have a mind first before he can lose it? His mind is as scrambled as eggs.
Full of spider webs and creepy crawlers. His mind is like an old LSD trip that keeps playing the same delusions over and over. A complete psycho.
“ That’s a code apparently everyone knows about.”
White inadequate-ists are no less of a problem.
Sounds like libel to me
Still beating that dead horse there Chuck? Meanwhile your Masked Avenger kid is barking at the air… well I heard the reason why your kid quit is cause she got caught red handed …good thing that target is universal and doesn’t care about money or power…how’s that working out? Oh. Right. Everyone got their new houses… forgot…
Anyhoo hope they seize your assets too…bye bye
What are you talking about??? Have you been taking the brown acid?? “My masked avengerkid??” I have no “kids”” Kendall is saiiling mighty close to the wind of being sued for libel by publishing allegations of certain very unseemly associations, without evidence of the assertions’ veracity in anyplace other than his own imagination..
Scott Kendall is the literal “useful idiot” as espoused by Lenin.
Except he’s not an idiot. He’s a committed zealot.
He’s both… “Idiot” refers to being characterized by self-obsession – it has been corrupted in the modern language to infer lack of intelligence. He may be insane with leftism and a conniving zealot, and without doubt a blind narcissist – but I wouldn’t call him stupid…
Or, looking at it musically, the 88 may stand for HH, which is BB in Germany and Scandinavian musical scales, and represents the 2nd note of the scale…so it could be 22! Or not…
Really? This is crazy liberal conspiratorial talk.
Vote yes on 2! Early voting begins on Oct 21!
If you can hear the “racist dog whistle” that no one else can, that clearly means you’re a racist.
Pretty much defines dogwhistle.
Sounds like a classic case of projection.
Anything the Left is accusing you of, is EXACTLY what they themselves are doing….
Yes, please vote Yes on Prop 2. The dems and deep state have so many people confused over this. If I hadn’t researched this, I would be voting no.
This liberal is a marxist propagandist, he needs to roll over in bed and ask Nathan B to fact-check him on
I met a fellow believer in Fairbanks who wanted to talk to me about numerology and the Bible. As I was basically on my way out of town at the time, we never had that conversation. From all I’ve read, Douglas Adams was anything but a Christian. Still, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy refers to 42 as the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. The New Testament begins by describing the 42 generations preceding Jesus. Coincidence or conspiracy? You decide.
What a coincidence. On Kendall’s 1488th day of law school the topic was how to lose a libel case.
Well, at least he spent more time in law school that Lisa Murkowski. Murkowski couldn’t pass the Bar Exam until three additional years passed by. That would be close to 1488 days, or a little more.
Did a search on “price $14.88”. An HD Google Streaming Stick at Wal-Mart. Adorable new Squishmallows stuffed animals, also at Wal-Mart. Cuttwood Bird Brains E-liquid for vaping. Eagle Automatic Tape Dispenser on Amazon. Wine Stoppers, Stainless Steel, set of 2, on Amazon. Also a math example on, an education/study website asks: A case of items at Costco costs $14.88, what is the price per item?
Dirty neobolshevik lawyers crawl up to Alaska hoping to institute leftist policies. Kendall is the perfect example of such people. Alaska is definitely not the first state that’s had this problem. Conservatives in this situation are often at somewhat of a disadvantage. Leftists always crave control over others, and are willing to organize and work hard to achieve that control, by any means necessary, usually dishonest. Conservatives, for the most part, want only to be left alone, and often respond too late and without direction when they find themselves being controlled or stolen from. Sooner, better than later, organization needs to happen.
So here in Alaska the dems did everything they could to keep the prop OFF of the ballot so that it couldn’t be voted on. Has anyone seen what’s happening with RCV in Arizona? They’re trying to get RCV voted in!!!! In fact they didn’t get enough signatures to put it ON the ballot!!! But it was determined that the ballots were already printed and it would stay on the ballot!!! There’s something really, really big out there pushing this scandalous RCV!!!! I think it’s called Soros.
Scott Kendall is probably the worst thing to happen to Alaska – maybe second to Lisa Murkowski.
We can pray that God moves on him. Psalm 89:23.
John Coghill for Fairbanks Borough Mayor.
Nick Begich for Congress.
Let’s make Scott Kendall a three and four time loser.
Seriously? This is a stretch even for Scott…
It’s easy to see that Kendall is the kook.
Where is this army of neo-nazis that the left keeps referring to? Where are all the white nationalists (a cleverly contrived term to denigrate patriots by associating them with rascists)? That army only exists in the dreams of the woke.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..
It’s pretty clear by now that the MAGA right has embraced Nazism as a core part of their identity.
You seem nice.
You are so funny. And I do not mean humorous.
Anyone know where to locate a dunce cap, stool, and corner for this guy?
Yes, ask Mark Robinson
Scott my boy. You have the nerve to call conservatives kooks?
My brother, get a life.
Next we need a ban on RCV like several smart states.
We need party primaries back.
I wish Scott would pack up and head to Canada or another liberal bastion like all the Trump haters.
My truck and I stand ready to help move any liberal to their utopian paradise.
Still waiting to help Megan and crew or any Hollywood liberal to pack and GTFO of America.
We need more Motor City Madman and less liberal tears in America.
Scott take your spirit animal Christie C with you…Make America Great Again by finding a new country !!!!!
Kendall is wandering perilously close to Limbaugh’s old parody about Louis Farrakhan revolving around the Mother Ship and the number 19. Nice to see Kendall and Farrakhan traveling the same path. Cheers –
Nice work, Suzanne.
Has George Costanza been barred from the comments? Just asking for George…..
Funny folks, I’m a retired Alaska Correctional Officer. Yes, in our jails/prison we have the 1488 gang. Them be White Boys, Nazis, SS. FYI.
It’s a common prison tattoo among the Aryan Brotherhood set not just in Alaska, but all over the systems
It’s a common price at Walmart…. If you are ever in a Walmart, check it out. It will blow your mind.
So you believe anybody that uses that price on merchandise ever must be one of “them”?
Push any witch hunt hard enough, and you are assured to find a witch.
Funny stuff. Well played. And yes, Scott needs to get a grip.
And people believe the people behind ranked choice just want less division in the world… less hate… more nuanced understanding without having to put people into boxes.
Is that $14.88 before or after tax?
Please, Scott – move to that liberal stronghold called the State of California. They can always use another lawyer. Leave Alaskans alone. Oh, also you might be sued by Lindell, in fact you have left yourself wide open. Will Soros pay your fine?
This guy, like all the socialist imports, is a pox on our state. I believe people like Peltola, Constant, Murkowski, this idiot, Rivera and others went to a clinic to learn how to destroy our way of life.
And MRAK and most commenters find a “marxist” or “communist” being everyone that doesn’t agree with their worldview.
Concerning former Governor Bill Walker, His Lt. Gov Mallot brought in the Dominion machine that we are stuck with. Perhaps he was paid to do that….Keep praying. These leftists could not make it on a leverl playing field. Their virtue is lying, cheating, and destroying. Pray that their schemes will not work and that righteousness will win. If you follow Dan Bongino who has Rumble, he is telling everyone to vote early because something is planned for Election Day. Pray that whatever is planned gets interfered with….
Liberals don’t do conspiracy theories. That’s the exclusive realm of right wingers. Don’t believe me? Just read the comments on any article dealing with Covid here on MRAK.
Be sure to take your 8th or 9th covid shot before posting at MRAK. Then, go to your oncologist for a cancer screen. Good luck.
So… how do you explain Scott Kendall claiming the number 1488 is somehow makes one a Nazi? He is as liberal as it gets, and that is clearly some kind of conspiracy theory.
Abe Lincoln was influenced by Karl Marx in the 1850’s. Check Abe’s quotes in inaugural ” Labor takes precedence over capitol ,” search ‘red republicans’. Conspiracy Carl
ChuckD search “Karl Marx and the red Republicans” Mrak learns where Lisa M is
Mrak, check this reference- book “Red Republicans and Lincolns Marxists” that where Lisa M is from. ✓ that. Really
Scooter must also think people born on 1/4/88 should be locked up.
Suzanne, this is your funniest article yet.
This dude is as Anti American as they come and has absolutely no business in any political arena especially in Alaska. Why Senator Murkowski and Mary Peltola due to associating with people like this need to not Represent the Interest of Americans in Congress and definitely not Alaskans!
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